Do you wave?

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What makes a friendly community in my view isn't waving from a distance away, that's as remote as talking on a forum. What makes a real friendly community is when people are nice to each other face to face, on site or if one's in trouble or needs help. You mustn't think that because many people, and there are many, think that waving is pointless and outdated, that they are snobbish and unfriendly, we're not I can assure you.

I agree with you about what makes a friendly community but would also add that tolerance is needed to allow for peoples preferences to wave or not, to be sociable or not etc. I do wave but not always and do not brand people snobbish and unfriendly the same as sometimes I chat to other motorhomers when on sites or parked up and sometime I dont(but would always smile and say hello). We are not all the same, thank goodness.

I also think my maths was a little wrong on the story of the elderly neighbour, it was more like 50/55yrs.
If you have good vision I can assure you that you can't miss two people gesticulating from the other side of a motorway. Motorways are only about 12 metres wide plus the central reservation and barriers are only a couple of feet high and I'm not sure how they would impede vision. Whilst cruising at a modest speed on a motorway you don't put yourself in danger by glancing at a motorhome coming the other way. If you are concentrating on a manoeuvre then of course you don't look across the motorway but most of the time you are simply just cruising along. Apart from which I'm not making it up I can assure you! I've seen it many times as has my wife. She of course doesn't need to concentrate as I'm driving!

I accidentally waved at someone across all six lanes the other day and got a reply. I was talking to my other half about how silly and possibly dangerous it would be to wave like that and demonstrated and to my surprise they retuned the wave. Just to make it clear I usually only wave when I feel it safe to do so.
Big Waver

Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??

Yes we wave and our van is left hand drive so you might wonder how i am driving and waving like mad but it does make you feel like we belong and belong to something rather special.
Well i tryed waving on my way to the meet at Farndon and on the way back too ,and it seems demountable campers are even more ignored than little romahomes,only one couple waved back then i noticed a huge motorhome behind me ,so perhaps i was pinching their wave by mistake .so i will just sulk and keep my waves for all the lovely wavers in france and sod the sadoes who cant be bothered with us little people ,HoHum MOS
Quit the south and get up to yorkshire, bloody arm was falling off this weekend and we only did a quick overnighter at Scarborough for an exclusive evening without child and a bag of mackerel off west pier next morning. We had people flashing headlights, knocking wing mirrors out of kilter with enthusiasm, even better Scarborough was packed full of wild campers. :wave:
yep we spent a night at scarborough, lovely. only problem we parked in wrong place at first and ws surrounded by boy racers:scooter:, didn't actually cause us any probs just noisey so herded ourselves closer to the the other wilders. then was able to :sleep-027:

Yes we wave and our van is left hand drive so you might wonder how i am driving and waving like mad but it does make you feel like we belong and belong to something rather special.

Just like to add to my previous thread that I wave but I am NOT the person driving hubby is so I can wave :wave: with safety and hope that it is the non-driver that waves back to me.:wave:

So keep waving non-drivers and keep it safe,:wave:
Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??

:welcome:Just getting back into MH having had a couple of years off, really looking forward to getting back into the community feel of waving to fellow campers, quite disappointed to see not everyone responds as they used to. Come on let's keep the up tradition :banana::wave:
I'm just starting to convert my Vauxhall Vivaro into a small camper/day van. As a biker also i still tend to "nod" to bikers when they pass me, when i'm driving her, it's instinct really, my misses just laughs.! I call my van van little blue, as it says on the tin...It's little and it's blue.!

When I'm riding my bike, I nod to other bikers.
When I'm driving my Dyane I wave to Dyanes and 2CVs.
When I'm in my VW camper I wave to other VWs.
When I'm in the Hymer, I wave to other Hymers.

I just have to remember which vehicle I'm in/on or I'd spend most of my time waving, often to the wrong thing!
Picture 054.jpgI never noticed that until I had a proper mh
my first was a converted mini link bus
the trouble was it still looked like a bus after the conversion
so I had bus drivers and coach drivers everywhere waving
at me even if they had a bus full of passengers then it all
changed when I brought my first mh I still didn't notice it was
my wife that noticed that was in an iveco daily
now I have a old hymer so if you see me I'm not being ignorant
I will wave if I notice you comming in the opposite direction
if I don't notice don't worry as my wife will be waving
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I do think that it's a bit sad that when people buy a motorhome they feel that they've somehow become part of 'something special' or a 'community'! Why is at that those who bought a caravan first, never felt the same way? You wave for one reason and it's because it's always been done as it started when motorhomes were rare. They're not now! Part of 'something special'! Pass me the sick bag!

Quite amazing that so may people in this 'special community' won't give you the time of day when you're near them on a site or aire. Flash or wave all you like. I and a growing number of people who are intelligent enough to work out that it's a pointless anachronism, won't be waving back. Why should we be forced to take part in this ridiculous ritual just because some can't work out the the time has come to end this charade.

If however, I see you broken down by the side of the road, or you have a problem when we meet on a site or an aire, I'll be the first to stop and offer help, unlike many people who'll wave, flash, and drive on.
Hi on last outing down to Lands End (local to us) pasted 4 motorhomes waved but got no response while parked there a German motorhome passed and both driver an passenger waved is it more of a continental thing last year in France everyone seemed to wave on drive home from ferry port hardly got one
Picture 054.jpg
i stopped about 2 years ago now to help a couple in a mh broke down
on the way out of goathland sadly nothing could be done it was his fuel pump
i offered to tow him on to one of the carparks but he had already phoned the breakdown services
i will stop and offer my services to any mh drivers in trouble if i can
just play the waving game 1 point for a wave -1 for no wave and see how many points you have, ive never ended up with negative points
I do think that it's a bit sad that when people buy a motorhome they feel that they've somehow become part of 'something special' or a 'community'! Why is at that those who bought a caravan first, never felt the same way? You wave for one reason and it's because it's always been done as it started when motorhomes were rare. They're not now! Part of 'something special'! Pass me the sick bag!

Quite amazing that so may people in this 'special community' won't give you the time of day when you're near them on a site or aire. Flash or wave all you like. I and a growing number of people who are intelligent enough to work out that it's a pointless anachronism, won't be waving back. Why should we be forced to take part in this ridiculous ritual just because some can't work out the the time has come to end this charade.

If however, I see you broken down by the side of the road, or you have a problem when we meet on a site or an aire, I'll be the first to stop and offer help, unlike many people who'll wave, flash, and drive on.

Some people 'wave' in the true sense of the word (usually the passenger). I raise a hand to acknowledge someone with similar interest to mine and I suspect that is what most of the other drivers do.

You seem to have the unfortunate problem of putting words in print when you should really be keeping them inside your head. There is no benefit to your comments and possibly a downside as other members will regard you as being odd. I do not know why you joined this forum as you never wildcamp. I suppose it is your urge to make your point of view known, even though it is usually at odds with most other members.

Your reference to being ignored when on a campsite is the main reason that I never use them. It would appear that you can put up with it, your choice I suppose.

You are free NOT to acknowledge other motorhomers but please keep your fatuous comments to yourself.
just play the waving game 1 point for a wave -1 for no wave and see how many points you have, ive never ended up with negative points

Like the game, might 'borrow it' to keep the daughter entertained.

I always wave, even in the wagon (so if you see a cow waving, I bet its me)
i smile and wave at all, but then look straight back at the road, then i'm not offended when they don't wave back because their MH is newer than mine
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