Deleted member 72907
Excuse me 97% of scientists believe in global warming
Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.
taken from
Scientific Consensus - NASA Science
It’s important to remember that scientists always focus on the evidence, not on opinions. Scientific evidence continues to show that human activities (primarily the human burning of fossil fuels) have warmed Earth’s surface and its ocean basins, which in turn have continued to impact Earth’
Note this is from nasa from a country who no longer are signed up to the Paris accord.
I think that 97% headline figure is a little misleading. I don’t claim to be an expert or a mathematician but this is my take.
The 97% comes from by J. Cook. The salient quote is on page 6:-
"The number of papers rejecting AGW [Anthropogenic, or human-caused, Global Warming] is a miniscule proportion of the published research, with the percentage slightly decreasing over time. Among papers expressing a position on AGW, an overwhelming percentage (97.2% based on self-ratings, 97.1% based on abstract ratings) endorses the scientific consensus on AGW.”
If you stop reading there it all seems cut and dried BUT… if you dig a little deeper you can find how the number was arrived at. The key phrase is ‘among papers expressing a position’.
‘Following a similar methodology, C13 analysed the abstracts of 11 944 peer-reviewed papers published between 1991 and 2011 that matched the search terms 'global climate change' or 'global warming' in the ISI Web of Science search engine. Among the 4014 abstracts stating a position on human-caused global warming, 97.1% were judged as having implicitly or explicitly endorsed the consensus. In addition, the study authors were invited to rate their own papers, based on the contents of the full paper, not just the abstract. Amongst 1381 papers self-rated by their authors as stating a position on human-caused global warming, 97.2% endorsed the consensus.’
So the numbers are based on an original 11,944 peer-reviewed abstracts but of that number only 4014 ‘stated a position’ on AGW. Further, when the original authors were asked to rate their own papers only 1381 papers were rated as stating a position, of which 97.2% endorsed the consensus.
Working backwards from that we get 1342 papers (97.2% of 1381) endorsed the consensus of AGW.
Which means that of the original 11,944 papers only 1342 endorsed AGW - which is 11.24%. A good bit shy of 97%.
I am definitely not a climate-change denier but it does seem to me that the facts are being presented in such a way as to lead people to a certain conclusion.
I would be very happy if somebody would point out any errors in maths or logic I may have made - I’d hate to be one of the people adding to the mis-information!