Hi Terry&Sue
I notice that the security-'feeling' is everywhere going down the drain. Same here on the continent. It is for years now that I avoid major towns overhere. If some areas of Spain where unsafe 25 years ago, it spreads now up north.
(see riots around Paris, Lille,Brussels...). I've allways been wilding; never had problems.
But I see that places which where safe, aren't anymore. Everywhere and allways 'allochtone'youngsters. (have to be carefull not being racist

Truly ,I feel safe in remote rural area's in France (where everybody says 'bonjour et comment ça va ?') the same in Germany (grus Gott

) and most of all in the Scandinavian countries (altough there where riots about the Mohammed cartoons in Danmark)

We have 2 dogs with us. (Jack Russels- great dogs,wrapped small

) a button to a horn in the over-cab. And next time in Germany I'll buy pepperspray. Anyhow your idea about the security-light is marvelous

We shall overcome