Wild Camping How To Guide

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Hi Terry&Sue
I notice that the security-'feeling' is everywhere going down the drain. Same here on the continent. It is for years now that I avoid major towns overhere. If some areas of Spain where unsafe 25 years ago, it spreads now up north.
(see riots around Paris, Lille,Brussels...). I've allways been wilding; never had problems.
But I see that places which where safe, aren't anymore. Everywhere and allways 'allochtone'youngsters. (have to be carefull not being racist :eek:).
Truly ,I feel safe in remote rural area's in France (where everybody says 'bonjour et comment ça va ?') the same in Germany (grus Gott:D) and most of all in the Scandinavian countries (altough there where riots about the Mohammed cartoons in Danmark) :mad:
We have 2 dogs with us. (Jack Russels- great dogs,wrapped small:D) a button to a horn in the over-cab. And next time in Germany I'll buy pepperspray. Anyhow your idea about the security-light is marvelous :)
We shall overcome :D
thank you belgian we just have to carry on regardless but we do have to be carefull what we say and who we say it to we are not the free society we think we are even over here !
going back to trouble

weve had more trouble on sites than wildin ive got somthing better than a big dog i tell my mrs to look out the window that does the trick (hope she dont read this ):D
digital dog.

i dont have a dog, but when i park up i attach a piece of chain to the step and put a dog bowl out with a bit of food in it !!! also useful if you get locked out !

with dark nights approaching a one million candle power torch, shone into an aggressors eyes, will make them disorientated and give you an addvantedge to ???????
with dark nights approaching a one million candle power torch, shone into an aggressors eyes, will make them disorientated and give you an addvantedge to ???????

Hi and welcome Waggy:), a baseball bat between the eyes:eek: leaves the aggresser even more dis orientated:eek::p:rolleyes:. LOL

Sorry:eek:, only kidding:p, I would never resort to violance:rolleyes::cool:
welcome waggy3

Shame you live so close to Cromford. Otherwise you might want to join us on one of our wild weekends there!

If u get that bad feeling when u park up at first, move on. Trust your instincts & act on them. Missed opportunities/bad mistakes don't get a 2nd chance.
Nothin like an open fire but not many sensible chances/places now esp. in u.k.
Be sociable, treat fellow campers like you'd like to be.
All the obvious - no litter,no dog poo,leave it better than you found it, don't abuse anything,
Dirty discharge

I am a novice to motorhoming having enjoyed 1st excursion 2 weeks ago motorhoming round Andalucia. Now looking to buy, hence today {living on Soth east Spanish coast} we were parked on the beach for 2 minutes watching 3 motorhomes 'wild camping' - during this 2 minute stop we witnessed one experienced looking chap in large UK reg camper empty his Thetford cassette toilet onto the edge of the beach. This strikes me as the very worst example of poor wild camping behaviour and is regrettably why the authorities in this area are now actively moving on campers - idiots spoiling it for the rest.
I am a novice to motorhoming having enjoyed 1st excursion 2 weeks ago motorhoming round Andalucia. Now looking to buy, hence today {living on Soth east Spanish coast} we were parked on the beach for 2 minutes watching 3 motorhomes 'wild camping' - during this 2 minute stop we witnessed one experienced looking chap in large UK reg camper empty his Thetford cassette toilet onto the edge of the beach. This strikes me as the very worst example of poor wild camping behaviour and is regrettably why the authorities in this area are now actively moving on campers - idiots spoiling it for the rest.

OMG should have got is details Iwould post it on here and shame them
We always make sure we leave a place as we found it.

P.S wecome to the wild bunch and good look finding the dream:D
any one have any info on these so called dry toilets .and if they could be used in a motorhome
yes thanks
we need it for an old caravan based in the garden .
when the house is full the old van is used by visitors for overnight accomodation
dont park on beach overnight.you could be waterloged by morning
Try and find an alternative place to go to when you first arrive. Then if you need to move on you aren't trying to find somewhere in the middle of the night.

If you have external thermal blinds dont put them on as they will prevent you leaving if you need to. Invest in some internal ones instead as these quickly pull off without the need to leave the vehicle.
As a "full timer" for the past twenty years I agree with ninety nine percent of all the advice given on this thread. I have never ever been moved on in all those years. I have been checked on by the police very occasionally but never asked to move. I follow the tactics mentioned in the posts above (except I have a crow bar for lifting manhole covers rather than a baseball bat or golf club but as a peace loving man have never lifted it in anger.)

When I built my current "self build" (Iveco 35-12) I knew I was going to be spending some of the summer months in the UK so I didn't fit any windows to it. I also kept the company logo on the side of it. I also got one of those grabber litter collectors. Onlookers perception change if they see you picking up rubbish left in the layby by house dwelling car owners. It also makes me feel good to leave the place better than when I arrived.

I sometimes find it necessary to stay over night in town centres but no one knows I'm there.

It has been a beautiful, calm, peaceful, convenient, exciting and extremely economically sound way of life.

Of course being six feet four, weighing in at 117 kilos and having close cropped hair (what's left of it) no doubt helps maintain the peace...
Hi pal and welcome:D

With a mh like yours people would see it as a normal van so do you
think people takes less notice as in officials:eek: which maybe you are not asked to move on :confused: although I have never wild camped in towns because coach built stand out to much and attract un wanted attention,well that is my thoughts.
all the best.
Hi Cipro. I am sure the "disguise" helps plus all the advice seen here about keeping your head down and treating everyone (including Spanish policemen) with respect (and a smile.)

The only downside which rarely affects me is that some campsites won't let you on as they think you are a gypsy. I don't want to stay on sites very often and certainly not on ones run by people with that attitude.

Tell us more about Lazydays...
Hi Cipro. I am sure the "disguise" helps plus all the advice seen here about keeping your head down and treating everyone (including Spanish policemen) with respect (and a smile.)

The only downside which rarely affects me is that some campsites won't let you on as they think you are a gypsy. I don't want to stay on sites very often and certainly not on ones run by people with that attitude.

Tell us more about Lazydays...

Had 2 vans from lazydays costumer care was rubbish, full of promises
you only get wind.
When purchased my latest van I new they would be busy for the 1st of March so I simply said to help the work shop out, I will have mine about the 12th of March thinking I will steer clear of the rushed van effect,however they had put mine on the back burner then forgot all about it until I called the day before then panic set in but they never told me they had forgot ( are you bored yet ) so in one day they had to prep it
alarm on
bike rack on
aerial on
cd radio in
reversing censers on
Which were extras, any way cut a long story short arrived at show room for collection and was told after 30 minuets
to goto work shop as the alarm has just been finished NOT HAPPY when I got there Phil had told me what went wrong and yes like I said they had forgot, no apologies BLAH BLAH BLAH

I have since changed dealership to Malcolm's of Stoke who are CI dealers and he has sorted some warranty probs
out for me could not be happier.

So if you want to be lied to parmed off etc buy your van from them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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what a shame you had a special time like the collecting of a new van ruined like that...

never been able to manage a new one myself although I am looking at the Esterel 43 (and doing the Lottery again...) :)
All the usual stuff about not screwing with the environment and not bugging the locals by parking between them and their usual view applies. I also find that having a chat with any locals you come across helps to assuage any fears that they could have that you might be going to stay indefinitely and collect knackered washing machines. I've been living in my van and wild camping for two years now, and have found that once people know what you are about they are quite happy to have you as a temporary neighbour. I've even been offered the opportunity to fill my water tanks at peoples houses and told about other camping/overnighting spots in the area where I wouldnt be bothered by anyone. People can be really nice at times. In some areas (perhaps near popular beauty spots) it can be a good idea to find two or three places you can park up and rotate between them whilst you explore the area. This way no one gets time to get properly steamed up before you've moved on to the next stop, and you can return a day or two later. Finally the Plod. The only experiences I've had with the police have been in NW Scotland and they've been great. I just make them a cuppa and ask them if there is anywhere else I can park up when I decide to move on, and they usually have a great knowledge of the area and are most helpful.
Finally finally, just enjoy it. Wake up and open the blinds to a glorious view and chill out.
Just realised that I've added to this thread before, must be getting senile or something!
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