Everyone is entitled to a considered considerate polite opinion. I've never seen loo waste anywhere, but i have seen rabid untrue reporting such as in the West Somerset Free Press. According to the WSFP campervan folk smashed up Minehead public toilets, blocked the drains with toilet waste (it's liquid), parked 200 vans all at once in a short length of road well under 200mtrs in length. Oh! and of course emptied their toilets randomly. Not motorists of course, or even local yeti, just those terrible campervan scumbags. Rubbish but it made a good clickbait story.This is partly the problem. You’re saying you doubt it’s ever happened. So there are indeed people on this forum that deny it.
I’ve witnessed it, so presumably you’re saying I’m lying or mistaken. Others have too, presumeably you’re saying they are lying or mistaken too.
The pub in the Lake District caught it on CCTV and was so disgusted he stopped doing stopovers. Presumeably he’s lying too.
I simply can’t understand why you repeatedly deny it happens, when there’s evidence. Obviously it’s your choice, but it doesn’t help when anti motorhomers see your comments denying it happens (and trust me, it gets out there).
Some do, yes. That’s a fact and has been witnessed by some of us, as well as reported by reputable organisations.But do some folk really mt their toilets in car parks and ditches, or is it all made up by van haters having read the same story in some other click bait rag?
No Camping signs? Staying over in a van is not camping, but do not put any stuff out whatsoever, it's not allowed on aires.
We won't even use levelling chocks.
I’ve witnessed it first hand. As have other people I know.Everyone is entitled to a considered considerate polite opinion. I've never seen loo waste anywhere, but i have seen rabid untrue reporting such as in the West Somerset Free Press. According to the WSFP campervan folk smashed up Minehead public toilets, blocked the drains with toilet waste (it's liquid), parked 200 vans all at once in a short length of road well under 200mtrs in length. Oh! and of course emptied their toilets randomly. Not motorists of course, or even local yeti, just those terrible campervan scumbags. Rubbish but it made a good clickbait story.
The council man behind the story has a large caravan in his driveway.
We don't use a chemical loo so are not guilty of these crimes real or imagined.
If you use bio tabs there is nothing but a light brown water comes out. all paper and richard the thirds are disolved.I’ve witnessed it first hand. As have other people I know.
I’ve also seen reports from trustworthy sources of public toilets being blocked. You have to remember it’s not just liquid waste, and that’s the problem. Some of these public toilets are not designed for the volume of toilet waste from cassettes. While it’s much harder to witness (no one is in the cubicle with them) it’s really easy to see how it happens.
I’ve said above I don’t think it’s frequent. Every ban I’ve seen has listed a number of reasons, all witnessed and believable.
While you and others struggle to believe it happens, I and others struggle to understand why you won’t believe us when we say we’ve seen it.
It happens, albeit infrequently, and is always accompanied by other issues that get us banned.
Wheras Motorhomers using public toilets to empty their waste is common, blocking of toilets by doing this is rare. When returning from trips where we had no access to an elsan point we empty our cassette into our downstairs toilet, and have never created a blockage. But in Musselburgh the public toilets at Fisherrow were deliberately blocked by teenagers.While you and others struggle to believe it happens, I and others struggle to understand why you won’t believe us when we say we’ve seen it.
It happens, albeit infrequently, and is always accompanied by other issues that get us banned.
From Wiping A### after S###### still nice to clean up Often see them walking into the woods carrying a toilet rollI would like to see your research on that! It would actually be impossible to tell! But if what you say is right, where does the toilet paper come from?
...But we have seen vans parked in a layby while on holiday with the kids, they were there for the week we were there. Awning rolled out, chairs and table, BBQ! Wild camping should be discreet. it shouldn't impact the local area.
They stayed there for a week to witness it Rob.How exactly did you police this when you witnessed it?
They stayed there for a week to witness it Rob.![]()
Sh###### in the wild with knackered Knees is difficultBut where is the actual evidence? Still waiting on that one.
Sadly Rob, some are willing to believe whatever is reported in the media.It was a genuine question Bill, however I have since read that they challenged and were threatened so now just report it.
But my reckoning is - if you feel like challenging them then do so at your own risk, they may well get aggressive and almost certainly won't move on because you tell them to. Secondly - report them to whom? You can't get the police out to a burglary so they are hardly likely to come and move them on and reporting to a council will just give the council more ammunition to apply further regulations.
I have challenged people before but I don't really consider it my duty to do so.
…and what about the ones who don’t? Either because they don’t know to or don’t care.If you use bio tabs there is nothing but a light brown water comes out. all paper and richard the thirds are disolved.
You’ve misquoted me. I said “some” public toilets are not designed to handle the large volume of waste from a cassette. Not all sewer systems use large bore pipes and effective flush systems.Wheras Motorhomers using public toilets to empty their waste is common, blocking of toilets by doing this is rare. When returning from trips where we had no access to an elsan point we empty our cassette into our downstairs toilet, and have never created a blockage. But in Musselburgh the public toilets at Fisherrow were deliberately blocked by teenagers.
I have witnessed Motorhomers emptying their cassettes into public toilets many times, therefore I would reckon the same would apply to the vast majority on here. Therefore I doubt very much if JQB would deny emptying of cassettes into public toilets is common, and JQB would have no problem believing so.
You say that WCs are not designed to be used for emptying cassettes, perhaps you can explain why their use for this purpose is common in campsites, and CLs.
Also at lochore in Fife their elsan point was constantly being deliberately blocked by youths putting bottles and other items into it. Although I am not denying that this was the case, but to assume without evidence that the toilets in minehead were blocked by Motorhomers seems wrong. But then we are fair game for such inaccurate reporting.
Therefore if these toilets have small bore pipes there should be signage warning users of this. In some countries you can block the toilets disposing of toilet paper in the WCs. I am not in favour of this practice, but blaming Motorhome users for blockages without any evidence, when this could have been done by others either deliberately or not is typical of lazy sensationalism within our media, who never have anything positive to say about us. I have given two examples were the act of blocking a public toilet, and an elsan point were deliberate acts of vandalism, neither of which were reported in the media.You’ve misquoted me. I said “some” public toilets are not designed to handle the large volume of waste from a cassette. Not all sewer systems use large bore pipes and effective flush systems.
The reason the CLs and CSs can manage, is because they have facilities that can cope. If they haven’t, they sort it.
Just to be clear, I’ve never denied that there are instances of innacurate reporting. Deliberately and accidental.
All Ive said is that it happens, caused by motorhomers. I’ve not said that it’s widespread or always motorhomers. Im still unsure why you’re denying that it happens due to some motorhomers. Obviously if you’re not denying, and you accept that it has happened, I’m unsure as to why you keep arguing the point.
I’ve been very clear that it happens, but it’s not that frequent and not always motorhomers. I’ve also said very clearly that I certainly don’t believe everything that’s been reported.Therefore if these toilets have small bore pipes there should be signage warning users of this. In some countries you can block the toilets disposing of toilet paper in the WCs. I am not in favour of this practice, but blaming Motorhome users for blockages without any evidence, when this could have been done by others either deliberately or not is typical of lazy sensationalism within our media, who never have anything positive to say about us. I have given two examples were the act of blocking a public toilet, and an elsan point were deliberate acts of vandalism, neither of which were reported in the media.
And I have never stated anywhere that it never happens, so please don’t misquote me. What I have said is these occurrences are exaggerated for public consumption, and sadly you seem to be willing to accept what is being reported.
These type of toilets in this country are often old, in basic car parks, that were never designed for stopovers. They clearly never expected this problem, so obviously didn’t have signs up in advance. Once it happened they have added signage warning users of this.Therefore if these toilets have small bore pipes there should be signage warning users of this. In some countries you can block the toilets disposing of toilet paper in the WCs.
I'm afraid I don't subscribe to the toilet casette in a carrier bag etc and sneak in and empty it in public toilets idea ...These type of toilets in this country are often old, in basic car parks, that were never designed for stopovers. They clearly never expected this problem, so obviously didn’t have signs up in advance. Once it happened they have added signage warning users of this.
Just like those foreign countries you mention, where toilets can’t take paper etc. There were no signs at all originally. The locals knew and didn’t need signs. Then tourists and other visitors arrived, the toilets became blocked, and at that point signs were added.
Thats how it works.
It’s called debate, you call it argument if you wish.I’ve been very clear that it happens, but it’s not that frequent and not always motorhomers. I’ve also said very clearly that I certainly don’t believe everything that’s been reported.
Everytime I clarify that you come back with yet another argument. Which suggests that you disagree. Thats fine. That’s your choice.
However, if you agree with me that it does happen due to motorhomers, albeit not frequently and not exclusively, then I’m wondering why you keep arguing the point.
I'm afraid I don't subscribe to the toilet casette in a carrier bag etc and sneak in and empty it in public toilets idea ...
Anymore than I'd advocate the filling up of water round the back of services/graveyards etc ...
Certainly without express permission ....
Those behaviours just provide ammo to the Anti motorhome/freeloader brigades .