French playing 90 day rule games.?

Surely nothing has been agreed yet so all this is just speculation. It'll be months yet before anything will be agreed and we'll be informed when we need to know. As for the 90 day rule who was fined this is like gassing thread a friend of a friend told someone he knows of someone !!!!!
As you say these facilities are available, but I'm not sure they are used, especially as we apparently have no knowledge of who enters the UK. The only thing the French police have checked on my return journey has been a swab check of the steering wheel for drugs or explosives, and I quite often went out in one vehicle and returned in another.
Surely nothing has been agreed yet so all this is just speculation. It'll be months yet before anything will be agreed and we'll be informed when we need to know. As for the 90 day rule who was fined this is like gassing thread a friend of a friend told someone he knows of someone !!!!!

As mentioned by John H the 90 day system has been in place for some time. The UK will simply drop into that third country category so no speculation at all. Unless of course we agree on freedom of movement or are somehow able to retain our EU Citizenship which entitles us to roam freely. The first is about as popular with Brexiteers as a fart in a spacesuit and the second extremely unlikely and I suspect even if the EU offer it this government would stick a spanner in the works anyway.

The supposed fines by Gendarmes before we have left I find very hard to believe. If true they were either con men or have acted illegally. However when I researched this way back in 2016 as it was something that concerned me very much I did indeed find first hand accounts of third country nationals being heavily fined and kicked out including one who was refused entry when he tried to return and one in the Netherlands that actually got locked up.
Passports are scanned now using their bar codes and almost certainly date-stamped.. The wonders of modern technology.
Ferry companies and the shuttle ask for passport numbers etc etc..Then there is ANPR !
Data Protection...My Rear End !
These facilities are available but I'm not sure if they are used. We apparently have no record of Europeans in the UK and the only check I've had from the French police is a swab rubbed on the steering wheel and ANPR doesn't work if you travel out in one vehicle and return in another, as I often did.
No but are the French any better? I've never seen a French policeman come out of their office in Calais or Folkestone and they don't have any presence in Portsmouth.
Probably not , but as said above passport scanned on entry to and exit from Schengen. More than 90 days ? get ready for sanctions. The only thing we need to know is when this starts and then we can plan accordingly
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This report from 2018 talks about a new Schengen entry system that is supposed to be coming online this year. Sounds like they are going to introduce Biometric ID methods for third country nationals entering the zone. Clearly they are taking it seriously.

There are little or no checks at our UK ports at the moment I presume because we are in the EU and have free movement. If there are customs checks for commercials and checks for every individual tourist WTF are the queues going to be like?
I hope this is the case John but maybe they say being in the EU shielded you from Schengen rules and now you are no longer in the EU you are so no longer shielded . Ferries and tunnel could be pretty busy on the 31st December 2020 ?
Being in the EU does not shield you from Schengen rules. Everybody visiting Schengen countries is subject to Schengen rules. Those rules allow unlimited stays if you are a member (the freedom of movement directive over-rules all else, despite what some posts above have said). Any new rules associated with a new situation (ie us being out) will apply from the date of the new rules but the more I think about it the more impossible it would be for the new rules to back-dated. If we are in the Single Market intil 31st December then we are in it and able to travel freely.
As you say these facilities are available, but I'm not sure they are used, especially as we apparently have no knowledge of who enters the UK. The only thing the French police have checked on my return journey has been a swab check of the steering wheel for drugs or explosives, and I quite often went out in one vehicle and returned in another.]/

Anyone who enters the UK or Schengen legally has their passport scanned. They know exactly how long you have been there.
Being in the EU does not shield you from Schengen rules. Everybody visiting Schengen countries is subject to Schengen rules. Those rules allow unlimited stays if you are a member (the freedom of movement directive over-rules all else, despite what some posts above have said). Any new rules associated with a new situation (ie us being out) will apply from the date of the new rules but the more I think about it the more impossible it would be for the new rules to back-dated. If we are in the Single Market intil 31st December then we are in it and able to travel freely.
Yes well we hope you are right but I guess we will just have to wait and see and hope the authorities issue clarification nearer the time
I agree with John , it would be highly unusual for new rules to be set retrospectively. After a date is set and arrangements finaliised I would expect the rules negotiated to apply.. as things stand we are still part of the eu so business as normal. As far as I can tell there are no immediate changes within the proposed transition period. Any concessions still need to be thrashed out
Are we sure the fine actually happened to British citizens?
I can't see any reports on t'web.
Saying 'someone' has been fined doesn't make it any more true than when people knew somebody who knew somebody whose friend had been gassed. There will be rumours everywhere while uncertainty prevails. Cause Boris will sort it :rolleyes:hmmm 'dead in a ditch' 'lying in front of bulldozers' I'm sure I could fill pages on what the Boris has promised. Lets see what he can actually deliver.
Unless it has happened to them then its just unproven hearsay.
An English couple got fined in our village because the had been living here for 5 months and not changed there cars reg over to Spanish
That's nothing new is it? Or have the Spanish been lenient in the past with vehicle documentation?
I thought visitors had 6 months before registration but residents only 30 days?
They'd have run into bother of one sort another anyway eventually with mot-insurance-tax running out.
It must be tempting to try it on with UK vehicle given the rigmarole and 'VAT' on value for import.
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An English couple got fined in our village because the had been living here for 5 months and not changed there cars reg over to Spanish
And so should any Brit in any EU country who take the pi55 out of the system, I did know of a couple or so cases when I lived in the Dordogne when the culprits were the kind of stupid idiots who didn't know that you never ever argue with a gendarme !
And so should any Brit in any EU country who take the pi55 out of the system, I did know of a couple or so cases when I lived in the Dordogne when the culprits were the kind of stupid idiots who didn't know that you never ever argue with a gendarme !
Except the one in "Allo Allo" anyway this thread is an interesting way of "pissing the time". Despite what I have posted as others have said. "wait and pee" Sorry see !
An English couple got fined in our village because the had been living here for 5 months and not changed there cars reg over to Spanish
Thats interesting Ken , I thought we had 6 months before vehicles needed to be re registered but guess you live and learn. Do you know if you can take a quick break in Portugal or France to reset the clock ?

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