French playing 90 day rule games.?

I don't think you can as Portugal is still the EU
Yes i understand you cant to get round Schengen but wondered if different rules apply re car reg . I had been told that if i stay in Spain for more than 3 months(again I thought it was 6 months!) I should be applying for residency even under current rules . My councillor wasnot sure if Leaving Spain even to another EU country reset that clock. He is due to check and come back to me
Yes i understand you cant to get round Schengen but wondered if different rules apply re car reg . I had been told that if i stay in Spain for more than 3 months(again I thought it was 6 months!) I should be applying for residency even under current rules . My councillor wasnot sure if Leaving Spain even to another EU country reset that clock. He is due to check and come back to me
Sorry if I miss lead any one the couple in my village have lived here 6 months and are getting there car registered on Tuesday but still got to pay the fine, what a joke it,s only 4 days overdue
Fair enough but I think there are many travelling vans that have traditionally visited Spain for periods of more than 6 months and the authorities have traditionally turned a blind eye . I guess British vans will be increasingly targeted as we move to exit EU and everything seems to be moving towards 3 month maximum visits
Further, perhaps they may also be relying on the NHS and an EHIC to look after them. Rather than making other arrangements such as joining the Spanish heathcare system. Since they have been there for over 6 months that would suggest that they are not "ordinarily resident" in the UK so would not.

Many many expats have discovered this only when they needed it and it wasn't there for them.

Really if you are going to move abroad, do your homework and follow the rules. Don't expect to just carry on regardless.
We are also planning to kick out EU people on a similar basis. Lots of French working in the city, and their employers, have made plans or already left. Polish workers too.
If you stay in the same place for more than 6 months you may expect local plod to notice.
In this case they knew they had to do it - just didn't.
Anyway this time next year it won't be an issue when we're on 90 day max trips!
Is there still a glimmer of hope?, again from the Schengen site.

We have developed this form, so you can check if you will need to apply for an ETIAS Authorization or a Schengen Visa before traveling to Schengen Area.

Select your citizenship*

×United Kingdom

You could potentially need ETIAS!
As of now, it is still unclear how traveling for Britons will be arranged in a post-****** Europe.
The UK and EU will be negotiating about the free movement of people, and there is a possibility that the outcome would be: ETIAS for UK citizens!
It’s ETIAS for all non-Schengen country citizens, I understand it’s a security thing that will be required irrespective of whether you come from a country that enjoys visa free travel or not.
It’s ETIAS for all non-Schengen country citizens, I understand it’s a security thing that will be required irrespective of whether you come from a country that enjoys visa free travel or not.

Yeah, I get that. The glimmer of hope is: "The UK and EU will be negotiating about the free movement of people",
Many Europeans whether ordinary people or minor/ major politicians and nearly all of the Eurocrats see ****** as being a nonsense a complete waste of time and effort etc.
I am not being political re the Vote in UK and the rights and wrongs.
But from a European perspective why should they do us any favours as "We have created the problem".
OK Spain may want to be more flexible (but then there is the long-running Gibraltar issue).
I cannot see France or others being influenced by Spain.
BTW Spain has 2 territories in Morocco ! So 2x Pots calling the kettle....

ROI is more interesting and given the wish to avoid a hard border with NI over 3 months in ROI may be easy BUT ROI is not Spain.

Wait and see rather than hope IMO.
As has been posted Many countries have a similar 3 month rule.
Fortunately for us and others Canada being Ex-commonwealth has a 180 day entitlement for UK passport holders
OK, here is some clear and factual info. about living in Spain, relevant until the end of this year:

No excuse for not knowing or following the rules, or thinking that you can just get away with it.

FWIW I have two relatives, one lives in Spain, the other in France, and have done for decades.

The Spanish one long ago decided to do the job properly and took out Spanish citizenship. He feels no connection to the UK, his life is there.

The other cousin likewise, not sure what her arrangements are but she's been there for over ten years, and soon to get married to her long-term French partner. I'm looking forward to the wedding, they do these things in great style, no fatuous religiosity involved. Unless you want that on the top, certainly they don't and I'm expecting a big party for a couple of days, in an idyllic location.

Quite how this will affect we roaming gypsies I don't know, but there are, and always have been rules and I do expect that they will become enforced more tightly in the future. And may change again.

No point moaning about it, what will be will be, just have to hope that Boris negotiates a compromise, though I don't think it is top of his priority list. Couldn't possibly do a worse job than his predecessor.

They like us and we like them and we like to do business with each other. Hopefully some sensible arrangements will emerge, now that we, the people have given him a clear unambiguous mandate, and he appears to have become a more serious person beneath his previous buffoon image. Well we can hope.

There is a year to sort this out, let's hope they crack on with it, watch this space.
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