Working it out was Lizs job, we have had a couple of discussions on that since we got here, head for Nancy she said so after a few motorways hours I asked, what's in Nancy, dunno just a general direction, I need a reason to go there says I, what are all your research and notes about? So we get to Nancy yesterday and we have several places to visit which closed

Hard to work out what you've not seen yet and based on others ideas of what is good or not, not being very fit doesn't help, and I know if I get the scooter out she'll either walk miles in front then point at something and I have to belt after her, or she'll walk so sslloowwllyy that I have to keep stopping, an awkward personality would not surprise me.
This afto I got the laptop out and opened Autoroute so we plan a route so she starts farting about with a small scale fold up map and an atlas then complains she can't find the towns I'm talking about missing the point of Aroute totally even if it is 9 years out of date it has almost all the worlds towns on it and I can zoom to anywhere we want.