About 1972/3 I was on dole for a spell, I wasn't that bothered at the time as I was going through a bad period so not able to hold a job down, then the job centre told me to go to a company called Stephensons Soaps (for the wool industry) anyway I went got the job Clocked on and walked out on my first day, went back in at 4pm and clocked off, I did this for a week or so and no one said a word so I got three of my mates in on it and we would come in nicely dressed with clipboards and just wander around asking people what they were doing, even management were asked questions, not a clue who we were. We'd still go out for most of the day you can only mess about like that for so long before it gets boring.
One of the lads took a shine to a girl there and got moved to her department, married her and has four kids, I still see him now and then.
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