New Highway Code rules.

I think Deliveroo delivery riders are insured, here is their website.
Oh that's all right then.......
I am a cyclist and cannot condone a cyclist going through red lights just because he is happy with taking that risk and he thinks his forcefield will protect him from the risk.
Bottom line there are bad cyclists and bad motorists and bad pedestrians.
None are above the law or should take risks that endanger others or even themselves.
Pedestrians stepping out looking at smartphones are inviting incidents that they will come off badly in.
Where a motorist is using a mobile phone it can be seized and checked for evidence in an accident to validate if he was using it. If a pedestrian (or indeed cyclist) is using a mobile and is knocked down then similar evidence should be gathered.
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I don't think anyone is saying anything even remotely close to that.

How do you propose we identify them?

What about when they damage a car but cycle off. Or the car that takes evasive action and hits something else? Maybe even another cyclist.... Still be the car's fault though I suppose :rolleyes:

I can't ignore people breaking the law, but as long as you're happy with it....
You said "I can't ignore people breaking the law, but as long as you're happy with it". Motorists break the law all the time , we all break the speed limits. some drink drive and jump red lights and use a mobile phone when driving. I don't think Riding a bicycle on a pavement compares with those.
You said "I can't ignore people breaking the law, but as long as you're happy with it". Motorists break the law all the time , we all break the speed limits. some drink drive and jump red lights and use a mobile phone when driving. I don't think Riding a bicycle on a pavement compares with those.
It does if a small child comes out a garden gate to be milled by a nutter with his head down peddling like a chimp on speed.
How can cyclist behave dangerously, if they crash they inevitably only hurt themselves.
Three pedestrians were killed by cyclists in 2017 it didn't say who was to blame or if the pedestrian stepped out in front of the cyclist .
If cyclists killed as many people as motorists do or caused as much damage something would need to be done , but they don't.
Who do motorists kill ? Themselves, other motorists, motorcyclists, pedal cyclists , and pedestrians NO WONDER MOTORISTS NEED INSURANCE.
I don’t wish to be drawn into a whos worse drivers or cyclists debate, because it is divisive, and creates anger, that can lead to accidents.
But I can assure you that cyclists can behave dangerously.
My wife and I regularly walk along our local canal, and regularly with no warning they come from behind us, and fly past us at 15-20 mph. One cyclist even came behind us and then rounded a couple who were on the opposite side walking towards us. On more than one occasion they have finished up in the canal, and have struck pedestrians. There are signs up asking cyclists to take care when passing pedestrians, some simply don’t bother.
I recall a serious accident when a cyclist went through a red light turning right on a T junction. A car that was driving through had to swerve to miss the cyclist and caused a head on collision killing a lady driving towards him. The cyclist did not even stop, he continued cycling but was followed and stopped by a motorist. I attended that incident due to it occurring in my fire station area. That accident did not go down as being caused by the cyclist.
Bottom line there are bad cyclists, and bad motorists.
One here near my other house was warned about whizzing down the footpath right outside the terrace houses where a lot of very old folk live, he kept doing it so one night a door opened and a brush shaft went through his front spokes, he got the message.
Dont get your lycra in twist big yin 😂
Lycra doesn't get in a twist , No wedgies either with lycra 😁 Many sports use Lycra these days not just cyclists, but cycle sport was the first to identify the low air resistance that lycra provided.
Quite agree Mark.

I've nothing against cyclists, I was more having a go at the scumbags who may use the new rules to take advantage of the claim culture. However, I do think they should pay their way, after all millions are spent on cycle lanes and registration plates might deter the ones who have complete disregard for the rules of the road.
Cyclists do pay their way!

Not nearly enough is spent on cycle lanes. One of the best ways this country is going to cut emissions from cars making short local journeys is to provide convenient and safe cycle lanes. We can't afford not to do this. Electric cars are not the answer; the carbon footprint to manufacture a car is way, way more than to make a bike. Plus the fact that cars take up so much more room on the roads and kill far more pedestrians. Cycle lanes are a no-brainer!
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One here near my other house was warned about whizzing down the footpath right outside the terrace houses where a lot of very old folk live, he kept doing it so one night a door opened and a brush shaft went through his front spokes, he got the message.
I can only speak for myself and close cycling freinds. Yes, we do sometimes ride on the pavement when it would be suicide to ride on the road. But we do this with great care and slowdown/dismount when we come up to pedestrians. We are technically breaking the law, but it is safer for us than the alternative of riding on dangerous roads. If proper cycle lanes were provided, then we would not be forced to do this.
Cyclists do pay their way!

Not nearly enough is spent on cycle lanes. One of the best ways this country is going to cut emissions from cars making short local journeys is to provide convenient and safe cycle lanes. We can't afford not to do this. Electric cars are not the answer; the carbon footprint to manufacture a car is way, way more than to make a bike. Plus the fact that cars take up so much more room on the roads and kill far more pedestrians. Cycle lanes are a no-brainer!

Point taken.

However, our local town spent (I think) £8m on cycle lanes, but many ignore them.
Point taken.

However, our local town spent (I think) £8m on cycle lanes, but many ignore them.

Same here Rob, Penwortham has just spent a fortune and been disrupted for months and months whilst they installed dedicated cycle lanes.

What the clever little poppets do now is to ride up on the footpath to get around the red lights or just blatently ride through them.
So, if you came up behind a cyclist on that narrow country road would you start blowing your horn and demanding the cyclist gets out of your way ?
What you should do is hang back a few seconds, ( as you would with a horse and rider) Im sure any decent cyclist who is riding on those roads will pull over into the next available farm gate and let you pass . Patience .
Sadly I have very rarely come across any cyclist that does such things. If anyone one knows of a hill called Greenhow Hill near Pateley Bridge which is as steep as Sutton bank if not steeper in places with ample gateways going up. It's very twisty and narrow in most places. I was stuck behind a couple of cyclist on there and was having to stop and wait for them to get far enough away as to not burn out my clutch as they zigzagged their way up. I was amazed and disgusted that they had no decency to pull into a gateway and let me pass safely, this was for a good 2 miles. Had a stack of other vehicles behind me.

I even put a post on a forum about it (might of been on WC can't remember). But the response i got from someone who's a cyclist said that they had no right to stop as it would to difficult to get back to their pace again to make it up the hill!!!!

Respect on all roads from all users needs to be given by all users. Life needs to have some give and take each way. Then there's the horse riders. well first thing there are two brains at work here but one of which can be unpredictable! On saying that the majority of horse riders do pull into gateways or onto the verge to allow for safe overtaking and majority say thankyou.
I reckon many if these issues stem from the rapid rise in the popularity of cycling in the past 20 years. When I started driving you rarely seen a cyclist, now when I head out I expect to see several. And this works both ways many cyclists lack the experience that is common place in the continent where cycling has been popular for much longer.
But the roads are for all our use be it on a bike, as a pedestrian, or driving a motorised vehicle. And we should all take care to avoid creating an unhealthy environment based on a dislike of any group of road users. I have witnessed vitriol from both sides.
Several years ago whilst driving on a country road near to my home I was waiting patiently for the correct and safe moment to overtake a cyclist. Approximately 30 seconds later a car screamed past myself whilst blasting their horn, and the cyclist on the brow of a hill. There was no way the driver could see over the hill. And as detailed in my previous post I have highlighted poor behaviour from cyclists.
We need to remove this resentment towards each other, and make the roads safer for everyone.
Hopefully soon cyclists will have to have a licence, pass a test, have an MOT for the bike(if over 3years old), be taxed and fully insured.
That's ridiculous. These new rules are rightly to encourage and protect people choosing to travel actively. I agree that we should be training people to cycle safely, ideally as children, but if children had to pass a test, have a licence, be insured, taxed and MOTed is not at all reasonable.

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