OK, lets not be silly! How do you extrapolate me not liking an obviously scrap van and car on a trailer, actually dumped on someone's drive, with not liking campervans? My van is on my drive, our neighbours all have vans, one has a caravan and one even has a Traction Engine! No one minds. But I guess you took issue with my post because you wanted to type something. Take a look at the picture again. Would you like to live next door to them? (Of course you would, for the sake of this thread!)
I have no objections to anyone using their property for any purpose, fixing up vehicles, restoring vehicles or even just storing vehicles. But come on, that car and trailer are never going to be moved again. The old van? Maybe, but if we are 14 years down the line and it is still like that, I wouldn't hold out much hope of it ever being road legal.