Do you wave?

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Ha HA my girlfriend waves and its quite funny when she does it at a policeman!!:fun:
Being Smart Car owners, we are used to waving so when we bought the motor home we were already accustomed and raring to go. We were advised that there is a very light hearted protocol though and it goes like this:

waving the rules :

RVs wave to RVs if you are not a RV you only wave if they wave 1st

A class wave to A class and all others but if you are not in a A class you only wave if they wave 1st

C class wave to C class but only if the owner of the larger/newer one waves 1st

panel vans wave th panel vans and all others if waved at 1st

no one waves to VWs as they only wave to each other :have fun:

Waving the Rules (A VDub Addendum);

Do NOT Wave in Public Picnic Areas - It attracts exhibitionists.

Do NOT wave at passing Police Cars - You WILL be breathalysed/Dope Tested.

Do NOT wave at passing pedestrians - You WILL be reported to the Authorities (see above).

DO wave at the Clouds/Trees/Animals - You are guaranteed to be given a wide berth and a subsequently peaceful night.

Do wave at other VDubs (and smile inwardly in the knowledge that it needn't cost the Earth to Wild Out).
Big ones picking on the little ones again.
I`m off now to the V Dub T4 forum.
Might take my caravan with me as well...
Love waving at all, big and small. It never fails to put a smile on my face when I get a wave back, even when its off of the white van man that I thought looked like another MHr. Hubby likes to do the 'hand' flick up from the steering wheel if he is driving.
There's extensive posts on UKCS about waving.
If I'm out with the Splitty then I wave at other VWs but then as I'm probably only doing 40mph or so I have time to think about it.
Otherwise, if I'm with the Laika, Mrs B will be snarling "don't ^&%$% wave" and when the poor souls coming the other way do wave, she'll launch into a torrent of abuse that would make a Docker blush
Some pne waved at me the other day when I was out with the Smart and, to my eternal shame, I waved back.
we wave as though we've not seen our best friends for years ! it's a game me n the mrs play when out on the motorways of the UK & Europe, waving with both hands and laughing like idiots to all that look our way, we laugh even more when we get no reaction.
Yep, Nearly always wave with one exception (sorry bambi & similar owners) to me there like reliant robins to car owners.
we wave as though we've not seen our best friends for years ! it's a game me n the mrs play when out on the motorways of the UK & Europe, waving with both hands and laughing like idiots to all that look our way, we laugh even more when we get no reaction.

yeah, we've done that, lol, also we have done really camp waves, ya know the one's lol, its all in good taste though lol
I don't bother waving as I've got a converted panel van. It hasn't go the obvious dormer of many coachbuilts, and the only thing from the front that makes it different to the usual white vans is the roof lights.

However, I am going to try waving and see how many people wave back. I bet it won't be many!
We wave and grin my wife has got a big white foam hand from footie match witch is on the dash and that never fails to get a response,

Relatively new to Mhing but I wave all the time but not getting a wave back most of the time Beginning to think that it is because I am LHD and waving is another urban mythe.
By the way it's a Hymer
Relatively new to Mhing but I wave all the time but not getting a wave back most of the time Beginning to think that it is because I am LHD and waving is another urban mythe.
By the way it's a Hymer

sorry but thats probably why, people have got fed up with no response from hymers then when they do actually wave its too late and youve passed, keep it up novice, you might start a new trend:wave:
OI YOU!!!!!

Us VDubbers will wave at anything resembling a fellow Wilder - but usually get a haughtily dismissive 'blank' from the 'Nouveau Riche' in their mobile 'Hotel Astorias'. That said; Trying to keep a VDub in a straight line demands 110% concentration as it is - so - if your wave goes unacknowleged, then just remember the wide-eyed, sinew-stiffened Driver and his equally terrified Navigator as you cross paths - and offer up a silent prayer that 'there but for the Grace of God....' hehehe


been there done that got the t shirt. I loved my veedubs, had some fantastic nights away in ours,unfortunatly i"ve got a bit older and a bit bigger and now need a bit more space, not quite a mobile astoria but getting there! From adriving point of view i thought they were brilliant once you got the hang of the gears, used to get at least fifty mph going downhill with a following wind.
Being Smart Car owners, we are used to waving so when we bought the motor home we were already accustomed and raring to go. We were advised that there is a very light hearted protocol though and it goes like this:

waving the rules :

RVs wave to RVs if you are not a RV you only wave if they wave 1st

A class wave to A class and all others but if you are not in a A class you only wave if they wave 1st

C class wave to C class but only if the owner of the larger/newer one waves 1st

panel vans wave th panel vans and all others if waved at 1st

no one waves to VWs as they only wave to each other :have fun:

sounds like a two ronnies sketch!
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