Do you wave?

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I believe that when we all have our shiny new "W" stickers on our screens, waving will become compulsory, even for Northerner! :wave::wave::wave:
i wave,but, being english,don't want to be thought common,so i do it discreetly,below the level of the wife tells me this may look odd and cause offence.
i wave,but, being english,don't want to be thought common,so i do it discreetly,below the level of the wife tells me this may look odd and cause offence.

It's your hand Nige.....You wave it as fast as you like!
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Our whole family always used to wave at caravans, when we were towing our caravan. That was over 30 years ago. When we got our motorhome we were pleasantly surprised that people in motorhomes waved. If it brings a smile it can only do good. We always wave
Some people 'wave' in the true sense of the word (usually the passenger). I raise a hand to acknowledge someone with similar interest to mine and I suspect that is what most of the other drivers do.

You seem to have the unfortunate problem of putting words in print when you should really be keeping them inside your head. There is no benefit to your comments and possibly a downside as other members will regard you as being odd. I do not know why you joined this forum as you never wildcamp. I suppose it is your urge to make your point of view known, even though it is usually at odds with most other members.

Your reference to being ignored when on a campsite is the main reason that I never use them. It would appear that you can put up with it, your choice I suppose.

You are free NOT to acknowledge other motorhomers but please keep your fatuous comments to yourself.

Aw diddums! Have I upset you? As many people seem to agree with me that waving is past its sell-by date and, as has been mentioned on here many times, fewer and fewer people are doing it, perhaps it's you who ought to consider engaging your brain before you open your mouth.

And your powers of concentration are obviously as poor as your powers of reasoning, as I have stated many times that I mix wild camping with aires and sites, just like many other members of this forum. What I am not is one of the small number of people who can't afford to use sites, or are too mean to spend the money, and then spend half their time trying to convince us that they do it because they don't like them. Then of course they crowd on aires with a 'van four feet on either side of them, or congregate like flocks of birds in the same 'wild camping' spot on some Spanish beach.

So I shall carry on posting my views, one of which is that waving is a pointless and outdated practice that should be allowed to wither on the vine, as it undoubtedly will over the next few years so, in future I'll be grateful if you'll stop confusing me with someone who gives a toss what you think.

However, I will still be one of the people who will stop to help anyone who is in trouble or needs assistance, as opposed to those who'll give a synchronised wave and happily carry on!
Aw diddums! Have I upset you? As many people seem to agree with me that waving is past its sell-by date and, as has been mentioned on here many times, fewer and fewer people are doing it, perhaps it's you who ought to consider engaging your brain before you open your mouth.

And your powers of concentration are obviously as poor as your powers of reasoning, as I have stated many times that I mix wild camping with aires and sites, just like many other members of this forum. What I am not is one of the small number of people who can't afford to use sites, or are too mean to spend the money, and then spend half their time trying to convince us that they do it because they don't like them. Then of course they crowd on aires with a 'van four feet on either side of them, or congregate like flocks of birds in the same 'wild camping' spot on some Spanish beach.

So I shall carry on posting my views, one of which is that waving is a pointless and outdated practice that should be allowed to wither on the vine, as it undoubtedly will over the next few years so, in future I'll be grateful if you'll stop confusing me with someone who gives a toss what you think.

However, I will still be one of the people who will stop to help anyone who is in trouble or needs assistance, as opposed to those who'll give a synchronised wave and happily carry on!

You certainly have a gift for making friends and influencing people. :lol-049:

That's another portion of this forum that you have alienated. I would much prefer the company of a pleasant member with an old self build than yourself. Please do not stop if you see me in difficulty, you will just get in the way of someone more suitable as you do not have the necessary skills to help me on my way.

What you need is a HOBBY

Are you a football FAN

Some people never learn. :pc:
I'm to busy watching the road.

The wife does all the waving
You certainly have a gift for making friends and influencing people. :lol-049:

That's another portion of this forum that you have alienated. I would much prefer the company of a pleasant member with an old self build than yourself. Please do not stop if you see me in difficulty, you will just get in the way of someone more suitable as you do not have the necessary skills to help me on my way.

What you need is a HOBBY

Are you a football FAN

Some people never learn. :pc:/B]

You're confusing me again with someone who gives a toss what you think. And I hate football, whatever that has to do with it. And one reason I don't wave is that the other person may be someone like you!
lotty said:
Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??
Yes, looks like some of us are....but fret ye not Mr Northerner, there is hope!

If it brings a smile it can only do good.

Waving, or nodding was done often during my motorbiking days, I still witness this practice from M/C while I drive the car.

When I had my boat, same practice while passing each other.

Vee-Dubbers always give a wave, along with a toot on the horn.

Same goes for some, not all (as some may well be concentrating on driving) other motorhomers, large or small in dimension, small or large bucks $$$£££

It is all about being courteous rather than venomous, as maingate said, part of a group of people with similar interests.

Whether people have money or not, is not important, the most important element is that the individual/s go out and enjoy themselves. To have the freedom to roam. To have the freedom to park up and pay is irrelevant!!!


I couldn't care less how much money people have. I just get sick to death of the hypocrites who make a passion of decrying those of us who use sites when the only reason they don't is financial. But of course they bang on about freedom and sites being prison camps. That's usually before they go on a crowded aire or a popular wild-camping spot with another thirty motorhomers! I love real wild camping and I also like a nice site occasionally where we can fill up without searching half the day for water and where we can have a spacious shower etc. etc.

And as for your argument about waving, why should those of us who think the practice pointless and outdated, have to be bullied by those who continually tell us that by not waving we're anti-social? The real grumpy ones seem to be those who get so upset because more and more of us don't wish to carry on with this pointless anachronism.
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I love waving to other motor homers when driving and another favorite greeting place is supermarket car parks , there is always a smile/greeting/wave to be shared by those who have succeeded in m almost, getting all 4 wheels in /on/somewhere near those marked out boxes .
When parked up I seek out the wildlife, especially the goats , I like to tell them stories from long ago which still hold true today, I like to flatter myself by believing that by retelling these tales I save many a goat from a grizzly fate....
Northerner leave us happy folk be

There's always one or maybe two in a forum that enjoy stirring things up for the hell of it. I'm not one for telling people what to do but i think in this instance i will break my own rule. If you have nothing constructive to say, say nothing at all.

I'm one of those hypocrites that you refer to Northerner, waving on the road but not on site. That is because i enjoy my wilding for the solace, and acknowledge by waving anyone who may share my particular interest. If i wanted to travel somewhere to park in a field with thirty other MH and have a social event i would subscribe to a different club, each to their own...
Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??

With reference to your OP I would reply as follows.

Used to wave but now do not bother
So many small vans just look like "white van man" so can easily be missed.
Everybody to there own as being part of a community as is their choice.
I do not think your last sentence was meant to say as it sounds with "don't no to wave" implying that it is a requirement to wave, which it is not.

Everybody to there own.
There's always one or maybe two in a forum that enjoy stirring things up for the hell of it. I'm not one for telling people what to do but i think in this instance i will break my own rule. If you have nothing constructive to say, say nothing at all.

I'm one of those hypocrites that you refer to Northerner, waving on the road but not on site. That is because i enjoy my wilding for the solace, and acknowledge by waving anyone who may share my particular interest. If i wanted to travel somewhere to park in a field with thirty other MH and have a social event i would subscribe to a different club, each to their own...

Sorry, I thought this was a thread about the merits or otherwise of waving! It would appear that unless we support your view we're not being constructive! I truly think that waving is a pointless gesture done by the sort of people who wear their maudlin hearts on their sleeves and I will continue to push for its end! I really do not want you to wave at me! Please desist!

And I don't like motorhome social events either although, funnily enough, I've come across more of them on this forum than anywhere, even to the extent of forming convoys to travel to various places. Real wild camping eh! But again, if that's what they enjoy good luck to them and I have no objection to anyone's lifestyle, unlike a few people who continually deride and criticise those of us who mix wild camping with sites.
On our trips in our mh me and my wife talk about things like this
and we have come to the conclusion that the grumpy old gits that
don't wave don't own the mh it's just on lease hire or borrowed
to them and they don't know about the waving game.
Phew I hope mh drivers didn't think that about me if they saw me
as I didn't realise till the wife told me I used to look at her and say
who is that you are waving to do you know him...
Most of the time I was in a world of my own
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I was thinking...... If all the non-wavers were to form their own section within this club, how would they acknowledge each other on the road?? :confused:

And in order to break down any barriers between them and us, I'd like to dedicate this song to them....

"I've been a wild waver for many's a year,
And I've spent all my money on whiskey and beer
And now I'm returning with gold in great store,
And I never will play the wild waver no more

And it's no, nay, never!
No nay never no more
And I'll play the wild waver,
No never no more"

It should be sung with great passion along to this tune..... WILD ROVER No, Nay, Never IRISH SONG - YouTube
Sorry, I thought this was a thread about the merits or otherwise of waving! It would appear that unless we support your view we're not being constructive! I truly think that waving is a pointless gesture done by the sort of people who wear their maudlin hearts on their sleeves and I will continue to push for its end! I really do not want you to wave at me! Please desist!

And I don't like motorhome social events either although, funnily enough, I've come across more of them on this forum than anywhere, even to the extent of forming convoys to travel to various places. Real wild camping eh! But again, if that's what they enjoy good luck to them and I have no objection to anyone's lifestyle, unlike a few people who continually deride and criticise those of us who mix wild camping with sites.

You are the worst offender for criticising and deriding others on here. I am not saying that you deliberately do it, it is probably just your way and you never think that your words come across in a way that upsets other members.

This will be my last word on the subject and I am now one step closer to not using internet forums.
Sorry, I thought this was a thread about the merits or otherwise of waving! It would appear that unless we support your view we're not being constructive! I truly think that waving is a pointless gesture done by the sort of people who wear their maudlin hearts on their sleeves and I will continue to push for its end! I really do not want you to wave at me! Please desist!

And I don't like motorhome social events either although, funnily enough, I've come across more of them on this forum than anywhere, even to the extent of forming convoys to travel to various places. Real wild camping eh! But again, if that's what they enjoy good luck to them and I have no objection to anyone's lifestyle, unlike a few people who continually deride and criticise those of us who mix wild camping with sites.

That's become the point hasn't it... :(

Of course the waving issue, like many others, is completely a matter of personal choice... if it makes you smile and brightens your day and you can do it safely, then do it... if you think it's unnecessary and outmoded and silly then don't do it. Personally, I'm for anything that helps us enjoy our all too short lives and against anything that gives others unnecessary grief... after all, you never know what awful things they're going through in their private lives. It's good to share views and pass a few pleasant moments 'debating' a point on a forum, especially when people are funny or witty and even make gentle fun of others. Love it!

The thing is Northerner, you start by giving your opinion, which is great, then you try to 'prove' your opinion by being scathing and throwing insults at anyone who has a different opinion. Most people on forums are more than happy to respect the differing views of others and enjoy the process of airing them. It's the bitterness and insults that are not constructive, not people's differing opinions. I'm sad for people when they find so little to be positive about and can't express their honestly held opinions without mocking, ridiculing or insulting others. No need for it really...

I don't know anything about you or have a clue what's going on in your life but I'm sorry if there's something bringing you down. Otherwise, I guess you have a perfect right to be a bit of a curmudgeon - trouble is, you don't seem to be enjoying it very much... or are you? :)

Anyhoo, I'm going to carry on waving on all those rare occasions when I actually spot a MH coming towards me! Mostly I'm too busy negotiating roundabouts or sorting out gears! :D

Apologies in advance Northerner if I happen to wave to you... please don't take it personally! :D

:drive: :wave: :drive:
You are the worst offender for criticising and deriding others on here. I am not saying that you deliberately do it, it is probably just your way and you never think that your words come across in a way that upsets other members.

This will be my last word on the subject and I am now one step closer to not using internet forums.

No! Don't leave...
You can always deploy the ultimate defensive weapon... the 'Ignore' list ;)
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