Do you wave?

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We spent last weekend driving in both Norfolk & Suffolk and have to say how very disappointed we were with the amount on waves we got back driving up the A12 & A14 why don.t folk wave back:cry:
Oscar is an old van but we love him as he has character. The best and one of the only waves we got was from a young lad with his dad in their vw thank you!!! Made our day. All you non wavers out their need to cheer up when on the road always makes us giggle when we get a wave so those that do please don't stop!

We were up that way in July and found the same lack of waving too? We waved at everyone, even got the dog waving his paw - that got a smile and a return wave :D
I drove VW aircooled campers for years and 99% of aircooled drivers always waved back,those were the days:wave:

I seem to recall those 'waving' moments as well ... Wind in the hair, Beach Boys on the radio, Radio Caroline et al ... and wondering when you could wave down your Mate who was going to tow you back home ... before the Polizei arrived and gave you grief about potato peelings in your 'Roll-Up' Tin.
Just got back from France and they are a right bunch of wavers loads of big smiles returned as well. To all the ones I failed to return due to gearchanges, me being a bit slow, etc, :wave::)
To the very few that just gave me a filthy look:p

Yes, it's a bit worrying not knowing what sex the various wildcampers are - is Old Arthur REALLY a bloke??? Could be a bit embarassing if you do a post assuming they are one sex, when they're really another!! I can't help wondering why the Guernsey DONKEY chose that name - ????

Simple - we come from Guernsey and Guernsey people are known for hard working and stubbornness, just like a donkey - not that you will find many true thoroughbred Guernsey folk living in Guernsey now.
E'or e'or e'or

Sorry mate couldent resist useing the oldest joke in history:lol-053:
(and i did use the cleaner on of the two)

:lol-061: I'll give you E'OR E'OR E'OR when I see you Mos lol :cheers: If ever you come our way let me know and I will see that you are banned from entering the Outer Hebrides.
Still waving!!!

:drive: Just got back from a fab trip from forest of dean down to Brighton followed coast round to Isle of Sheppee and back home 626miles. :drive: :wave: and :wave: our little arms off to every motor home/campervan we saw and only got acknowledged by 4 veedubs and 1 Talbot - one veedub bay driver was so eager he managed to give us a bril' wave at the same time as steering with his knees and rolling a cig with his hands - I don't know, thats got to be proof that veedub owners are well practiced at waving :lol-049:
Oh and I mustn't forget the acknowledgements i got from the - 2 tesco's delivery vans and one private ambulance. Well it gets very confusing when you don't want to miss anyone out! never mind at least they waved back even though they looked very confused themselves!!:D:rolleyes2:
:baby: why don't peeps wave? do they really not understand?


Hi everybody , as a biker and a Hymer owner i wave . When we are over in France most motorhomes wave but back here in England some people are a bit stuffy , but i wave anyway !!!
My husband waves at everyone home and abroad - I'm still plucking up the courage!

We saw the lovliest sight on way to French side of tunnel yesterday - a young girl in the passenger seat who was so excited that she started waving enthusiastically as soon as we came into sight!!! Put me to shame:eek:
I wave, and the hound sticks his toungue out (normal I am sure)

But what amuses me is this, I work on a campsite motorhomes park up and totally ignore anyone and everyone around them ( must be non wavers I think) then when they leave, some mist descends and they contract wavingitis.

Nowt as strange as folk


I'm the proud owner of three forms of transport that elicit waves and nods from others: a bicycle, a motor cycle and a motorhome. I always wave.

Car drivers are a bit stuffier, eh? The only time they wave anything it's a fist!:rolleyes:
I love the way motorhome owners wave to each other. I dont drive but still unless I'm daydreaming or something I still wave. In Scotland we have noticed many people dont wave back, I guess they are from Europe or something and dont get it. Still if someone waves to you its good manners to wave back isnt it?If I dont notice and am too late to wave back I feel really bad!!!

We have just done our first holiday in our motorhome. We only got about 3 miles into our journey, another mh user waving, then another. Another. Let's just say after 340 miles I had bleeding arm so I will say Iam a waver..
Sounds like another window sticker coming along: "I AM A WAVER":wave:
Yes I wave, I own a smart car and smart car owners are big wavers so I am quite used to it :)

Smart Car, Phil? Do you tow it? I plan on towing ours, or its replacement, on a trailer once we get something we can fulltime in. (Might look a bit odd behind a Renault Trafic!) Diesel version getting 450 -500 mile tanks.

Waving - we always do. Don't always get a reply though.
I tried a little experiment on my way from Norwich to the Lincoln show this weekend. I thought I would flash my lights and wave like a demented windmill at every campervan / Motorhome coming the other way, but on the way back I would not wave at anyone unless they waved at me first...

My finding were... On the way up to Lincoln I must of flashed and waved at 100+ motorhomes/campervans.... and for all my efforts just 5 people (4 campervans 1 motorhome) bothered to wave back :sad:

Needless to say on my return journey nobody :wave: at all..... So the upshot is, I use to be a waver but don't think I will bother from now on!

When we had a VW we were always waved at and waved back. Now we have a Renault Traffic, nobody waves, does this mean that in pecking order we are bottom of the MH chain?

Greetings from the bottom of the chain! My Renault Trafic looks better now I have fixed the rust!
OK I'll own up to being Mr and Mrs Grumpy - we are the reason folks have stopped waving as other than if they are Frankia owners we don't bother.

Interesting thing is we get waved at in the Frankia but hubby has a small Adria van style van in silver grey for every day, instead of a car, and that never gets waved at.
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