Do you wave?

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We wave too!!!!!!!!!!

Glad we are not alone. We always wave and count how many we get back in return! Some other MH users do ignore us perhaps it's because we don't have a new van, just our lovely Oscar! :D
We've always tried to wave back to those that have waved to us in the past, but never actually initiated a wave.
Well, last weekend having read this thread, I waved at every m/h that drove past us and it was hilarious! Rarely did we get a relaxed wave from the driver, but in nearly all cases a frantic last second over -exaggerated wave from the passenger (driver's wife I guess.) This reminded us of our hurried responses over the years and kept us very amused for the whole journey. We will practice this sport from now on I feel!!
That may be your opinion but you said it was illegal - which it most definitely is not. Btw - no fluffy dice but my support for Fulham FC is displayed!!

Always wave, it's polite and if I break down they may stop and help me another time. Nothing lost ah? Happy camping , keep waving!
It is an automatic MOT failure to have anything obstructing the area swept by the windscreen wipers.

I found this out at my last MOT. My reversing camera monitor is dash mounted and is right over by the tray above the glovebox. A small corner is intruding into the swept area when viewed from the drivers seat. The MOT tester noticed this as he drove my van. He got out and explained this to me. He then asked if there were any items of mine that I would like to remove from the vehicle before he started the MOT. I got his drift and removed the camera monitor and laid it flat.

Until recently, I had my '' internal sticker in that area but luckily removed it (but that is another story). :sad:
we're wavers too, but since we got the new silver Transit Globecar no bugger seems to wave to us,it's dead weird, never mind :cool1:
I think there must be something in the type of motor homer you are.
Strange that everyone posting here seems to wave - and yes I do too.
I think that motor homing has grown so much in the last few years - now there are many that just use them for holidays - not for 'getting away', if you see the difference.
It used to be a relatively small community but now it's not the case.
Go on then tell us :)

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin (ah, Watch with Mother, happy days) :angel:

On 2 occasions, the wildcamping sticker has been noticed by local people (busybodies) and a mild argument has ensued about the rights and wrongs of wildcamping. A Northumberland busybody checks out this site for information because she got the web address from a m/home. It might have been mine but could have been from a number of vans as vans regularly overnight at her local area.

When there was a discussion about a new wildcamping sticker, I did mean to join in the debate and suggest a more discreet sticker, something about the size of a tax disc. The old style internal sticker I had (I still have one spare in the house) was over 16" long and nearly 4" high. It might have been a bit 'in your face' for some people.

BTW, I wave. :wave: (At bread vans, Black Marias, Horseboxes. :wacko:)

Should've gone to Specsavers. :eek:
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin (ah, Watch with Mother, happy days) :angel:

On 2 occasions, the wildcamping sticker has been noticed by local people (busybodies) and a mild argument has ensued about the rights and wrongs of wildcamping. A Northumberland busybody checks out this site for information because she got the web address from a m/home. It might have been mine but could have been from a number of vans as vans regularly overnight at her local area.

When there was a discussion about a new wildcamping sticker, I did mean to join in the debate and suggest a more discreet sticker, something about the size of a tax disc. The old style internal sticker I had (I still have one spare in the house) was over 16" long and nearly 4" high. It might have been a bit 'in your face' for some people.

BTW, I wave. :wave: (At bread vans, Black Marias, Horseboxes. :wacko:)

Should've gone to Specsavers. :eek:

Good point....

So a tax disc sized (maybe square) sticker...
I wave, but I'm reluctant to wave to those giant "Arm-&-a-leg", Giant, Gin Palaces on wheels, I like down to earth "build your own campervan" type of folks, I can't be doing with materialists.
just got i after doing 300 miles over the weekend waved at everything that looks motor caravan/ camper , and only had one wave back from a female passenger , looks like my selfbuild movano hasent erned its place to be waved at yet :sad:
Just been back to Scarborough to annoy the local Coucillors and on the way thought we would keep a tally. Overall you lot aren't so miserable, we reckon a 90% success rate with some really out there waves. The wife has smiled for around 80% of the weekend god bless you all.
I wave, but I'm reluctant to wave to those giant "Arm-&-a-leg", Giant, Gin Palaces on wheels, I like down to earth "build your own campervan" type of folks, I can't be doing with materialists.

We are a quite new MH but we still wave at anyone that looks like a MH or camper of any description. I wouldn't say we are a giant, only 7m long but we not a self build.
we are just not mechanically minded in any way so thought it best for us to buy purpose build, readymade, we are not snobs. Give us a wave or have a chat with us we are very friendly and won't bite.
We admire anyone who had the skill to self build, it's just we can't.
Are we not all out doing the same thing we all love?

Oh and thanks all for joining in on my thread, we are quite a friendly bunch arnt we. It's a pitty they arnt as wave happy in Norfolk where we are touring at the mo. Only had about 60% of my waves returned! Oh well, I'll keep on waving. :)

Wotever you drive, are we not just all out doing one thing we all love?
we're off on Friday driving down through France, Spain and Portugal - I wonder how many waves we'll get abroad?! We'll be waving away regardless!! Happy Dayz :wave:
just spent 4 days in scarbados, i got 99% wave factor, only 1 that dint wave and they were in a big posh thingy, and they looked posh, but all the waves i got were a mix of big, small, new and old MH's and campers

We have always waved, we started out with a homebuilt (by myself) Renault Master then moved on to 4 different coach built Motorhomes including a couple of brand new 56 and 07 plate ones. We are now back where we started through personal choice (well almost) with a professional campervan conversion on a Mercedes Sprinter. :) In our experience you're more likely to get a response or at least an acknowledgment whilst driving new coachbuilts than you are in older ones, and regrettably next to none in van conversions.

It is a shame there are so many class driven people out there these days :( ....I say leave them to it and carry on waving regardless! :goodluck:

Oh NO!!!!!! The Shame of it all !!!!!!!!!

Always inveterate 'wavers' - the Memsahib and I were halfway up the exit ramp of the Northbound M6 at J35 in our white VDub this evening when I caught sight of a Southbound Duetto (or some such similar) giving us the 'Full Monty' (.... or should that be the Full Wavy?). Whatever - by the time that I realised that Kindred Spirits had been duly disappointed by yet another 'blank' - they were gone from sight .... and probably muttering about 'stuck-up VDubbers'.

If YOU were Southbound on the M6 at J35 around 18:30 this evening, Sunday 10th, then PLEASE accept our apologies for my delayed reaction time? I put it down to age and alcohol!!


Ps. Just to try to make amends ... here's a belated one. :wave:
One of the first times we were out in our van - an ancient Winnebago - we were enthusiastically waved at by a family overtaking us in a Hymer. Being ignorant of the waving culture, we had no idea why they were waving, and in the end pulled over to check that there wasn't something terminally wrong with the van/a wheel had fallen off/we were on fire.

Next time we'll wave back! :dance: :wave:
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