May your Gods go with you....
OK-remember on Continental shelf things are not as uk:very many of uk problems-louts, litter, nasties, just don't apply. Free legit (and welcoming free sites (aires en francais) abount, a shilling buys water,
battery-top-up electricity maybe, and if overnighting is ok n-a car or truck, bus is supposedly not but...
be discreet -anywhere. The less you are noticed the better and safer u are.
do unto udders as you would have 'em do to you -it usually pays off!
Motorhomes just love sex- just watch how, the minute you think u are alone ,in a nice, carefully-sussed-out and quiet place to park, another one will arive and try ....well
If you don't know the rules locally-why not ask? people are mostly pleasant and willing to adviseand in Europe they largely like and accept motorhomes are just passing by and probably have one9or their cousin has or they rent one of the tens of thousands now rentable in Europe).
Stickers, were u come from, wishing all a nice day, "we like your beer..." a Thistles, a Scottish lion, St George, Leeks, St patrick, Guinness ... whatever may( often do) encourage locals to chat and make friends..a very good are source of info.
they may even have been to Madame TUSSAUDS OR EDINBURGH CASTLE OR Falls/Shankill RD, Blarney or Abergevenny!
Oh yes- September through to May are good times and lots and lots of places are safe and free on coasts but come May to Sept, coastal space is at a premium and largely nowadays, verboten. But there is always somewhere to park off promenade or just a bit inland and therefore sans problems.
Same goes for most tourist spots- leave the natives to make their few Summer shekels fortunes?) and find peace and quiet where there's no profit in it for them!
Water costs and asking to fill a tank may meet with a refusal (garages and motorway services are usually a good source but most folk, cafe etc will cheerfully fill a container with a gallon to two if yiour tank is running dry
Be very discreet, don't be too obvious but if you look closely, there is always a water tap in a cemetry.
Good spots were: stadium car parks( chjeck for matches or events) ditto sprts facilities in general, and environs of ferry ports or country railway stations (if they are not pay and park, heavily used subruban commuter stations.( keep a ticket handy or a message from a loved-one to say they are "arriving on early train....."
By all means , do as the locals do, watch where indigenous motorhomers and check with them for ok's or no-"'no -I'm just chancing it". And regardless, always use your own loaf- if in doubt, then get out!
If it smells bad, it probably is.
Nothing in the foregoing applies to Italians who seem to have a right -or at least the ability-to park anywhere (and mostly seem to get away with it).Be sure YOU will incur the fine if you emulate them!
As in all things-remember:the do-gooders will be the end of us all!