French playing 90 day rule games.?

Coincidentally received this today from UK Gov website

Passports and travel after ******
Check your passport is valid for travel before you book your trip. Your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay; you do not need any additional period of validity on your passport beyond this.
You’ll need to renew your passport before travelling if you do not have enough time left on your passport.
The rules on travel will stay the same until the implementation period ends on 31 December 2020. During this time you can continue to travel to countries in the Schengen area or elsewhere in the EU with your UK passport.
We will update these pages with details of any changes to the rules as soon as information is available. You should sign up for updates to this guidance.

Confirms I think that we are safe till 31/12/20 when implementation (ie transition ) period ends.

My question is still after the implementation period ends will we get another 90 days under Schengen or will we have to get out by 31/12/20 if we have already been in the Schengen area for 90 days ?
Logically you should get 90 days from the time of the rule coming into force with no "Hangover from New Year's Eve"
New year new era new start !
But bureaucrats & politicians rarely see logic (unless cash is involved !)
So it could be the last "good winter" not relevant for us but I hope so for others !
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My question is still after the implementation period ends will we get another 90 days under Schengen or will we have to get out by 31/12/20 if we have already been in the Schengen area for 90 days ?

Currently nobody can answer your question.

People are jumping to conclusions that we will be restricted to 90 in 180 days because we become a third Country after ****** and therefore will be required to have a Schengen visa which has that time/duration limitation for travel in Schengen Area. There's a good site about Schengen here and theres an a page of info that may give us a glimmer of hope here on that site we won't need a visa and therefore there would be no time restriction. It also gives info about future travel in Schengen Area such as the ETIAS system where we will need to apply on line for authorisation to travel in EU/Schengen Area from Jan 2021.
I'm a bit confused as to how the French would know how long you've been in Europe. No one has ever done anything but glance at my passport as I've entered France, which I did every week when working, and no one but the ferry company had any interest in who I was when I returned to the UK. As far as anyone in the French Government know I could have been away since 1990.
My passport is scanned at Dover by the ferry operator and by Passport Control on the way back at Calais. I have no doubt these systems will be integrated and big brother will know when you are in and out
I assumed they scanned our passports when we came in from the tunnel ? Hope I am wrong .

Maybe new rules will only apply on first trip out after 31/12/20 ?
Currently nobody can answer your question.

People are jumping to conclusions that we will be restricted to 90 in 180 days because we become a third Country after ****** and therefore will be required to have a Schengen visa which has that time/duration limitation for travel in Schengen Area. There's a good site about Schengen here and theres an a page of info that may give us a glimmer of hope here on that site we won't need a visa and therefore there would be no time restriction. It also gives info about future travel in Schengen Area such as the ETIAS system where we will need to apply on line for authorisation to travel in EU/Schengen Area from Jan 2021.

Am I missing something here in your link? I cant see anything that offers any prospect of staying beyond the 90 days for third countries, quite the opposite.
Am I missing something here in your link? I cant see anything that offers any prospect of staying beyond the 90 days for third countries, quite the opposite.

It's under the section "UK Nationals Travelling to Schengan Area"

............ Britons will be treated as non-EU countries are.

Though they will not be subject to visa requirements, they still need to apply for and get an ETIAS starting from January 2021. My thinking being no visa no visa rules. Jagmax though rightly says the ETIAS will be restricted to 90 in 180 for non visa required countries.
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Is there still a glimmer of hope?, again from the Schengen site.

We have developed this form, so you can check if you will need to apply for an ETIAS Authorization or a Schengen Visa before traveling to Schengen Area.

Select your citizenship*

×United Kingdom

You could potentially need ETIAS!
As of now, it is still unclear how traveling for Britons will be arranged in a post-****** Europe.
The UK and EU will be negotiating about the free movement of people, and there is a possibility that the outcome would be: ETIAS for UK citizens!
No it’s not. If you look on the heading I posted I put a ? at the end -
I was wondering if this had happened to anyone on here. The amount of people this could happen to is minimal and probably the ones it could happen to will find out as they travel back when the weather improves. I hope it’s rumour as well.
I take it if i get the irish passport then i can come and go if i wish but what about my vans reg as its N I British plates,surly its me and not the van as they can be bought anywhere, or would this get you a pull by the feds.
I'm a bit confused as to how the French would know how long you've been in Europe. No one has ever done anything but glance at my passport as I've entered France, which I did every week when working, and no one but the ferry company had any interest in who I was when I returned to the UK. As far as anyone in the French Government know I could have been away since 1990.
My son told me that they are working on the idea that as soon as you enter an EU country you will be given a sticker to put in your windscreen with a date you entered .
The only glimmer of hope was the campaign for British citizens to be allowed to retain EU Citizenship but its hardly a weak twinkle let alone a glimmer. This was started back in 2016 by Charles Goerens (A Luxembourg MEP) and backed by Guy Verhofstad who despite an element of loathing from many in the UK is actually very pro Brit. Well some of us. I cant see it flying though although I wouldn't put it past the EU to actually offer it to UK citizens and for Johnson and his crew to decline. The EU generally dont see freedom of movement for Brits within Europe as a bad thing, they see Freedom of movement as a good thing as do I. Sadly that is not the case here.

What I find amusing is the outrage on other social media that we may have to queue at a third country queue at airports, pay a visa charge or be limited in how long we can stay. What did people think was going to happen?

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