Wild Camping How To Guide

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Always take your empties home or to a recycling centre, I have heard a car park attendant say empty wine and beer bottles left in the bins by motorhomers, then being smashed on the car park, presumably by kids, has led to the banning of motorhomes from the car park. He also stated empty ready meal boxes strewn about, maybe dogs or foxes. ( I don't mean the ready meals contained dogs or foxes, least not unless Don and Trevor had been there;):p ) So er on the side of caution and take it all home.

Sorry, but if a bin is there I will use it:cool:
Well, correct me if I am wrong, but is that not what the bins are for:D
Like I said Chill:D

Rubbish bins in car parks are for the general detritus that would normally accumulate in a car, i.e. Crisp packets, fish and chip papers, fag packets, empty bags etc. I don't think wine and beer bottles fall into that catagory. Like I said I am, just maybe need a break from here as you did the other week.
Rubbish bins in car parks are for the general detritus that would normally accumulate in a car, i.e. Crisp packets, fish and chip papers, fag packets, empty bags etc. I don't think wine and beer bottles fall into that catagory. Like I said I am, just maybe need a break from here as you did the other week.

Like I said, I agree in principal with you, but It is no use running around using fuel and co2 emmissions to find a recycling bin.
Bins are for using and the council can sort to recycle if they want to.
A couple of years ago, we were at Betwes y coed and I had a small white bag full of rubish.
I was walking over to a council bin when I noticed that a local trader was just putting his bin out for collection.
I thought that rather than putting my waste bag into the council bin and possibly filling it up more than normal small paper rubish that I would ask the guy if I could jusy pop it in with his rubbish, thus leaving more space for normal car users!
Well, I was shocked by his rude reply and since that day I have always used the council bins, as better than chucking in a corner or over the hedge (just joking):D;)
well i have to admit we bring ours home with us and put it in our bins it's no hardship
each to their own

Well, we usually have 1 tesco bag per day and I think it may smell the m/h out if we kept them for a few days over a long weekend:eek:
Think I will carry on using the council provided bins:D
Well, we usually have 1 tesco bag per day and I think it may smell the m/h out if we kept them for a few days over a long weekend:eek:
Think I will carry on using the council provided bins:D

Graham I think that you may be under a misapprehension but the council vans that pick up from council car parks are not equipped to recycle. Councils have specialist vehicles and teams for that, so the numerous car park bins emptied are taken direct to landfill, nothing is separated out so the bottles and cans inside are just generally mixed in with all the rest of the rubbish to break up, taking millenia to degrade, in the meantime become a hazard to wildlife not to mention the loss of recyclable savings of resources. I am not for a second suggesting that the normal M/H waste, the tea bags, food wrappings etc should be carried home with you or that you go out of your way to look for a recycling point. Even on my long summer holidays all of my recyclables are washed and kept in the locker until I pass a recycling point or get home, Its never been a hardship or an inconvenience just what I consider good practice after all you wouldn't dream of emptying your toilet waste anywhere would you. Its only a slight mind shift away, like you said you no longer chuck your rubbish out of the window, though there are plenty that still do.:confused::confused:
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There are places i go where the recycle bins arn't to far away so i go a few minutes out of my way so i use them, if i am somewhere where there are no bins i take my rubbish home.
For them that dont take there rubbish home its better off in any bin as opposed to lying on the ground, and i think wildcampers respect that fact. We all have been somewhere and there has been rubbish spread here and there so we tend to go round with a bag and pick it up and bin it, well i like to think so. :)
Keep up the good work.

Kath says that you are doing a grand job :cool:
You will have to bear with me as Rome was not built in a day:D
Kath says that you are doing a grand job :cool:
You will have to bear with me as Rome was not built in a day:D

Graham, your not really a dinosaur, even at heart. Now if you had posted a Tom Jones thread instead of the Dave Gilmore, then we might think differently:p;)
Who is he

Graham, your not really a dinosaur, even at heart. Now if you had posted a Tom Jones thread instead of the Dave Gilmore, then we might think differently:p;)

Tom Jones, Who is he?:confused:
Is he anything to do with Davy Jones and his locker:D
Must be before my time:rolleyes:
Kath will probably remember him as she is an old woman with a bday tomorrow and even older:rolleyes:
Tom Jones, Who is he?:confused:
Is he anything to do with Davy Jones and his locker:D
Must be before my time:rolleyes:
Kath will probably remember him as she is an old woman with a bday tomorrow and even older:rolleyes:

Wish Kath a very happy birthday from me, I hope you have arranged something nice, and its Mothers day in a bit. So the van wheels are stationary for a bit, ay!
Thank you Rich

Wish Kath a very happy birthday from me, I hope you have arranged something nice, and its Mothers day in a bit. So the van wheels are stationary for a bit, ay!

I'm more into recycling than Graham is but he is getting better!!!!!!! I'm a good teacher although it is a struggle. :) Thanks for the Happy Birthday message. I now feel like the 'OLD WOMAN' from the Steve Wright show in the afternoon show on radio 2!!!!!! As Graham keeps reminding me. lol:eek:
I'm more into recycling than Graham is but he is getting better!!!!!!! I'm a good teacher although it is a struggle. :) Thanks for the Happy Birthday message. I now feel like the 'OLD WOMAN' from the Steve Wright show in the afternoon show on radio 2!!!!!! As Graham keeps reminding me. lol:eek:
In advance Happy Birthday Kath,


Thanks Trev

luv the balloons Trev but don't think you'd want to buy a balloon for every year I'm not celebrating tomorrow. I'm going downhill from now on. Will need a zimmer frame soon!!!! lol Mind you it might stop me falling over when had too much to drink ! LOL:eek:
security light

i have now fitted a 12 volt pir with an extra bulb wired up to it that comes on in the cab both come on at once therefore making whoever is lurking outside think there is someone awake and alert inside
this worked in my last house but i used two pirs one for the inside and one for the outside the one inside came on first with around 6 seconds delay before the outside one came on this made whoever think the outside light was turned on by someone inside
i lived there for 25 years we never locked the house and usualy forgot to remove the keys from the cars
i know that i probably was not insured and it was a stupid thing to do but living in the quiet country side you do tend to forget
i do feel sory for people who HAVE TO lock every door in there houses behind them though , it must be horrible way to live not being able to trust any one any more
Wilding. though i have been wilding since i was in my 20s just stopping where i liked
towns or country or autoroute services only felt unsafe once that was in a central carpark in valencia 25 years ago may be i have just been lucky or was it beacouse i have usualy been driving either a citrioen/fiat/ peugeot or a truck We cannot live in fear all the time the odds of anything bad happening are very small and i will continue to take the chance with just a minimum ammount of security in mind just for the sake of the wife and kids

i have now fitted a 12 volt pir with an extra bulb wired up to it that comes on in the cab both come on at once therefore making whoever is lurking outside think there is someone awake and alert inside
this worked in my last house but i used two pirs one for the inside and one for the outside the one inside came on first with around 6 seconds delay before the outside one came on this made whoever think the outside light was turned on by someone inside
i lived there for 25 years we never locked the house and usualy forgot to remove the keys from the cars
i know that i probably was not insured and it was a stupid thing to do but living in the quiet country side you do tend to forget
i do feel sory for people who HAVE TO lock every door in there houses behind them though , it must be horrible way to live not being able to trust any one any more
Wilding. though i have been wilding since i was in my 20s just stopping where i liked
towns or country or autoroute services only felt unsafe once that was in a central carpark in valencia 25 years ago may be i have just been lucky or was it beacouse i have usualy been driving either a citrioen/fiat/ peugeot or a truck We cannot live in fear all the time the odds of anything bad happening are very small and i will continue to take the chance with just a minimum ammount of security in mind just for the sake of the wife and kids
Hi Terry&Sue
I notice that the security-'feeling' is everywhere going down the drain. Same here on the continent. It is for years now that I avoid major towns overhere. If some areas of Spain where unsafe 25 years ago, it spreads now up north.
(see riots around Paris, Lille,Brussels...). I've allways been wilding; never had problems.
But I see that places which where safe, aren't anymore. Everywhere and allways 'allochtone'youngsters. (have to be carefull not being racist :eek:).
Truly ,I feel safe in remote rural area's in France (where everybody says 'bonjour et comment ça va ?') the same in Germany (gru

i have now fitted a 12 volt pir with an extra bulb wired up to it that comes on in the cab both come on at once therefore making whoever is lurking outside think there is someone awake and alert inside
this worked in my last house but i used two pirs one for the inside and one for the outside the one inside came on first with around 6 seconds delay before the outside one came on this made whoever think the outside light was turned on by someone inside
i lived there for 25 years we never locked the house and usualy forgot to remove the keys from the cars
i know that i probably was not insured and it was a stupid thing to do but living in the quiet country side you do tend to forget
i do feel sory for people who HAVE TO lock every door in there houses behind them though , it must be horrible way to live not being able to trust any one any more
Wilding. though i have been wilding since i was in my 20s just stopping where i liked
towns or country or autoroute services only felt unsafe once that was in a central carpark in valencia 25 years ago may be i have just been lucky or was it beacouse i have usualy been driving either a citrioen/fiat/ peugeot or a truck We cannot live in fear all the time the odds of anything bad happening are very small and i will continue to take the chance with just a minimum ammount of security in mind just for the sake of the wife and kids
Hi Terry&Sue
I notice that the security-'feeling' is everywhere going down the drain. Same here on the continent. It is for years now that I avoid major towns overhere. If some areas of Spain where unsafe 25 years ago, it spreads now up north.
(see riots around Paris, Lille,Brussels...). I've allways been wilding; never had problems.
But I see that places which where safe, aren't anymore. Everywhere and allways 'allochtone'youngsters. (have to be carefull not being racist :eek:).
Truly ,I feel safe in remote rural area's in France (where everybody says 'bonjour et comment ça va ?') the same in Germany (grus Gott:D) and most of all in the Scandinavian countries (altough there where riots about the Mohammed cartoons in Danmark) :mad:
We have 2 dogs with us. (Jack Russels- great dogs,wrapped small:D) a button to a horn in the over-cab. And next time in Germany I'll buy pepperspray. Anyhow your idea about the security-light is marvelous :)
We shall overcome :D
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