I gave you my thoughts on children and grand children in post # 91.
You are not forced to have a diesel MH, petrols are available just a more limited choice. There are plenty of American RVs with petrol engines.
You are right i am 100% sure global warming is happening at this time. Nowhere have i said it isn't, but what i don't believe is EVs are the answer. Nobody has come up with a answer as far as been green about the supply and recycling/disposal of the batteries. There are approx 1 billion cars on the roads of the world should there be only a 25% take up of EVs that's still 250,000,000 batteries to make, recycle dispose of.
Most car batteries are made in China, South Korea and Japan, where the use of carbon in electricity production is relatively high. An EEA report found that in China, 35-50% of total EV manufacturing emissions arise from electricity consumption for
battery production. These emissions are up to three times higher than in the United States.
Volkswagen introduced a scheme in 2019 which it believes will see 97% of all the raw materials used in new EV batteries reused by 2040.
The cynic in me tells me we can all believe what VW tells us.

and thats another 20 years to fully implement and just one manufacturer.
I also believe global warming is a extremely convenient excuse to extract money from the public by using fear for the future. As in LEZs in cities whilst still expanding airports at the same time. If govs were really trying to reduce carbon footprints they would be also wanting to reduce air traffic not increase it and that is only one example of many should anyone choose to look. That's why i say it is money/business driven and not just a matter of saving the planet.