I work for the C&CC, so this post will clarify some of the points on this thread. It’s for info NOT to criticise anyone’s points.
The energy bill for the whole of the club sites runs into millions, so the 300,000 might well be for one site, if it’s a large one. The govts business energy support has been lifted and there is no price cap because it’s a business. The C&MC will have similar issues I assume.
You can book one night stays on the day of arrival for any pitch. Some sites you can book one night in advance, on a H/S with electric, (recent rule change this season), but it is site specific.
If you are registered for the “Age Concession”, you can get a discount on your pitch fee, but you MUST have your membership card as proof. You can register at the site and they will amend your bill.
The minimum night rule is one many members support and don’t want to change. Remember as members we all sign to agree to the rules and T&C’s on the bookings. It’s to allow people being able to book multi night stays and not have the sites being used as overnight stops. “Tuggers rules!
There is a 30% discount on grass only pitches it’s on the website and you need to be a member, ( WITH YOUR CARD), and the code GRASS30. There are other offers on. If you log on to the website, or app, ( which is better than the website, which is unwieldy!) there is a section on there which explains them all.
The MSP facility which is about 7 quid-ish, allows MEMBERS ONLY, to use the facilities on a site for up to three hours. Was stopped during Covid, but is back on, but time dependent. By that I mean turning up at 13.00 when 30 people are wanting to book on and you want to empty your cassette might not produced the response from the site staff you might want! And of course it’s only during office hours, so after 09.00 and upto 18.00 ONLY please.
And my own comment. Please, pretty please, be aware of the weather when asking for a grass pitch! Be guided by the site staff when they tell you taking your 3.5 tonnes van on a field that’s had a few days torrential rain, has the potential for disaster for everyone. No site has the capability, staff experience or
insurance liability to tow you off! And your
insurance might not cover you. I’ve seen that happen btw. The number of motorhome owners who ignore advice on that is larger than you would think. It seems the “I’ve booked a grass pitch and I’m having it!” Mindset overrules common sense at times!
I think that’s clarified most points. Like I said it’s not a criticism of points raised just clarification.
Don’t have nightmares!