Sorry just saw this. Quite right too, but I wasn’t referring to (and don’t own) goods vehicle over 3500kgs, busses, minibuses, passenger cars like taxis, or hire & drive vehicles over 3 years old. Not routinely checking these vehicles would be rather irresponsible. I was referring vehicles owned privately - like our motorhome, our cars (over the years), my two motorcycles!
You obviously searched the IOM Government web site to check my claim, put two and two together and arrived at five

Just ask if you would like to know anything about the legislation on the Isle of Man concerning vehicle safety. For example, despite never having an MOT on any vehicle I have ever owned, it is possible to to be prosecuted for driving a vehicle on the island which is not roadworthy. To elaborate this, if you were involved in in an RTC on the island, your vehicle may be subjected to a vehicle examination and if found unroadworthy you would be prosecuted for that.
From what little knowledge I have of the U.K. MOT system, I’m more than happy with the more sensible Manx legislation. IMO of course.
I thank you.