Justin and Jane
Ha HA my girlfriend waves and its quite funny when she does it at a policeman!!:fun:
Being Smart Car owners, we are used to waving so when we bought the motor home we were already accustomed and raring to go. We were advised that there is a very light hearted protocol though and it goes like this:
waving the rules :
RVs wave to RVs if you are not a RV you only wave if they wave 1st
A class wave to A class and all others but if you are not in a A class you only wave if they wave 1st
C class wave to C class but only if the owner of the larger/newer one waves 1st
panel vans wave th panel vans and all others if waved at 1st
no one waves to VWs as they only wave to each other :have fun:
Big ones picking on the little ones again.
I`m off now to the V Dub T4 forum.
Might take my caravan with me as well...
we wave as though we've not seen our best friends for years ! it's a game me n the mrs play when out on the motorways of the UK & Europe, waving with both hands and laughing like idiots to all that look our way, we laugh even more when we get no reaction.
I have a Hymer and I wave!
I have a Hymer and I wave!
Relatively new to Mhing but I wave all the time but not getting a wave back most of the time Beginning to think that it is because I am LHD and waving is another urban mythe.
By the way it's a Hymer
Do NOT wave at passing Police Cars...
OI YOU!!!!!
Us VDubbers will wave at anything resembling a fellow Wilder - but usually get a haughtily dismissive 'blank' from the 'Nouveau Riche' in their mobile 'Hotel Astorias'. That said; Trying to keep a VDub in a straight line demands 110% concentration as it is - so - if your wave goes unacknowleged, then just remember the wide-eyed, sinew-stiffened Driver and his equally terrified Navigator as you cross paths - and offer up a silent prayer that 'there but for the Grace of God....' et.al. hehehe
Ha HA my girlfriend waves and its quite funny when she does it at a policeman!!:fun:
Being Smart Car owners, we are used to waving so when we bought the motor home we were already accustomed and raring to go. We were advised that there is a very light hearted protocol though and it goes like this:
waving the rules :
RVs wave to RVs if you are not a RV you only wave if they wave 1st
A class wave to A class and all others but if you are not in a A class you only wave if they wave 1st
C class wave to C class but only if the owner of the larger/newer one waves 1st
panel vans wave th panel vans and all others if waved at 1st
no one waves to VWs as they only wave to each other :have fun: