To be fair they were second cheapest, nearly £300 cheaper than the next two.AIB have always been way more expensive than any other company in the last 3 years So didn’t even bother trying them last time.
AIB have always been way more expensive than any other company in the last 3 years So didn’t even bother trying them last time.
Would you cover a non UK resident that has a UK motorhome? I live in Australia (Australian drivers licence) and have a Hymer I use in the UK (and the EU) during summer. I've had insurance for 1 year with another company. Just being a non resident of the UK seems the hurdle for most companies (not sure why it should make a difference). I have asked this question by email, but been asked to phone. I would just like the main question answered before I phone at some weird hour of the night - I don't need a quite by email - just is my being non resident an automatic 'no'.
Yes it would surprise me if all brokers get the same commission packages, I saved a lot of money initially with aib so grateful of the initial transaction, I have referred one or two folk and they have been uncompetitive that I wouldn’t now, last time I asked for a quote to be frank found them indifferent and certainly don’t seem to want customer retention no attempt to tailor make an insurance which they seemed to in the early days that could be them as a broker or their panel of insurers being less flexibleAIB have Markerstudy on their panel as does everyone else it seems but they all quote different prices for, what I suppose, is the same product. I assume the premium depends on how much they want to take as commission. I didn't ask them for a quote this time as they were uncompetitive the last two years and they even lost my car policy this year as they were out by £40.
I think they gave 2 years NCD max if you transfer ?I was told there is no no claims discount by them