Do you wave?

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Depends on the road surface - sometimes I wave, most times I just wobble :)
Veedub wavers

I don't suppose the on coming MH was a retro Veedub T4, dark blue with white high top????? :banana: As it could have been us!! you never know

On that occasion it was a big old MH, but where were you yesterday?
I was :drive: my big ol' MH back from Hampton Court, negotiating a town and busy junction and concentrating quite a lot. Then noticed the driver of a blue Veedub almost hanging out his window waving heartily and persistantly to me :wacko:
Luckily I managed to :wave: back with a big grin before he vanished.
On that occasion it was a big old MH, but where were you yesterday?
I was :drive: my big ol' MH back from Hampton Court, negotiating a town and busy junction and concentrating quite a lot. Then noticed the driver of a blue Veedub almost hanging out his window waving heartily and persistantly to me :wacko:
Luckily I managed to :wave: back with a big grin before he vanished.

Well, what a shame it wasn't us but certainly would have been had we been there!!!:wacko: No yesterday we were visiting 'Ourgate' ie sat on our drive taking in the view of the forest. It's fab having not only a campervan but a mobile conservatory too.:banana:
I did on my drive home with our new c15 hytop and had a lovely wave back from two people in a newer modern hytop just outside Chester,i thaught it was lovely ,but nobody has waved at us since ,perhaps its because we are only little and old and we arn't worth the effort
lots of people waved and pointed and took our picture in france ,but they did have strange looks on there faces ,i think it was shock ,seeing what we had in the back of their beloved c15 :lol-053:
but i will keep waving and perhaps someone will wave back someday :wave::cry:
Those with fragile egos (easy to tell them because they are the ones who worry about whether others wave or not) should never wave first because if the others don't return the wave, they will descend into deep gloom from which they may never recover. Further failures to get a wave back will make the condition terminal. Big danger then is that if someone does eventually wave, they will be so ecstatic that they will clap their hands in joy and generally carry on so much that they cause an accident.

Best to keep one's eyes on the road where they should be.
I did on my drive home with our new c15 hytop and had a lovely wave back from two people in a newer modern hytop just outside Chester,i thaught it was lovely ,but nobody has waved at us since ,perhaps its because we are only little and old and we arn't worth the effort
lots of people waved and pointed and took our picture in france ,but they did have strange looks on there faces ,i think it was shock ,seeing what we had in the back of their beloved c15 :lol-053:
but i will keep waving and perhaps someone will wave back someday :wave::cry:

Im in the Chester area in a Hymer camp swing and I would wave if I saw you :wave:

Ok i wont wave anymore then :eek:,i will just stare blankly at the road and ignore the other road users ,i will refrain from interacting and become a camping recluse :drive:

,but nobody has waved at us since ,perhaps its because we are only little and old and we arn't worth the effort .........but i will keep waving and perhaps someone will wave back someday :wave::cry:

Oh MOS, if you ever cross our path we will wave like mad; that is sooo sad!!! :cry: It doesn't matter WHAT you're in, we are all out in different vehicles but enjoying the same kind of thing. We wouldn't be on this site otherwise.

I would LOVE to have a MH like you've got, but HE WHO MUST BE OBEYED (unless I think can get away with it!!) says it would be like two elephants trying to fit into a mini!! Enjoy your C15!! (I am sooo jealous!!)
LOL!! Don't THINK so, but will keep my eyes peeled!! I love the idea of running around in something the size of your C15, as our Autotrial (- interesting freudian slip there, I meant Auto TRAIL!!) is 21ft long, and not exactly unobtrusive. Can you get under height barriers with it, and do you go for longish trips?? And will it park in a normal carparking space?

Sorry to be so inquisitive, but I think the Romahome type of campervan are lovely, and I wish I had one......if himself went first, and I could still drive I definitely WOULD!!

we also have a tabbert 550 condor motor home which is having some tinkering done at the moment(very slight understatement )so we got Naddette to get away this summer ,we have only had her for two months ,but have done 3k odd miles so far ,lakes , derbyshire moors ,france ,and norfolk suffolk ,
we where amazed at the freedome she gives us ,she drives like a car ,goes on the ferry for 50 quid return ,parks in car sized spotts and does 45 to the gallon ,we are seriously considering keeping her and living with the lack of space for the convienience of getting into town centeres and traveling for a pittence.the only problem is we are planning a few months on the continent and the space in mavis would be very nice for that jaunt
MOS xx
Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??

I drove VW aircooled campers for years and 99% of aircooled drivers always waved back,those were the days:wave:

i used to have a reliante robin they wave to each other, in my van not many wave mind u if i was them i wouldent wave to me .
Just a thaught :idea-007:
if you wave, and nobody sees you ,did you wave, or did you just think you waved :confused:
Ime going for a lye down now my head hurts :danger:
Just a thaught :idea-007:
if you wave, and nobody sees you ,did you wave, or did you just think you waved :confused:
Ime going for a lye down now my head hurts :danger:

Steady on there, MOS!! I think we're getting into deep philosophical territory here!! Isn't this something to do with that cat in a dark box and we don't know if it's turned a light on - or something of the sort??

I think I shall have to have a lie down too!! x x:rolleyes2::egg:
i thaught it was something to do with cats. but i dont think they wave ,even if they are in a box but how would you know without peeking
my brain hurts again now :D
i used to wave,but couldn't get the hang of the different return waves,or their significance. the closed fist pumping up and down obviously meant lets share a bottle of champagne sometime,i always give a thumbs-up and smile at that one. the thumb and finger against the forehead i think means,this is where i hang my hat,my home . but i'm not sure what pointing a finger at the side of the head and rotating it means
but i'm not sure what pointing a finger at the side of the head and rotating it means

I think it could mean you have met MOS or ME!!

I thought the cat was Kirkoff's cat, but I think it is actually Schrödinger's cat!! I do not understand why he had to keep it in a box, though; sounds quite cruel, specially if it was waving frantically!!
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