Thanks for your positive and honest responses. I'm now really getting into this idea but, as with all things new, what looks pretty straightforward starts to get a bit more complex as you get into the detail.
I'm currently looking at motorhomes suitable for a single guy whose pretty domesticated (ie can cook, will clean etc) for long term use.
From what I've seen, I'll be looking for a 20/22 footer set up for no more than four berths. I'm attracted to an A-class with the drop down bed over the front seats which seems to offers a more airey feel (while on the road) but I have seen plenty of interesting coachbuilts that (I think) would suit me just fine.
Given that my interest is mostly in continental Europe (maybe into Turkey), I'm also thinking LHD would be best and, despite what I've been told by a salesman, managed to get what looks like a competitive insurance quote ~£330 unlimited days in Europe (inc RAC cover) for a 2000 Karmann Bahia on Merc 312 Sprinter chassis.
So, limited desk and a bit of field research has got me to a point where my absolute tops £17.5k budget and expectation of 30mpg (!!!) might buy me a 1999 Hymer 544 (Ducato), a 2000 Karmann Bahi 635(Sprinter), a 2002 Swift Bel-Air (which are all real and on my, probably all too naive, shortlist) or any one of any number of the many vehicles currently on offer.
So, the first question is, does anyone have any experience of the three named and/or have any suggestions about what might better fit my general bill?
The next one is more difficult cos it gets down to the nitty gritty of how my choice should be guided in terms of what's actually required/needed and what's wanted or desireable in terms of functions and features. For example, I understand the bit about availability of Butane and Propane in different countries but haven't yet got to grips with this smart idea of a bigger tank using standard LPG from the pump!
Finally (for the moment at least), I live on the Wirral so, if there's anyone who lives or is visiting hereabouts and might be interested in exchanging some home truths about what I'm planning in return for some refreshments in a nearby hostelry, just let let me know and ...
.... thanks for bearing with me while I struggle on with this!
I would just like to add my two penneth regards the police.
These chaps are very good at answering 999 calls etc, but they are also extremely well versed in the art of conning people into a false sense of security.
I have wild camped throughout europe and the u.k. including staying in some of Hackney streets, Paris streets, and pretty much anywhere else you care to mention, where i have never had any hassle off ordinary people, however, the police are not ordinary people.
I would advise that if you get a knock on the door in the very early hours, to completely ignore it, unless you can hear sirens off other appliances, and the smell of fire, this will be obvious.
As long as you have parked legally, and your van is up-together insurance, mot, tax wise, their is absolutely no reason to engage with these people, unless they have witnessed you cause a breach of the peace.
These people are on the lookout for trouble, and are usually the instigators of it, so dont fall for the knock knock, hello its the police open up please, stay silent, remain calm, and they will eventually go away.
It is clear that not all the police are the same, but in this day of corporate, ie; statute law, unless you are on your toes, they will have you nicked for almost anything they choose, just take a look at the Pace act
Portal y foro de usuarios de furgonetas camper .Give the site time to load it can be a little slow,scroll down home page,click on the map of spain on the left,give it time to load,righ click to zoom until little Vw campers pop up and click on the camper for info.This site is great and you will not find a better site for wild camping in europe,more spots pop up every now and then,cheers Shawbags
okey cokey. The offense of offensive weapons applies only in a
"public Place" - inside your camper van is a residence and not open to persons so therefore private - so whilst being used as such is not a public place.
Quite obviously the only reason that you would ever be carrying a baseball bat and the accompanying ball would be to play it and that would be the only answer that (due to the reason for said carrying) you would obviously ever give.
Nonetheless the offence does not come into being due to reason one in any case - unless of course you decided to leap like a banshee in possession of said bat and run like a mad thing out of your van screaming like a banshee im going to hurt someone and wielding said object.
Also this is not a made offensive weapon (gets technical now) so by virtue of carrying in public in any case is not the carrying but the intention that commits and proves the offence.
so here endeth the sermon for today