Do you wave?

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hi all
i to am a waver, but having just done 8 days on the road i have noticed not that every one is a waver
when i wave and do not get one back i just say to myself stuck up tosser, when i do get a wave back it makes me feel part of the clan.:wacko::wacko:
Wave if it's an autosleeper or if waved at and flash if it's an MG. :wave:
...and smile, it confuses people!
we're off this weekend for 2 weeks, I do wave but am going to make a point to wave at everyone, coachbuild, selfbuild and little n's and see wot response we get, should be interesting?
We shall be on Arnside Prom this weekend and, if someone shouts 'Wave', then I shall be doing the 100 Yard Sprint to the 'Albion' to get a quart of Wodka down my neck before the Tsunami hits!!!!

Hey all, me and my partner are new to motorhoming but we wave at others. So far had three perplexed looks and a positively grumpy response (that was from a very posh looking mh, we have an oldie).

But i like it when you get a response!
years ago i had a vw bettle and first time out i wondered what was wrong with my car as others were waving at me!! now it seems we're all to snobby to wave at other people who we dont know.

from now on i'll try to wave at other m.h.

thats strange coz the missus always waves at fire engines:raofl:
all new to this will be waving from now on in our self build

Yep we're in the wavers' club, we also count how many MHs we see in a day when we're out and about on our travels. The record so far is 182
Hymer non wavers

Hi I'm new to this but the first thing I read was that Hymer owners do not wave back, well as far as I am concerned I wave all the time even to v dubbers so don't tar all Hymer owners with the same brush.

We are new young (too young for a mh according to our friends) owners, we love our laika and experienced the wave last weekend on collection of the van from fellow MH drivers. We are bikers and have nodded, and will proudly wave From our MH too!!
Just got back from Wales and did a bit of a mental survey of wavers:idea-007:
I waved at all when and if it was safe to do so. The ones that waved back were mostly Bongos and older types or self builds. I found by far that the older scruffy, for want of a better word, vans were by far the friendliest. The Bongos were by far the daftest, (got a couiple of kisses thrown).
at the other end of the scale the most expensive and new vans seemed to be the Mrs Bucket types, with the odd exception of coarse.
I also found that when parking most were shy to start a conversation or introduce theirselves as indeed I am.:eek: which in itself is confirmation of a need for a wildcamp sticker. or even a card which can be given to people pointing them to this site.:idea-007:
happy hymers!

Hello - just for the record we drive a wee happy hymer and we always wave - we must not be part of this hymer clique thats mentioned.., maybe cos ours is old and dirty lol
At last. I can admit it!

AT last the door is open and i am free. No more hiding it from friends and family.I only did this before when in the van on my own. How would my wife react if she ever found out. If it went wrong where would i live?. How often would i see my children? Would i need therapy? What about work? Well..... on a recent trip with my wife to St Davids i decided enough was enough. I am what I am. As we approached Solva a van came towards us. It was a life changing moment. I nervouslly raised my hand and waved at the on coming camper. Not only did the driver of the camper return the wave but my wife waved also.finally,the sleepless nights have come to an end.I AM A WAVER AND SO IS MY WIFE!!!
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we dont wave now with not having the van now ,but we still talk to van owners when we see them parked up
When we first got the van we were really puzzled when people waved to us, we thought there was something wrong with the van! Soon got the hang of it and wave to anyone we see - I can't tell one type of van from another so can't be selective!! If we don't wave it will be because we're desperately trying to find the right turn-off, not because we're stuck-up, so please don't be cross! I think it's lovely when people are friendly and I always wonder if it's someone from this forum. I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgets and tries to wave when we're in the car.
Hi - I drive a Hymer - and I always wave - in fact I was driving though Wythenshawe this morning in the Car and waved to two MH, which they both gave a hesitant wave back, just to be polite.
Hi all, always wave to other C. & A. Class motorhomes and RVs. but find not all Van conversions/self built, & Vdubs wave back. Its just nice to be nice !
Hello - just for the record we drive a wee happy hymer and we always wave - we must not be part of this hymer clique thats mentioned.., maybe cos ours is old and dirty lol

at least it shows you get out and about instead of spending valuable time constantly washing and polishing!
I wave to but the other half always ask do you know her? never do you know him? That,s the Spanish for you. :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
My family and I, love waving at other m/h / Campers, my youngest Joe (20 months) thinks it is great fun. Good idea about the stickers, I tell loads of people about this site its GREAT:have fun:
one way wave!!

I will always wave when i am able to, but I drive a landrover which i use as a camper. Not very often do i get a returned wave:sad:
Never mind, I carry on in the knowledge that I have done my bit....

If you see a big black landrover that resembles something from Mad Max, with some idiot at the wheel waving, then please please wave back and make me a happy chap.

Happy summer traveling.
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