You say that but in your entire trip I never saw a single Aire or parking spot I Would have stayed at. Not so bad if you arrive late and move early like you seem to do but Im really fussy about where I park up and seldom stop for one night only. Even if you plan its not set in stone. Ill have a rough idea of where I am going and ill have a pre surveyed list of potential stopovers but it often changes. Dont sound like your experience of Aires has been a good one and thats either down to the fact that you took pot luck rather then do research and / or maybe some of the good ones have gone or got taken over. I don't mind paying for decent Aires either but free is always good.
Of course its a bit different for us as we tend to look for places away from the Honey pots usually out in the sticks. I dont need to be in a village or town as we use the bike. You know what they say. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!!
Or Prior planning prevents Piss Poor performance. (Six P's principle or summat).
You seemed to enjoy your trip though and thats all that matters!