Ah, you beat me to it. Here's the response I'd already typed up. You've already done much of it.As far as I can see Alf Abbott, Cons. West Cliff, Stewart Campbell, Cons. Streonshalh, and David Chance, Cons. Mayfield, are those most geographically connected with Whitby, but whether they would be supportive I don’t know. And whether others would have a special interest in the subject I can’t establish without local knowledge.
Ah, you beat me to it. Here's the response I'd already typed up. You've already done much of it.
It's a huge task emailing all the councillors you could usefully email. The group being encouraged to make the proposal are the Conservative Group on Scarborough Borough Council. They are here listed by group; https://democracy.scarborough.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?FN=PARTY&VW=LIST&PIC=0
I know none of them personally though I did have some little email dealings with Andrew Backhouse – who now seems to be independent. From memory I'd have said he was conservative. Eight years ago he was quoted as being in favour of providing permitted places on car parks when he was the Cabinet Holder. I understand he no longer owns a caravan site and I might include him – and he might encourage the other independents.
The fairly obvious candidates are the representatives for the Whitby wards. These are Mayfield (perhaps), Whitby and Westcliff, and Streonshalh. I didn't know the consituencies, I had to look at the map.
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Here is the listing by ward. https://democracy.scarborough.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?FN=WARD&VW=LIST&PIC=0
If I were to choose then I'd go for Cllr Bastiman who seems to be in charge of the whole thing and ALL the Members for the local constituencies not jsut those probably in favour of the project because of belonging to once political group. Then I'd maybe trawl through the home addresses of the whole 46 looking for those with Whitby addresses. There are at least two names missing from the list I was used to years ago.
Lot of work – but very satisfying. Oh, and although all the emails would be identiical I'd name each one individually. It's my limited experincethat multiple mail shots are identified sometimes by email programmes as junk and only get seen if the recipient happens to check his junk box.
If you choose more than just Cllr Bastiman then I'd love to know what responses you get.
EDITED to add ALL Whitby councillors.
Ok, job done. I have sent emails to Councillor Bastiman, the three Whitby Councillors and Councillor Backhouse. I'm not sure how the latter will receive this as he is still declaring an interest in a local campsite. I'll let you all know if I get any replies.
Yes I wondered about the Town council, I was reluctant to press their buttons without some intel on their opinions.
Whitby won't be seeing me. After the 'good times' rejection I've found new camper friendly destinations.As s former ratepayer to Scarborough council, I have been critical in the past of their antics and “tourist prevention officers” attitude towards visitors .
What is often overlooked in the case of Whitby (and Filey) is the residents themselves are oppressed by SBC . give or take Whitby to Scarborough is just shy of 20 miles. the decision making processes equally 20 miles away and the locals with justification feel the poor relatives investment and policy concentrates around the town of Scarborough itself no where else matters
It is no different to this area which falls under Kirklees there is a strong resentment that Huddersfield receives all the spoils and Dewsbury if lucky gets a few scraps..
Of course it happens all over the country, but worth considering it isn’t the townsfolk of Whitby itself that has created problems in The past before we write off the town completely.
The car park suggested, is quiet enough , not surrounded by local hotels etc who could raise possible objections or campsites arguing a conflict of interest. A taxi to and fro the town centre will see change from a fiver each way and allows folk to have a drink or two if visiting the hostelries in the town. Oh and taxis are part of the local economy .
In the longer term if the idea is successful then who knows the calendar may be extended ? In either event the proposal is more than we have at the moment
Gladly!!!There is a facebook group called "Campaign for Real Aires CAMpRA". Barge1914 would you mind if I copied your letter to that forum?
Hi. In fact the more people who copy it and put it to good use the better. It would be particularly good if people who live in areas where such issues exist copy adapt and send it to their own councillors. A letter from a ratepayer counts more brownie points than one who is ‘out of the Parish’.There is a facebook group called "Campaign for Real Aires CAMpRA". Barge1914 would you mind if I copied your letter to that forum?
Ok I have added Councillors Goodberry, Tucker and Campbell to the recipients. Also the North Yorkshire Enquirer have come back to me and want to publish the text in their next issue.