Do you wave?

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We are wavers too :wave: but we are happy campers and when the wave is not returned we're glad mr/mrs grumpy :mad2: are going in opposite direction. :drive:
:wave::wave::wave:when we get the W in the screen we will be able to name and shame on here when and ware we saw em
waving fefinately nice to feel part of a happy lot.

yess ,of course, waving is fun -makes u feel part of the happy gang!! come on everybody-- go for it!!!
What a great topic for Me 1st Post!!
Just come back from 2nd W/E away in My E-Bay Bargain Trannie Camper:- Clacton & then Norfolk Coast.
Missus was bemused as to why I was waving at M/Hs, VWs, 1 x Tesco Van....etc!
Waves mostly returned.....exceptions was VWs & 'Glampers'....
Most amusing was the Posh M/H driven by the Lady who pointedly looked at Her O/H as if saying..'Do We KNOW these people?!!'
Off Topic....Have a GREAT location on Norfolk Coast for a Meet if Peeps up for it.....Land Owner already uses the Field for £2.00 Daily Parking & is amenable to overnighting @ £5.00. Beach is literally t'other side of the Road.....
Great Forum BTW
Have a GREAT location on Norfolk Coast for a Meet if Peeps up for it.....Land Owner already uses the Field for £2.00 Daily Parking & is amenable to overnighting @ £5.00. Beach is literally t'other side of the Road.....

Would this be at Walcott per chance ?? If so we were there on Sunday just gone :)

Hi M8!
Yep You got it!
Wot time did You arrive at Walcott on Sunday? Bet We passed You on the Road! We left 'bout 11-ish 'cos I HAD to swim @ Sea Palling!!!
Had a nice friendly chat with Land Owner before leaving...She's up for Campers over-nighting BUT....'..usually closed by October, but with this Weather!...'
We arrived at 12:00 mid day.... Strange thing is, it was the first time we have parked on there... We usually just park on the road but that was full lol ... Anyway we pulled in and the owners came over to collect their very reasonable £2 and immediately asked us if we would like to park up in the back corner of the field so we would have room to get our chairs out etc. which we did :) Me and the missus got talking and wondered why we hadn't stopped there before and wondering if the owners would let us stay overnight sometime. We were going to ask them before we left for home but didn't get round to it. So well done for giving us the answer... Will definitely stay over in the future but think we are too late for this year.



we always wave but yes will agree that less & less people do now a days.:cry:
So if you see a cheusson flash 08 coming towards you in the west country then that will be me....................... please give me a wave and see now enjoy able it can be :wave:
hi there

we wave when its safe to do so, but i do miss some self builds as they are past before i see its a camper :(

we are definately wavers and proud of it

we are wavers and proud of it.
I'm going to put a totally opposite view from most people I'm afraid but, before I do, I'd like to make a couple of points. I am not some anti-social miserable git! I love humour and people and, if I see you broken down at the roadside, I'll be the first to stop and help. On site, CL or aire I'll strike up a conversation with anyone and, very often, end up sharing a drink and chat in my 'van with a couple that I've met just a few hours earlier.

So, having said that, here goes! I think that waving is a totally pointless gesture that can be a pain in the backside and in some cases downright dangerous.

The first question that I always ask people is: "Have you ever towed a caravan?" If the answer is "Yes" I then ask: "Did you wave at every other caravanner?" The answer is always "No".

So I then ask why they didn't wave at other caravanners, as it's exactly the same, like-minded people sharing a hobby who acknowledge each other. That usually stumps them!

The simple answer is that motorhomers (MHs) wave just because we always have! There is no other reason! Fifty years ago MHs were a rare breed and, just like people who drove an unusual or exotic car, may have acknowledged each other. But that is no longer the case. We're not a rare breed any more and, especially on the Continent, there are tens of thousands of us and waving on a long journey in France in Summer becomes a repetitive bore!"

Fifty years ago RAC patrol men saluted the members but its members were few and far between and eventually they realised that it was futile as RAC membership was no longer a rare thing, there were million in it by then, and they had the sense to call a halt to saluting.

I also notice that some motorhomers on sites, CLs and aires are decidedly stand-offish and not at all sociable and I often wonder if they are also the ones who wave frantically in husband-and-wife synchronised gesticulation, but then can't be bothered being friendly when it really matters!

The time has come to realise that we are no longer some exclusive fraternity, superior to all others, such as 'tuggers' and that there are now thousands of us and that this habit only continues because 'we've always done it'!

My only hope is that fewer and fewer people seem to be partaking in this pointless gesturing and let's hope that, over the next few years, it will die the death entirely and we'll no longer have people waving across three lines of traffic whilst, at the same time, trying to steer round a roundabout in heavy traffic!

I now await the usual flak about what a humourless miserable b*gger I am, but I can assure you that you'll find no one more friendly where it matters, which is face to face, as opposed to across the entire width of the M1! What I definitely am is someone who thinks about what he does and doesn't adopt a habit just because 'we've always done it'.

You made some good points in your post - the only thing I would say is that each and every one on this earth was born with a "free will" so if we want to wave "we wave" if we want to drive with our nose stuck in the air we do so but most of us like to acknowledge each other when it is safe to do so - hope to meet you some day and say hi along with a :wave: and a smile.
I wouldn't be waving across 3 lanes of traffic, or while trying to steer on a busy roundabout. I don't think anyone does that, and if they do it's either pointless or dangerous or both.

Surely the main platform for waving, is single carriage way straight roads travelling at 55 mph or less, where you have plenty of time to see each other. Thus the motorway and roundabout examples seem somewhat irrelevant to me!
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I wouldn't be waving across 3 lanes of traffic, or while trying to steer on a busy roundabout. I don't think anyone does that, and if they do it's either pointless or dangerous or both.

Surely the main platform for waving, is single carriage way straight roads travelling at 55 mph or less, where you have plenty of time to see each other. Thus the motorway and roundabout examples seem somewhat irrelevant to me!

Very true nobody should be waving across 3 lanes of traffic, or while trying to steer on a busy roundabout. :mad: As you say I don't think anyone does that, but if they do it's either pointless or dangerous or both and deserves to loose driving licence or at least get 6 points :hammer: but it takes all sorts to make a world.
Hate to disagree folks but I have had people waving at me from the inside lane of a three-lane motorway when I've been in the inside lane going in the opposite direction (obviously!). That's six lanes and a central reservation apart! I have also had people waving as they go into a roundabout or around one. I think that there must be some who think that not waving makes them seem unfriendly or snobby and they'll go to any lengths to avoid not being what in their mind is 'a proper motorhomer'.

A phrase above about driving 'with your nose in the air' sums it up! It's not about being snobby or unfriendly, it's about simple logic and asking 'what really is the point of this'? Waving at someone whom we'll never meet in person and if we met on a site we'd probably ignore (well, some would I'm afraid!). As I said before, if you do it because you think that it's nice and friendly, why didn't do it when you were a tugger?
Hate to disagree folks but I have had people waving at me from the inside lane of a three-lane motorway when I've been in the inside lane going in the opposite direction (obviously!). That's six lanes and a central reservation apart! I have also had people waving as they go into a roundabout or around one. I think that there must be some who think that not waving makes them seem unfriendly or snobby and they'll go to any lengths to avoid not being what in their mind is 'a proper motorhomer'.

A phrase above about driving 'with your nose in the air' sums it up! It's not about being snobby or unfriendly, it's about simple logic and asking 'what really is the point of this'? Waving at someone whom we'll never meet in person and if we met on a site we'd probably ignore (well, some would I'm afraid!). As I said before, if you do it because you think that it's nice and friendly, why didn't do it when you were a tugger?

I dont know how old you are or what experience you have of towing a caravan but I know for a fact that caravans did used to wave at each other in a similar way(I am talking about 30/40 yrs ago). Its one of the things that an elderly neighbour loved about motorhomes when she moved to one 20yrs ago after towing for 30yrs "They still wave at each other, like caravans used to. There's still a friendly community" is what she said(they recently sold their van at 83 and 80).

How do you prove any correlation between waving/not waving and being friendly or unfriendly on a site or cl?
I doubt I'd see someone wave from the other side of six lanes plus a central reserve and barrier, I'd be concentrating too much on my own carriageway. But If I did, I wouldn't bother waving back ;)

Martkaz; Thanks for sharing Your fotos M8! Amazing how many Motors turned up after We left!! (MUST get Henry's Shower working proper!!!!
Also, glad to hear that You were also asked to move to Rear of the Field.....thought maybe Henry's....uh...'aesthetically-challenged' exterior might be to blame!!!!
Thought it was also funny that the Lady owning the field turned up & immediately started tacking up £2 signs over the top of the '£1.00 Parking' sign! Thought it was too cheap!

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I dont know how old you are or what experience you have of towing a caravan but I know for a fact that caravans did used to wave at each other in a similar way(I am talking about 30/40 yrs ago). Its one of the things that an elderly neighbour loved about motorhomes when she moved to one 20yrs ago after towing for 30yrs "They still wave at each other, like caravans used to. There's still a friendly community" is what she said(they recently sold their van at 83 and 80).

How do you prove any correlation between waving/not waving and being friendly or unfriendly on a site or cl?

I started towing 40 years ago and have no recollection whatsoever of waving being a custom amongst caravanners. Occasionally if meeting on a single track road in the Highlands you may have given a friendly smile but there was never this automatic waving, on any kind of road, at any time.

I can't prove a correlation between waving and being friendly on sites but all I know is that when almost everyone waved there were motorhomers on site who were very standoffish. Perhaps they never waved but I doubt it. Perhaps they felt superior to us tuggers as I was then but were happy to wave to fellow motorhomers?

What makes a friendly community in my view isn't waving from a distance away, that's as remote as talking on a forum. What makes a real friendly community is when people are nice to each other face to face, on site or if one's in trouble or needs help. You mustn't think that because many people, and there are many, think that waving is pointless and outdated, that they are snobbish and unfriendly, we're not I can assure you.
I doubt I'd see someone wave from the other side of six lanes plus a central reserve and barrier, I'd be concentrating too much on my own carriageway. But If I did, I wouldn't bother waving back ;)

If you have good vision I can assure you that you can't miss two people gesticulating from the other side of a motorway. Motorways are only about 12 metres wide plus the central reservation and barriers are only a couple of feet high and I'm not sure how they would impede vision. Whilst cruising at a modest speed on a motorway you don't put yourself in danger by glancing at a motorhome coming the other way. If you are concentrating on a manoeuvre then of course you don't look across the motorway but most of the time you are simply just cruising along. Apart from which I'm not making it up I can assure you! I've seen it many times as has my wife. She of course doesn't need to concentrate as I'm driving!
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