Trip to France

Unsure have the right bits of paper to go wandering around the EU only did Belgium by accident the first time then it seemed silly not to to come here, with only a crit air sticker.

Its about this time you realise there is so much to do and see. If you go to the Black Forest you may as well do Switzerland which is epic and if you go to Switzerland you may as well do the Italian lakes! Thats why our trips almost always ended up being five or even six months! Dont think you need any extra paper work though. Lots for you to see in France though.
Not sure what your source was ?
In general , travelling through villages and small towns these options are not available and the coffee is invariably bland .
Edinburgh has some exceptional coffee shops [try the Milkman in Cockburn street , also in Peebles] and perhaps I am spoiled

Can’t remember the source, but It was the result of a quick Google and the article was about ordering coffee in Paris, not France generally.

The aim of the game was to try and find the best way for Kev and Liz to order a milky coffee in French, which I think the article more or less covered and I highlighted the relevant bits. 🤷‍♀️

Not sure how having exceptional coffee shops in Edinburgh is any use to Kev when he’s over the other side of the Channel trying to find and order the nearest thing to a latte out in the sticks! 🤔😜😉
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Can’t remember the source, but It was the result of a quick Google and the article was about ordering coffee in Paris, not France generally.

The aim of the game was to try and find the best way for Kev and Liz to order a milky coffee in French, which I think the article more or less covered and I highlighted the relevant bits. 🤷‍♀️

Not sure how having exceptional coffee shops in Edinburgh is any use to Kev when he’s over the other side of the Channel trying to find and order the nearest thing to a latte out in the sticks! 🤔😜😉
Thought it was relevant that I was used to good coffee in Edinburgh which you don't, in general, get in France.
Mind you I don't take milk in anything!
I find the discussion on coffee amusing. The only good coffee is in France- un grand creme, the coffee in England is American style dishwater.
Hope you have a wonderful trip despite the coffee, I am heading over next week and am worrying about the heat!!
It most certainly is available as an app!
I have the the site on my phones homepage as an icon, but an actual app would be great, not seeming to find it for some reason.

can you post the google play icon, or a picture of the page
What I see.

Now you tell us :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Luxembourg tomorrow or Wednesday what chance a latte there?
If your going to Lux two good truck stops for you
Relais Saint-Christophe, Chau. de Bastogne 303, 6840 Neufchâteau, Belgium
Truck Center, Les Coeuvins, 6720 Habay, Belgium
there both just off of the E411 A4
The Truck center is the bigger of the two
I went into a bar in france once, i ask the barman had he frogs legs to which he replied yes, ok says i hop over the counter and pull me a pint. 😂
We're near Metz to a place that is free.

We tried 2 FREE AIRES near Metz (on the WC app) that were not in the least bit free, we need to get people doing a review especially when Diesel is at the price it is now, we don't want to be wasting any because some are too lazy to do a simple review, it was the same in Ireland and it miffs me greatly...
Montherme is a nice town on a river with aire ,cheap camp site and you should be able to get a good coffee there !
We were close to it earlier but Simon made us go to Petange in Luxembourg coz the Diesel is cheap there.

We did sort of get a Latte at a Mc Ds in Messancy on the way to Petange with the smallest cheese bu9on the face of the earth, if hadn't been for the relish, it would have been better eating the receipt, the coffee was like a very very weak cup of psuedo coffee, it was cheap though, €8 something.

€1.514 pl

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