Pay-per-mile' road tax on the way

Not necessarily a bad thing if say the average mileage 10k? costs about £200 or equivalent for your vehicle. Only do 2k miles a year... then you only pay £40. Do 20k then you pay £400. Usage related, why not?

But beware stealth increase. If 10k miles cost £400 then it's time to protest!
When you have two cars that are zero rated because government said they were clean (one petrol the other diesel) & a motorhome that is also zero tax, then paying pay per mile is something I will not be doing due to the amount of vat & tax that is on the fuel.
When you have two cars that are zero rated because government said they were clean (one petrol the other diesel) & a motorhome that is also zero tax, then paying pay per mile is something I will not be doing due to the amount of vat & tax that is on the fuel.
Don’t think they’ll introduce it as an optional choice.
Simply put road tax on EV’s I have to pay £410 p.a. Anyway as the car was more than £40k

But I pay no other running costs as I charge at home from solar, even between December and February I generally got enough solar to run the house and the car, on the odd occasion I had to buy electricity I only paid 7.5p / kw on intelligent go tariff.

Tyres are to issue with EV’s they don’t last as long as the torque is higher, the car cost included 3 years servicing, replacement wipers etc, seldom charge at public points, except when I go to Waitrose as the cat park is a nightmare but there’s always an EV charge point free, sometimes I plug it in and don’t turn the charger on 😁
Oh, aren’t you a clever boy, “sometimes I plug it in and don’t turn the charger on”. Explain to me why you think you should do that? As an EV owner you should know better.
'Pay-per-mile' road tax on the way?Is this the 'Change' that Labour were talking about?Labour must consider road pricing, 'pay-per-mile road tax', to prevent a black hole emerging in the public finances, a civil servant has said.Michael Dnes, head of future roads technology at the Department for Transport, called for Ministers to consider a controversial “per-mile” tax on drivers to ensure “electric motorists keep paying their share”.With the number of electric cars on the road growing, the Treasury is facing a £25bn shortfall – about half the annual defence budget – if it cannot replace revenues from fuel duty.This is because electric car owners do not need to buy petrol, on which fuel duty and VAT is levied.
I’d love to know how they’re going to rip us off with this one - what if I do 500 miles to the tunnel , 5000 miles in Europe then 500 miles from the tunnel home , how are they going to bill you ? If it’s on your mileage yearly how do you prove you’ve only done a 1000 miles in uk ? And how many people won’t pay an annual bill ? , if they stick the charge on fuel how can that be per mile if one vehicle does 50mpg and another does 80mpg on the same fuel ! , whatever as usual we’ll just sit back and get ripped off while mp’s will claim it on expenses , think we need to adopt a bit of French sense and start opposing this before it gets a foothold .
Why should an EV driver know better?
Because by blocking the charger he is preventing other EV drivers from charging.

I've never had a problem but I did once find that 2 out of three charging points were blocked by non electric vehicles.
Plenty of parking spaces available but the chargers were near the entrance so selfish people in fossil cars used them to save a 20 yard walk.
I’d love to know how they’re going to rip us off with this one - what if I do 500 miles to the tunnel , 5000 miles in Europe then 500 miles from the tunnel home , how are they going to bill you ? If it’s on your mileage yearly how do you prove you’ve only done a 1000 miles in uk ? And how many people won’t pay an annual bill ? , if they stick the charge on fuel how can that be per mile if one vehicle does 50mpg and another does 80mpg on the same fuel ! , whatever as usual we’ll just sit back and get ripped off while mp’s will claim it on expenses , think we need to adopt a bit of French sense and start opposing this before it gets a foothold .
They will find away to implement it and no doubt convince a fair few it is for their own good by by way of saving the planet, the NHS, more housing, blah blah blah, you know, the usual bull poop.
Same old, same old innit. 🤨
I’d love to know how they’re going to rip us off with this one - what if I do 500 miles to the tunnel , 5000 miles in Europe then 500 miles from the tunnel home , how are they going to bill you ?
2) GPS in the car.
or 3) Bill you for 6,000 miles unless you can prove you did 5000 miles outside the UK.

I suspect that they will go for ANPR and that not all roads will be chargable.
a) The technology is well tried and proven.
b) It supports different rates for different roads
c) Instant charging, so great for their cash flow
d) low cost
I have to say the Frech cyclist both civilian and lycra clad behave much better, you got the odd Richard Cranium but largely okay.
Because by blocking the charger he is preventing other EV drivers from charging.

I've never had a problem but I did once find that 2 out of three charging points were blocked by non electric vehicles.
Plenty of parking spaces available but the chargers were near the entrance so selfish people in fossil cars used them to save a 20 yard walk.
Yes, that's all true.
Doesn't answer the question I asked though. :)
Agreed, more of the pl#nkers out last weekend hogging the road like Wilda-beast during migration!! :mad:

The problem I have round here Terry is that the lanes are narrow and they do tend to cycle two abreast.

Given that the highway code dictates that I must give them 1.5 metres when overtaking that would put me in the hedge. But the point is that they are road users, they even have cycle lanes allocated for them so surely they should contribute to the roads upkeep in some small way?
I think that the best way to tax use is via the pumps, the further you drive the more it costs but that would impact us the same as a gas guzzler, I honestly don't think there is a fairer system than the RFL we already have, but EVs should not escape at all, they do more damage to the roads and environment than a normal ICE car emissions not included.

And why are we not being offered LPG fuled cars anyway, much better than petrol or diesel, so good they use it for inside forklifts, and it would help us too.
They can't even keep track of the bikes that should be registered under current laws, let them get to grips with that first, not that they will. :LOL:

No they can't Mark. Loads of kids riding round at 40mph round our way on electric bikes. Not saying that it will ever happen just thought I'd throw it in coz I'm in that sort of mood.

Drinking Devil's Advocaat or something like that. :giggle:
I'm of the mind that if I was a bit younger (a fecking lot younger) I might be inclined to have an electric bike/scooter, the device isn't the problem it's the way they are being used.
No they can't Mark. Loads of kids riding round at 40mph round our way on electric bikes. Not saying that it will ever happen just thought I'd throw it in coz I'm in that sort of mood.

Drinking Devil's Advocaat or something like that. :giggle:
I'm up for a copper on every corner confiscating e bikes that should be registered, but aren't. Fines for adults that ride on pavements ride, up one way roads, unless signed as a road cyclist can go both ways, actually, forget the fine, confiscate their bikes too.

I might have to practice what I preach. :ROFLMAO:

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