Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin (ah, Watch with Mother, happy days) :angel:
On 2 occasions, the wildcamping sticker has been noticed by local people (busybodies) and a mild argument has ensued about the rights and wrongs of wildcamping. A Northumberland busybody checks out this site for information because she got the web address from a m/home. It might have been mine but could have been from a number of vans as vans regularly overnight at her local area.
When there was a discussion about a new wildcamping sticker, I did mean to join in the debate and suggest a more discreet sticker, something about the size of a tax disc. The old style internal sticker I had (I still have one spare in the house) was over 16" long and nearly 4" high. It might have been a bit 'in your face' for some people.
BTW, I wave. :wave: (At bread vans, Black Marias, Horseboxes. :wacko
Should've gone to Specsavers.