Do you wave?

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Today north bound on M5 from Burnham and then west bound on M4 to Swansea we waved all the way It must be unhappy Sunday not many waved going other way. Have we got it wrong as we thought driving a motor home / camper was supposed to be fun.

Rob :wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:
Just out of curiosity would you guys recognise my converted Sprinter as a Motorhome.... Apparently the last umpteen or so motorhomes/campervans that I have waved at think 'not' .....Any suggestions how I can make it more recognisable???

Martyn :)

Just out of curiosity would you guys recognise my converted Sprinter as a Motorhome.... Apparently the last umpteen or so motorhomes/campervans that I have waved at think 'not' .....Any suggestions how I can make it more recognisable???

Martyn :)


HI, I would guess you were a MH if I saw you because of the decals on the front. I usually look for a tv aerial or awning on van conversions if they are plain white. I have waved to those i think are conversions but only had one wave back?
I was thinking of getting a big decal on the front of my van of a smiley waving, save my arm! lol

We wave -tho my kids think its a really random thing to do :wave:
My name is Lynda
and I wave, I've been waving for a year now and can't stop.

We are getting ready to head off on our next trip and I have started my arm exercises ready for all the waving.

1 question do we wave on motorways or is waving across 3 lanes or more too much?
Happy waving x


In our experience you don't tend to get many wavers on the motorway, I think its probably safer not to? unless its quiet?
Me, I wave at anyone. Vdub, motorhome, whitevanman.........

Note to self, get new glasses.:wacko:
Do you wave

My name is Lynda
and I wave, I've been waving for a year now and can't stop.

We are getting ready to head off on our next trip and I have started my arm exercises ready for all the waving.

1 question do we wave on motorways or is waving across 3 lanes or more too much?
Happy waving x


We wave but not on motorways or busy dual carriageways it's far too dangerous.
I say 'All strength to your WAVING hand' :wave:

'It's busy here-Festival Time Again-OH Joy!'
definite waver!

Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??

Just got back from a mad jaunt 350 miles ish - waved my little hand off to MH's over the two days & only got 4 acknowledgements!!!! all I add from Veedub's!! - one bay, one T4 and two T5's but no other MH's. I know we've got a retro T4 - but that shouldn't make any difference should it?? We're off again this evening for a couple of days, so if anyone spots us (we take some missing) dark blue with white high top - please give us a wave. We could end up anywhere - who knows where the road will take us.
My first trip out in my new (very old) motorhome, I was driving up the A417 at 06.30 when I was enthusiastically waved at by both driver and passenger of the oncoming MH. It really cheered me up no end! I was glad I was able to return the gesture and from that moment on became a waver :)

I soon learned who does and who doesn't wave back, as has already been discussed, but I'm happy to carry on waving.

I was never too sure of the overtaking wave rule, but as I'm the only occupant of mine I'm not in the best position to wave when overtaking. (It doesn't tend to happen much the other way as I don't get overtaken much. lol!)
Don't stereotype Hymer owners - we've got an old one - and we wave! I think the increase in rentals is having an effect. Too many van drivers are not really ' one of us' and don't know the etiquette.
:have fun:
I use it as a game see how many wave back at you, Never had a wave from those funny buggers from the eurozone. And think theres a bit of snobbery in it as well normally dont get a wave from those in the big fancy campers as I drive an ex ambulance befroe that a bedford bambi.

However I remember my first day of owning a camper, I was staying in Preston and went down to Milfordhaven to collect it. It was a LHD Bedford CF with Allrycat alloys and a BFO front spolier. First people I past on the motorway were waving like mad and wondered what it was all about. Soon learned though! Should have seen people's faces when they waved and the camper got closer jaws were dragging along the floor:D
Yes we wave. In France some French MH'ers don't wave back so we now wait to see if they wave to us first.:wave:
Persevered with several miles of demented waving on Sunday ...

[memo to self: Remember to close the windows when parked up and get another can of Fly Spray].

My first trip out in my new (very old) motorhome, I was driving up the A417 at 06.30 when I was enthusiastically waved at by both driver and passenger of the oncoming MH. It really cheered me up no end! I was glad I was able to return the gesture and from that moment on became a waver :)

I soon learned who does and who doesn't wave back, as has already been discussed, but I'm happy to carry on waving.

I was never too sure of the overtaking wave rule, but as I'm the only occupant of mine I'm not in the best position to wave when overtaking. (It doesn't tend to happen much the other way as I don't get overtaken much. lol!)

I don't suppose the on coming MH was a retro Veedub T4, dark blue with white high top????? :banana: As it could have been us!! you never know
Just out of curiosity would you guys recognise my converted Sprinter as a Motorhome.... Apparently the last umpteen or so motorhomes/campervans that I have waved at think 'not' .....Any suggestions how I can make it more recognisable???

Martyn :)


def' a MH & a lovely one too!!!!!!
hi all
i to am a waver, but having just done 8 days on the road i have noticed not that every one is a waver
when i wave and do not get one back i just say to myself stuck up tosser, when i do get a wave back it makes me feel part of the clan.:wacko::wacko:

Absolutely love it!!!!!!!! Soooooooooo funny :banana::banana::banana:
from another VWT4 hightop owner to another - Yippee i'm not the only one!!!!

AT last the door is open and i am free. No more hiding it from friends and family.I only did this before when in the van on my own. How would my wife react if she ever found out. If it went wrong where would i live?. How often would i see my children? Would i need therapy? What about work? Well..... on a recent trip with my wife to St Davids i decided enough was enough. I am what I am. As we approached Solva a van came towards us. It was a life changing moment. I nervouslly raised my hand and waved at the on coming camper. Not only did the driver of the camper return the wave but my wife waved also.finally,the sleepless nights have come to an end.I AM A WAVER AND SO IS MY WIFE!!!

Loved this!!!! fantastic humour - thanks for the giggle :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
derek miles

I don't wave, I ask myself if we were to wave when in our car to every oncoming car we would be rather busy!
I used to wave a lot in the past, now I wave sometimes, but always flash my lights. Reason being, when I waved nobody used to take notice, as they look to where my Mrs is sitting and she is reading a book most times. Mrs says, it is your left hand drive steering that makes folks look at the wrong end of the cab. Now, I always get a wave back or a flash back. The best waves I get is when I am driving through remote villages and I wave to the folks on the street, I always get a bright happy smile and a wave back.
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