Wild Camping How To Guide

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Ok, a couple of gripes
Last weekend one morning when returning to a regular Devon seaside road spot, there was a horrible trail of grey water streaming across the road from beneath another MH! There are no drains on this road, so the rain water filters into the adjacent park. Its a regular haunt for dog walkers too with wide road on the seafront/clifftop without parking restrictions on both sides. Behavior like this will get yellow lines in pronto!!
Also, another van had its engine running for ages at 9am on a Sunday, presumably for charging power, noisy to say the least whilst the occupants too their dog for a walk.
Where is the respect here?
leave notting but foot prints
and take notting but memories
thanks stubby
May your Gods go with you....
OK-remember on Continental shelf things are not as uk:very many of uk problems-louts, litter, nasties, just don't apply. Free legit (and welcoming free sites (aires en francais) abount, a shilling buys water, battery-top-up electricity maybe, and if overnighting is ok n-a car or truck, bus is supposedly not but...
be discreet -anywhere. The less you are noticed the better and safer u are.
do unto udders as you would have 'em do to you -it usually pays off!
Motorhomes just love sex- just watch how, the minute you think u are alone ,in a nice, carefully-sussed-out and quiet place to park, another one will arive and try ....well
If you don't know the rules locally-why not ask? people are mostly pleasant and willing to adviseand in Europe they largely like and accept motorhomes are just passing by and probably have one9or their cousin has or they rent one of the tens of thousands now rentable in Europe).
Stickers, were u come from, wishing all a nice day, "we like you....like your beer..." a Thistles, a Scottish lion, St George, Leeks, St patrick, Guinness ... whatever may( often do) encourage locals to chat and make friends..a very good are source of info.
they may even have been to Madame TUSSAUDS OR EDINBURGH CASTLE OR Falls/Shankill RD, Blarney or Abergevenny!
Oh yes- September through to May are good times and lots and lots of places are safe and free on coasts but come May to Sept, coastal space is at a premium and largely nowadays, verboten. But there is always somewhere to park off promenade or just a bit inland and therefore sans problems.
Same goes for most tourist spots- leave the natives to make their few Summer shekels fortunes?) and find peace and quiet where there's no profit in it for them!
Water costs and asking to fill a tank may meet with a refusal (garages and motorway services are usually a good source but most folk, cafe etc will cheerfully fill a container with a gallon to two if yiour tank is running dry
Be very discreet, don't be too obvious but if you look closely, there is always a water tap in a cemetry.
Good spots were: stadium car parks( chjeck for matches or events) ditto sprts facilities in general, and environs of ferry ports or country railway stations (if they are not pay and park, heavily used subruban commuter stations.( keep a ticket handy or a message from a loved-one to say they are "arriving on ....an early train....."
By all means , do as the locals do, watch where indigenous motorhomers and check with them for ok's or no-"'no -I'm just chancing it". And regardless, always use your own loaf- if in doubt, then get out!
If it smells bad, it probably is.
Nothing in the foregoing applies to Italians who seem to have a right -or at least the ability-to park anywhere (and mostly seem to get away with it).Be sure YOU will incur the fine if you emulate them!
As in all things-remember:the do-gooders will be the end of us all!
Wild Camping How To Guide

I would like us to have a how to guide. A common sense guide of how to wild camp in a motorhome.

I would like this to be the ethos of this site.

Dont avoid obvious things like "dont leave litter" or "leave it as you found it or better".

Please give your suggestions for the guide and lets see if we can get a good guide together.


if you see any locals out & about speak / make friends with them let them see you wish them no harm.
dont make any unnessary noise especially late at night or early morning.
if you have a dog keep it under control especially on or near farm / other animals
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Keep your Campervan tidy , I was approached by a police officer last week and he had examined the van ( Parked up while I caught the morning Train ) while I was off at work , he said he wasnt bothered because he could see I wasnt a vagrant by the way everything was clean and tidy and he checked my Documents and told me to stay as long as I wanted his mate does the same as me when he is off shift.

I always leave the curtains open but the "goodies" hidden

I never stay more than a couple of nights where possible.

Try not to run the Engine or Generator too long when close to housing .

Always say Good Morning /Afternoon / Evening and chat when you can ..people are reassured by a warm smile and a cheery countenance and the offer of a cuppa never goes far wrong !!

Even when times are hard try not to sell lucky Heather or pegs or offer readings lololololol
If pc plod is daft enough (and I doubt it)to take it further, take a photo of how your van was, showing it was not in a drivable mode and you will win any court case:D
regards Graham

A good Idea but :

Not Necessarily true.

For the benefit of members :

And please remember a motorhome is treated legally no different to a car or truck with sleeper cab etc, and more to the point this really does relate to wild camping

4(2) Without prejudice to subsection (1) above, a person who, when in charge of a mechanically propelled vehicle which is on a road or other public place, is unfit to drive through drink or drugs is guilty of an offence.

4(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) above, a person shall be deemed not to have been in charge of a mechanically propelled vehicle if he proves that at the material time the circumstances were such that there was no likelihood of his driving it so long as he remained unfit to drive through drink or drugs.

IMPORTANT: However, in the case of Sheldrake v DPP 2003 the Court stated that in the light of the Human Rights Act 1998 this defence must be given the following meaning:
It is a defence for a person charged with this offence to demonstrate from the evidence an arguable case that at the time he was alleged to have committed the offence, the circumstances were such that there was no likelihood of his driving the vehicle while he/she remained unfit to drive though drink or drugs.


Drunk in charge is a case of what is termed 'reverse buden of proof' The onus is on the driver to prove he wasnt going to drive whilst OPL.
Fot trucks this can be easy because of tachos , required breaks etc..and you wont be amazed how many peeps are miraculously breathelised the following morning when they move off.

For those who like a little heavy bedtime reading, you may find the following interesting



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if you come past a motorhome that rocking dnt go knocking ????:eek::eek::;)

were is there a list of wild camp sites? new on here and just reading hrough all posts
How to...Wildcamp.

I agree with all the sentiments in the posts. I read somewhere that Southwold Council had banned campers in certain areas. So in the name of "justice", I mailed the Council & the Clerk replied. Would you or would you not be amazed to hear of the reasons for the ban......."parking in front of houses"...."carrying out ablutions in local's proximity"...&....."even cleaning teeth & spitting out where householders could see"......need I continue ?
Who are these campers (sic) who give us all a bad name. I replied to the good lady clerk & agreed that such behaviour should not be tolerated & the ban was (in this case) justified therefore, we all suffers for the sins of a few...a sorry state of affairs.......Regards.
pass my shovel

Who are these campers (sic) who give us all a bad name. I replied to the good lady clerk & agreed that such behaviour should not be tolerated & the ban was (in this case) justified therefore, we all suffers for the sins of a few...a sorry state of affairs.......Regards.

Pass me my shovel:(

Would this this be same Council who was asked "Do you have any photographic evidence?" and went quiet? Someone else challenged them to prove how the alleged M/H's were damaging the road surface while their own 20 tonne bin wagons and 3.5 tonne trucks apparently don't (even the council workers like a nice view while eating their sandwiches!)

Nearly everyone carries a cameraphone these days. If I saw a M/H owner acting in a way *I* considered inappropriate ( I = normally very tolerant:)) then their picture and reg no. would be posted here.

Sometimes an innocent action can be misinterpreted when not in possession of all the facts. I once got horrified looks from two old girls sat in a car when I emptied what they thought was a bowl of dishwash water in the carpark grass verge. They did not know it was my dog's drinking water bowl which had some sand in it that I did not want to put down the sink. If I did not go over and pacify them it could well be my picture on here:eek:

Had 2 vans from lazydays costumer care was rubbish, full of promises
you only get wind.
When purchased my latest van I new they would be busy for the 1st of March so I simply said to help the work shop out, I will have mine about the 12th of March thinking I will steer clear of the rushed van effect,however they had put mine on the back burner then forgot all about it until I called the day before then panic set in but they never told me they had forgot ( are you bored yet ) so in one day they had to prep it
alarm on
bike rack on
aerial on
cd radio in
reversing censers on
Which were extras, any way cut a long story short arrived at show room for collection and was told after 30 minuets
to goto work shop as the alarm has just been finished NOT HAPPY when I got there Phil had told me what went wrong and yes like I said they had forgot, no apologies BLAH BLAH BLAH

I have since changed dealership to Malcolm's of Stoke who are CI dealers and he has sorted some warranty probs
out for me could not be happier.

So if you want to be lied to parmed off etc buy your van from them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow sounds like last year when i bought a new van from discover leisure, (the habitation door did not close or lock and the alarm was not fitted !!! etc,etc) they are only after your money and dont care what happens after you have handed over the dosh:(
for the guide

"Leave only your footprints, take only your memories".
Smile at passers by if you happen to be looking out of the window, and smile at others who park their cars near you.
We live near a rural spot where people often wild camp and I walk our dog there regularly. I often think wild campers look as though they are a bit furtive, maybe they are worried they are going to be moved on ! but ... if they smile and chat to passers by when the opportunity arrises, I am sure it would make a difference.
wow sounds like last year when i bought a new van from discover leisure, (the habitation door did not close or lock and the alarm was not fitted !!! etc,etc) they are only after your money and dont care what happens after you have handed over the dosh:(

Write a letter to Trevor Parker or Simon Dixon, If you need help PM me I have worked with these characters in the past


:)commonsense, mes enfants. Just think. if you lived nearby, would you want rubbish dumped, loud noise, music, interference with your lifestyle? Probably not. So- think as other folk will think of you. And that's the opinion they will form of the rest of us too! good ideas? Be friendly, If it looks ok, ask if it is. Chat folk up: if they object yr presence, try to find out their objections. Mostly, there is always somewhere else to stopover and it's not worth a row to stay in any one place.
if in doubt-ask a polis: Whenever found not very often) Europolisis are surprisinglt helpful about where and how to stay. So are tourish offices -even traffic wardens!(sic)
It's surprising how much people will offer help if you approach 'em the right way.;)
Beffore I learned to communicate in French (and some other Euro speak) I ad some stickers that said who and what i was-ie Irish tourist, others in the country's language saying I wished all a good day; loved their country and suchlike and stuck 'em in window along with info too, (Hymie Baby was 20 yrs old when I got 'im) with where I'd been and where I was going. Just being Irish seemed like a magic passport- especially the farther away from Ireland I got!
Sorry if ye all can't be Irish but maybe being Brit will make friends too: unless T Blair and co have completely queered the pitch! :rolleyes:


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Excuse me but...

I am completely new to this site and motorhoming and need some advice... I want to head south (from London) next week in my motorhome with my dog and cat... any suggestions? I'd love to find a place near the sea with a nice group of wildcampers! :p

I hope I have posted this in the right place!!!?? :eek:
Good morning OKIMMY,

You are on the wrong thread but do not worry about it.

You can post a bit about yourself under "New members introduce yourself" and let us know a bit about yourself, where you live, what van you have etc.

There are threads on all counties of Britain here so look at Kent etc if you are heading South.

Welcome to the site.
Rubbish bins in car parks are for the general detritus that would normally accumulate in a car, i.e. Crisp packets, fish and chip papers, fag packets, empty bags etc. I don't think wine and beer bottles fall into that catagory. Like I said I am, just maybe need a break from here as you did the other week.
We totally agree with taking your rubish home or keeping it untill you can dispose of it properly. Car Park bins are not for household waste, which is what motorhome waste is. Last summer we visited the car park in Dawlish Warren, which has been officially designated for motorhomes to stay overnight for up to 2nights. We got up one morning and the seaguls had pulled out the rubbish from one of the car park bins and veg peelings and egg shell along with other household waste was strewn all around the bin. We were parked on the opposite side of the carpark but went accross with a black bag and picked up all the rubbish and placed it back in the bin, whilst some people in a Rapido sat outside their van, next to the bin and watched. All it would take is for the car park attendant, who arrived shortly afterwards, to go back to the depot and tell his boss what a mess the motorhomers had left, and that could possibly be the end of our being able to camp there at all. Teignbridge Council have taken the innitiative to designate 2 of their car parks for our pleasure, at Dawlish Warren and Teignmouth, if this facilitiy is not treated with respect IT WILL BE WITHDRAWN. Hopefully, other councils will follow their lead, so come on folk, support it and please dont leave a mess ANYWHERE.
Pass me my shovel:(

Would this this be same Council who was asked "Do you have any photographic evidence?" and went quiet? Someone else challenged them to prove how the alleged M/H's were damaging the road surface while their own 20 tonne bin wagons and 3.5 tonne trucks apparently don't (even the council workers like a nice view while eating their sandwiches!)

Nearly everyone carries a cameraphone these days. If I saw a M/H owner acting in a way *I* considered inappropriate ( I = normally very tolerant:)) then their picture and reg no. would be posted here.

Sometimes an innocent action can be misinterpreted when not in possession of all the facts. I once got horrified looks from two old girls sat in a car when I emptied what they thought was a bowl of dishwash water in the carpark grass verge. They did not know it was my dog's drinking water bowl which had some sand in it that I did not want to put down the sink. If I did not go over and pacify them it could well be my picture on here:eek:

Totally agree, and another thing to remember is that 'Joe Public' dosent understand motorhomes as we do, if they see ANY water running, or dripping out from under your van they just presume its toilet waste.
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