You want to try traveling with a dingo, never any problem with security :tongue:
You want to try traveling with a dingo, never any problem with security :tongue:
I dont think Jenny has any bother with security having Henry around.
Also I think Henry would eat a dingo and ask for seconds:lol-049:
Dear Rubbertramp, apart from selling my body (not as anybody would want it) how can I make £1000000 this week
Phil, you had better watch out that Tes doesn't read your post otherwise it may be?
Dear Rubbertramp, how do I get rid of a black eye and how can I pursuade my wife to give me nookie:lol-049::raofl::banana::wacko:
ok here goes been trying to post this most of the night (not through connection ptrblem or site issues) thanks RT for doing this thread it has helped made my day brighter than normal
thanks to the other posters as well made good day slightly brighter did try turning on the light but tha t led me to thinking am i turning on the light or am i switching off the darkness so is dark normal or is light normal same as chicken and egg
Dear Hippy
Your question is far too deep man! Try posing it in another way....maybe along the lines of "Would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar? And be better off than you are? Or would you rather be a chicken or an egg?
Edwina Currie once said "Most of the egg production in this country, sadly, is now affected with salmonella"....That's rich, I remember thinking at the time, coming from one whose surname is another bowel-busting foodstuff! A chap called Colonel Sanders was said to have had a divine revelation while fasting in the Nevada desert......":idea: Chicken!!" he is said to have exclaimed....Anyway it's very, very dark out now and my brain hurts but I promise I'll have a good think and get back to you if I can shed some light on your dilemma.
Phil, There were no sexually explicit images on that link that I could see....just pieces of plastic
Sorry but I thought we were all adults here, obviously not
it was a bit of fun!
Unlike some of the vitriol and threats of violence I have had to witness on some threads over the last two weeks. I would say that more damage was caused by those posts.
Dear Bopper
Rubbertramp is on holiday citing stress as a reason..
I hope you have recovered from your stress problem, I suspect dealing with the collective issues of miscreants here can provide a challenge.
But before you retire, I hope you can assist me as it seems I have a deep rooted problem and I dont know who to turn to.
You see my camper is infested with young ladies, I have a little Aussie minx by the name of Keelee ? no Kylie Minogue thats is pestering all the time.
I showered this morning because it is the last day of the month....Pulled back the curtain and there was Shirley Bassey singing something about a 'coldfinger'
All this I can cope with but apparently I have girls aloud around tonight for a spot of supper, So I decided to make time and prepare, Lo and behold open the cupboard draw and Amanda Holden is sat there smiling ............. I darent open the glove box what should I do ?
Posts have been deleted and members have been banned and others warned.
maybe Rubbertramp is on strike:sad:
*****;154410 Some of those women are a bit long in the tooth:scared::lol-053: Even our favourite Demi Moor is getting on a bit now:shag: I hope that Rubbertramp can sort you out[/QUOTE said:Tbh ***** I darent open the cutlery draw ...something tells me Demi ...or half a moor as I call her may well be lurking.
Girls aloud have arrived already ...sneaky shower :lol-053:...and leave em to it ..;i am off to a local hostelry to collect bones for Léon and to partake in their fair no doubt the resident Kylie will tell all in the morning
Its a hard life