Do you wave?

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Like a dafty!

Yup, im a waver! back from a week touring the Hebridies and must admit dub owners usually wave to fellow dubs but i was so happy i waved at everyone, however some o the driving on the single track roads did bring out the urge to wave slightly alternatively!
Other Auto-Sleeper owners generally wave at us, but we frequently find the other non autosleeper owners who wave in a friendly manner are surprisingly owners of VW T25's & Bays, worst offenders for not waving are the bigger coachbuilts sadly including Auto-Sleepers :(

When we had a VW we were always waved at and waved back. Now we have a Renault Traffic, nobody waves, does this mean that in pecking order we are bottom of the MH chain?
Yup, im a waver! back from a week touring the Hebridies and must admit dub owners usually wave to fellow dubs but i was so happy i waved at everyone, however some o the driving on the single track roads did bring out the urge to wave slightly alternatively!

Hi Toxicturtle

Hope you enjoyed the Hebrides but sorry you had "the urge to wave slightly" alternatively! It not normally like that but I must admit we do drive a bit faster than you would expect on narrow roads but we are used to them and as long as we have enough room to wipe the dust off on both sides then there is enough room to pass.
no the locals

more alternative wavingwas usually reserved to the big wuffin motorhomes, usually hired with no inclination to stop at the passing points, did lose my wing mirror to a 4x4 heading to mallaig despite being stopped, his reply was didnt you se me (he stopped about 10 yards past). have to say we loved the islands so much (high light being meetin and talking to Dods McFarlane at Ness) we're going back in a couple of weeeks for another less whistle stop tour of lewis/harris. Looking forward to waking up next to the sea each morning.
ps is it ok to overnight near the standing stones?
more alternative wavingwas usually reserved to the big wuffin motorhomes, usually hired with no inclination to stop at the passing points, did lose my wing mirror to a 4x4 heading to mallaig despite being stopped, his reply was didnt you se me (he stopped about 10 yards past). have to say we loved the islands so much (high light being meetin and talking to Dods McFarlane at Ness) we're going back in a couple of weeeks for another less whistle stop tour of lewis/harris. Looking forward to waking up next to the sea each morning.
ps is it ok to overnight near the standing stones?

You will find a small patch of grass just past the Standing Stones car park on the left but remember your hand brake - unless you like a water bed! Joking aside it is a nice little spot.:wacko::wacko:
It tickles me......

:raofl: As we are so new to the whole campervan world we didn't have a clue about the wave culture amongst campervans and motorhomes........My hubby thinks I am crazy when I give a big over enthusiastic cheesy thumbs up to anyone and everyone and thinks its lovely when people wave if you see us out and about please give us a wave it really does make my day :wave::wave:
Im a Hymer owner and i wave:wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:
Waves from our Hymer

We are Hymer owners and I always wave, SWMBO less often and definitely not after being ignored more than a few times. Then I get comments like “Why do you bother?”

Regarding the type of MH affecting who waves back well over the years we have had several differing MHs. Our first two MH were Le’Sharos and nobody other than the same waved back at them. Following that we discovered that when we had the older “classic” S class Hymer we found that only quite new C or A class would wave back. We changed that Hymer for a James Cook high top and found that just about nobody waved at that, maybe most were thinking how unusual (how ugly!) is that and what the hell was it anyway. Also maybe as it was LHD people felt wrong waving to a foreign visitor? We changed back to another Hymer last summer and now find that almost every type other than van conversions will return our waves. We figure it is an inferiority thing and they just know their place (tongue is firmly in my cheek BTW PLEASE don’t take it too heart!!) Owners of really new BIG Hymers seem in a world of their own acting like we don’t exist though.

Incidentally when in France or Germany our experience is that almost everybody returns our waves whatever we have been in whether it is LHD or RHD, LHD of anything seems to really get less returned waves in UK. Also we find that most foreign registered MHs give us a wave here in UK.

Hymer owner from Scotland. Always wave. My first ever experience on a road was my motorbike which always did and always will get a wave from a fellow motorcyclist. My first car was a 1973 VW beetle with waves a plenty! I wave from my 20 year old Hymer. I assume if you don't wave back you've hired for a week or your ignorant.
Tried it but little response...

We've got a VW T5 conversion so nothing too snobby but we went for reliability as we're covering a lot of miles. When we got the van we waved at other campers and pretty well got totally ignored, especially by the bigger ones, but even transits etc were patchy in their response. So we got disillusioned and gave up - however we do get some waves from other VW T5's and T4's, but only usually the converted vans - Californias don't wave.

All we put it down to is that VW owners aren't liked - perhaps seen as pretend 'shoestring' campers by the biguns and seen as boy racers by the smaller vans (I'm 56 so no boy racer and don't have the music up too loud [except of course for Led Zep!]), so that's we gave up waving first. Don't think we've had one non VW camper wave first.

hey ho...

yes we are wavers-with or without the motorhome:wave::eek: still it makes people think "who is that" ?
we stopped waving, after a few noses turned up (mostly from big factory built jobbies, but not all, we drive a little old selfbuild, we're poor and proud of it:cool1:), used to laugh at em but thought can't be bothered anymore.
however when someone does wave it does raise a smile, and if caught quick enough always try to wave back.
Smart Car wavers

Yes I wave, I own a smart car and smart car owners are big wavers so I am quite used to it :)
I have to agree with Phil, my problem is when I'm driving the Smart I wave at Motorhomes and and the other way also. So I'm constantly waving, people think I'm mad :wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave
iam a elddis stratausse owner. and i always wave to other motor homes.
Love to wave!

We've been motorhoming for a year and love the waving! It's nice to be part of a community. We'll wave at any MH (and the odd van!) and haven't noticed a pattern to who waves back - or not. We also smile smugly to ourselves when we go past those poor lonely caravanners ;)
We've got a VW T5 conversion so nothing too snobby but we went for reliability as we're covering a lot of miles. When we got the van we waved at other campers and pretty well got totally ignored, especially by the bigger ones, but even transits etc were patchy in their response. So we got disillusioned and gave up - however we do get some waves from other VW T5's and T4's, but only usually the converted vans - Californias don't wave.

All we put it down to is that VW owners aren't liked - perhaps seen as pretend 'shoestring' campers by the biguns and seen as boy racers by the smaller vans (I'm 56 so no boy racer and don't have the music up too loud [except of course for Led Zep!]), so that's we gave up waving first. Don't think we've had one non VW camper wave first.

hey ho...

While out recently we waved at a few VW's and got no response from them! We even got a look of utter disgust from one driver! oh well, i'll keep on waving!:wave:
we wave

hi all we have a hobby750 and a vwt25 camper to run around in when were in the vdub other vdubs wave but its not the case for larger van for some unknown reason you can be in vdubers face at trafic lights and they wont wave:hammer::lol-061:

My name is Lynda
and I wave, I've been waving for a year now and can't stop.

We are getting ready to head off on our next trip and I have started my arm exercises ready for all the waving.

1 question do we wave on motorways or is waving across 3 lanes or more too much?
Happy waving x

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