Dear Rubbertramp

I am a motorhome dealer, is there any hope for me?:juggle:

Dear Jim
I believe that "ironing" is an activity performed by blacksmiths and other metalworkers to help them in their chosen occupation.
My opinion is that your partner is just making an empty threat. If I were you I would call her bluff. Being lazy, feckless and untrusworthy is what men do. It is completely normal behavior for our gender, just as ironing, hoovering, talking and shopping for shoes is completely normal for the female of the species and is to be expected. I have included a link which Jackie may find helpful to make her conventional lifestyle a bit more exiting.

Extreme Ironing - YouTube

Now I understand. My lass was going out beating metal and banging anvils and things and I hadn't noticed. My respect for her has gone through the roof. I wonder if she can do welding.......
Yes light hearted fun is.............GOOD

Threatening to kill each other..... BAD

Anyway KBB I know you can take it :)

yep, sure can, especially now we have Rubbertramp as our agony uncle, a shoulder an all that, lol:cry::banana:
credit to Rt , some very witty and clever responses to our collective gaggles questions.

If there is a thread that keeps you engaged on this forum this is it ...good humour, I havent laughed so much for ages.

Not a handbag in sight ............A good example of what we are about, not criticising others for what they find comfortable, Just lighthearted fun

Well done Rt your sense of humour is right up my street;...long may it continue

Btw did I share my problem with you re my time lol
I'd like to second that, Channa; today has been brilliant, and I haven't had a such a laugh for ages!! Rubbertramp, please give up plastering and take this Agony Aunt thing up for a living, you are FABULOUS at it!!

KP x x x
I'd like to second that, Channa; today has been brilliant, and I haven't had a such a laugh for ages!! Rubbertramp, please give up plastering and take this Agony Aunt thing up for a living, you are FABULOUS at it!!

KP x x x

And this is how the site should be, FUN, FUN, FUN, the majority of us have a great sense of humour and we should keep focused on that and enjoy what a great facilty Phil provides for us nutters :lol-053:
Could not agree more, just proves that heavy handed PC moderators are not needed like on another forum that I could name who have nothing better to do than interfere with members.

Mind you it is run purely for commercial purposes where everything costs money unlike WildCamping

Peter, I think that it served you well over the years and not really very nice to hear you knocking another forum. Both are good in their own ways.
Yes it is commercial, but you also are and here to promote your business. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Please lets not get into forum bashing, please

PLEEEEEEEASE, let's not get into bashing ANYTHING!! Today has been lovely, unlike other days, with peace and good humour prevailing! Keep up the good work!!
Having spent 25 years in the retail motor trade, I feel qualified to share my thoughts.

It is true that Peter possibly is using the site as a source of customers ...(I would )

But what you need to understand is a lot of folk in the industry arent bright enough to think outside the box....

He has instigated a discount for members here on accessories etc taking away the need to haggle unless one must Yorks a foregone conclusion

He has also contributed re problems with no resulting pounds in his pocket , Just good advice

Sadly , I dont have the dosh to change my motorhome but in respect of Peter , yes someone on face value I could do business with.

I have no connection with John Cross Motorhomes whatsoever in fact never dealt with them .....but I see a guy who seems professional and cares.

Having lead sales teams I assure you this is a rare commodity

Sorry Peter if you are blushing , and my intention is deffo not to blow wind where the sun doesnt shine ...but I think the site is a far better place with you here than without ....

ok here goes been trying to post this most of the night (not through connection ptrblem or site issues) thanks RT for doing this thread it has helped made my day brighter than normal

thanks to the other posters as well made good day slightly brighter did try turning on the light but tha t led me to thinking am i turning on the light or am i switching off the darkness so is dark normal or is light normal same as chicken and egg
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Peter, I think that it served you well over the years and better not to hear you knocking another forum. Both are good in their own ways.
Yes it is commercial, but you also are and here to promote your business. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Please lets not get into forum bashing, please

***** maybe I am naive ... I didnt see any other forum bashing ?

If there was no names ...?????? so I am going daft .

Just because Peter works for a company affiliated to our collective pastime surely doesnt render him unable to express an opinion ?? whether you I agree or not ?

I will share something, I hate censorship.

If the bloke has an agenda to attract business so what ? ....but I see nothing so far to render the fella some kind of lepper

I think you have just been served an ace.:cool1:

Thanks for the pm but I think you have worked out I treat people with respect until they cross me;; I dont do the ganging up gig ... I am really not interested in tit tat

I am a motorhome dealer, is there any hope for me?:juggle:


Dear Peter
Please don't despair. There comes a time in everyone's life where standing at the (Johns) cross roads (geddit?) and taking an alternative direction seems to be the way to go. These days "dealers" get nothing but a bad press. Phrases like "would you buy a used car off this man?", "AK-47....couple 'undred sovs to you guv!", and "ere, want some e's mate" just confirm to us what untrustworthy people they can be.
Now if you really want to reform your character but not your vocation I think you should consider a less harmful way of peddling your wares. A motorhome is a very dangerous and exciting toy to own. Let's face it, who can resist bombing down a country lane at 90 miles an hour with two tons of sheet metal and three week old turds behind them...I know I can't!
Why don't you open a sweet shop? Or one of those nice soft sofa warehouses with all the shouty people that you see on the telly every bank holiday weekend? At least you wouldn't be responsible for all those hundreds of injuries caused by motorhomes every year....and so what if a few little children lose their teeth at least they will grow new ones.
Good luck in your future venture Peter.....I'll have a quarter of Everton Mints please.
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement....I am thoroughly enjoying myself!.....And, if I didn't know some of you better I'd swear that you were making it all up!
Channa, you seem to want to make an issue of this.
I told you in a pm that post 49 was a dig at Facts
Although you did not know at the time it was and still is a dig and having a go at another forum.
In my opinion, others like you may disagree but not very profisional for a reputable dealer which I strongly believe Peter is, should be doing.
No matter how you gloss it up and no matter how many tip for tap posts you make it was and is still a dig.
Strange that you think this is crossing you and you imply retaliation, I don't seek that and certainly don't need it, I am not playing, so goodnight

make an issue issue of what ?

As you correctly state, I wasnt aware of a dig at Motorhomefacts ..

But seeing as I dont and never have frequented that forum I really dont give a monkies what people think or say about it savvy ?

In respect of Peters professionalism which you question I will let him answer; If he feels the need to which I doubt.

I never glossed anything you did I couldnt because I wasnt aware of the facts.

My reference to being crossed is quite simple, I show total respect for others until they are disrespectful and yes I can give it back ..;honesty not a threat ...

I am seriously at a loss as to why you found it necessary to PM when all is revealed in the open, Other than perhaps you have some kind of agenda going off which case elsewhere pal ...I really dont want to participate in pms ganging ups etc ... I DO NOT and WILL NOT be part of site politics and furthermore ...with respect I decide whom I have contact and banter with ..Savvy ?


back to topic please or the nasty admin will be sending people to the naughty corner for a time out, one minute for every year of their lives. ( my wife informs me this is the correct amount of time)

I'm only 21, will Mrs Phill come into the corner with me:lol-053: it gets mighty cold and I need to keep warm:fun::fun:

I am a nasty admin but I would never sentence anyone to 21 minutes alone with Tes, nope not that cruel

back to topic please or the nasty admin will be sending people to the naughty corner for a time out, one minute for every year of their lives. ( my wife informs me this is the correct amount of time)



I'm more than happy to loan Henry out to put with anyone in the naughty corner, think they will think twice about misbehaving dont you? lol and i'm sure Henry will have great fun

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