Do you wave?

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i useally get halfway there and say i'm not waving again ferkem:scared: then the next one waves at us:wave::lol-053:
it's the vans that do less than 1500mls a year that you don't get a wave from you can see the drivers white knuckles gripping the wheel as they pass with the engine screaming for a gear change
New to motorhoming

New to motorhoming. Love the waving. Think its great when you get a wave back. Always feel daft when they dont wave, and I feel guilty if I miss one the other way and dont wave and they waved at us. It feels lovely to be part of a group. Getting the motorhome is the best thing we have ever done.
hi and welcome :dance: know what you mean about getting a motorhome and being able to leave southport must be great what a sh!t hole:lol-061::lol-049::lol-049:
Do wave at other VDubs (and smile inwardly in the knowledge that it needn't cost the Earth to Wild Out).

You are kidding of course!
Have you seen the price of a new VW Campervan lately?
Even the second hand ones are not cheap!
Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??

I'd like to wave :D, but have a feeling that those driving obvious camper vans would either laugh or look dumb struck if I did - I drive a Citroen Berlingo Multispace which I have turned into a simple but extremely comfy and cosy camper for me and my dog Maisy. It's not until you get up close that you would see that it is no longer a car, but by then it would be too late and I would just feel like a pillock! :eek: I've only ever come across one other like mine and think the chances of passing it again, in order to wave, being some what slim!!!

Would any of you lot wave back to me if I waved? If so, I may well start
i dont bother waving as never get waved back as i drive an old white transit van with windows and an awning on
but ive spoke to a few parked up in the past and they turn there noses up at me so i dont bother any more
i just park up and dont care what they think or say
i have as much right to be there as them
its as tho they think there better as they have a 40 k white motorhome
but there there for a free nights camping same as every 1 else
my 500 quid van is on the road most weekends and every thing i need and want is in there so it does me
im not the type to have all flash things and so on
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You are kidding of course!
Have you seen the price of a new VW Campervan lately?
Even the second hand ones are not cheap!

I have told the kids that the Memsahib and I intend to sell the house and retire to a life of bohemian debauchery ... Their inheritance when we've gone? The 'Dub of course!:lol-049:

i dont bother waving as never get waved back as i drive an old white transit van with windows and an awning on
but ive spoke to a few parked up in the past and they turn there noses up at me so i dont bother any more
i just park up and dont care what they think or say
i have as much right to be there as them
its as tho they think there better as they have a 40 k white motorhome
but there there for a free nights camping same as every 1 else
my 500 quid van is on the road most weekends and every thing i need and want is in there so it does me
im not the type to have all flash things and so on

perhps peeps dont know your a MH, as for parking up n peeps turning their noses up, our first MH was an old bedford, we went on a campsite in newquay, they stuck us right in the far corner, was glad actually cos the campers were all stuck up snobs with their million dollar outfits, dont appeal to me either, as long as your vehicle is legal and its got what you need and not what you want thats all that matters:wacko:

Jen xx
We wave at anything that looks like a camper/ motorhome cos we're friendly like that:wacko:. Have found that vdub types often don't wave back as they have their own clique. C'mon guys have a heart...just cos we're bigger than you doesn't mean we don't have feelings give us a wave!!:heart:
We do accept tho that it's unlikely to get a wave back on motorways and dual carriageways!
Sue :wave:
Driving my old Series 3 Landy I always waved at others, riding my Kawasaki I always nod at other bikers, now I've got the motorhome and the wife comes out. I waved at another van and, been a bit younger then me she called me a geek and started laughing. Now I do it all the time, great to see a smile on her little face for a change :lol-053:
I was driving in Birmingham today and noticed another auto-sleeper parked on the opposite side on the road, and we had a nice little wave.

Made me happy.....


We are wavers :drive:Thinking of getting one of those hands on springs you can suction stick to the windscreen:cool1:
many aircraft pilots cant see out of a window .its all done with navigation cameras and radar now in many cases . the pilot may not have a window to see out of.
the police have all sorts of sat navs and cameras in there windscreen so are they breaking the law aswell then
christ mate the od magic tree or similar hanging on mirror aint the end of the world
Am I expected to take this response seriously:lol-053:

Its NOT illegal to have something stuck to your windscreen PROVIDED its NOT blocking your ability/view to drive safely ie road tax, sat nav, club membership etc etc etc so I'll :wave:
I'd love to see that law. In the unlikely event that it exists then everyone is breaking it by having a tax disc on display. Since it is also illegal not to display the tax disc then by your reckoning it is illegal for anyone to drive any vehicle anywhere! By implication, any organisation that supports driving would be enticing people to break the law, so this site ought to be banned - I always thought there was something dodgy about it (or at least some members!). I propose we change the name of the site to wildwalking - that way we can all wave to each other without fear of arrest.
I'd love to see that law. In the unlikely event that it exists then everyone is breaking it by having a tax disc on display. Since it is also illegal not to display the tax disc then by your reckoning it is illegal for anyone to drive any vehicle anywhere! By implication, any organisation that supports driving would be enticing people to break the law, so this site ought to be banned - I always thought there was something dodgy about it (or at least some members!). I propose we change the name of the site to wildwalking - that way we can all wave to each other without fear of arrest.

Any strange men that start waving at me while I am out walking will get a fourpenny one. !!!

I have just done a 2000 mile round trip from the Outer Hebrides to the West Coast of England and back back through Wales and the Lakes waving at all large and small vans including motor homes and the only response was from pre 90s VWs so come on lets get waving :wave::wave::wave:- and as some would say "smile a while and give your face a rest" :lol-053::lol-053: so wave to a fellow traveler, you never know when you may need his help. :rolleyes2:

On a serious note: I hope you all enjoy you trips away this year and may they be trouble and stress free, drive safe and enjoy.
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