I remember way back when a certain Englishman who can’t be named on this forum was trying to force Highland Council to remove unenforceable signs from Highland lay-bys. I said then what I say now. We should keep our heads below the parapets and keep on keeping on dong what we do.
One day our hobby will be banned because a campaign group will have got a network of these aire things all over Scotland but they won’t be a fiver a night like people dreamed it will be like Findhorn for example 20quid to park in a carpark

Findhorn is not a carpark, cars are not allowed within the Aire Cal.

Car parks don't normally provide, Chemical waste, freshwater, and grey waste. Nor do they provide something we were talking about last week 6m fire gaps between vans. And its a mute point but its just gone up to £17, but nice try on the £20
They had two choices ban us or do what they did, its really that stark.
Due to its popularity as you no doubt are aware they had serious issues.
The cost of providing the Air was just over £150,000 and paid out of the funds of the local Findhorn trust.
Things have got whole lot worse since covid, and wether we like it or not there is a large shortfall in facilities being offered up there.
We would all love to go back to how things were before I started this pastime Cal.
I get your frustration, but with growing numbers of vans from all over the UK and Europe, not to mention the explosion of hired vans driven mainly by the inexperienced, something has to give. We can't put back the clock, but we can try and make the best of what's possible.
Anyway with your excellent knowledge of Scotland, you will never be forced into any Aires, you will always find a wee spot.