Wales 20mph limit starts Sept 17th - a heads-up

We have loads of 20mph zones but these are mainly in housing developments old and new and make sense, all it does on main roads is add to journey times and traffic jams and more fumes to breath in.

Almost makes you think there is a plan to get rid cars altogether, and put us onto public transport. Oh no we don't have a public transport system anymore do we.

Not getting to be a bit of a cynical old bear are you Kev? :LOL:
I live on an estate which has a 20mph speed limit, as far as I can tell it has made little difference as there is no way the the police can patrol all these housing areas .
On an estate, where children and [perhaps] older, less mobile people will be out and about in force makes a lot of safety sense; you can delay your acceleration until you reach the main road. But on main roads, you will have vehicles slowing down, braking, producing the tyre and brake emissions that Euro 7 will have to monitor/reduce, and then acceleration-produced fuel emissions as vehicles regain speed

And, if the adage that diesel engines hate being driven slowly/low revs is true, then that suggests that a] 20mph takes 50% longer to travel a given distance on the main road; b] the lower revving engine is accumulating more crud that will block dpf et al; and c] that pollution is then going to need to be expelled via an Italian Decoke just outside the village/town boundary; and d] diesel fumes have no physical boundaries, so may well drift back into the 'Mums for Clean Lungs' residential areas

The Greens in Glasgow have come up with the marvellous idea to reduce the M8 speed limit that passes within spitting distance of the City Centre from 50mph to 40mph. The M8 is blocked on a daily basis with 3 lanes of traffic under the 50mph limit, and stop/start conditions are commonplace for minutes at a time. So well done the 'Knit your own sandals' brigade for generating more congestion and more emissions with their brilliant policy. 2 stroke motorbikes will still be able to weave through the stationery traffic because they enjoy exemptions from the LEZ [which is about to go for Judicial Review]

If LEZs are anything other than an excuse to penalise the motorist, why has Mr Khan and all the Councils operating LEZs done nothing about clamping down on airconditioning in offices and shops? HFC release, CO2 production, excessive electricity consumption etc etc?

"According to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) “Future of Cooling” report, there were 1.6bn air conditioning units in use around the world in 2018. The power needed to keep air conditioners and electric fans running accounts for 20% of global electricity use.
And this is set to increase. The IEA projects that the energy demand from air conditioners will triple by 2050 – equivalent to adding 10 new air conditioners every second for the next 30 years. Powering all these extra units will require an additional electricity generation capacity equal to that of the US, EU and Japan combined"

Air Conditioning Climate Damage

Somebody overtook me Mark in a 20 zone during my motorcycle test and very nearly clipped me.

Unluckily for her, the examiner got it all on film.
See many times a day, 20 MPH almost everywhere. Of course not for food delivery. I'm surprised we don't have many more Deliveroo meals splattered all over the road.
See many times a day, 20 MPH almost everywhere. Of course not for food delivery. I'm surprised we don't have many more Deliveroo meals splattered all over the road.

I'm not a fan of these self appointed vigilantes who film and report to be honest. My examiner was an ex copper and said he wasn't letting her get away with it.

Dunno what came of it though, I was never contacted by the police.
AND in those hours, did you drive AT the limit or did you exceed it? If then, why not now???
Because Then there wasn't the electronic speed traps that There is Now allowing cash hungry councils to make the £1000,s that they will now Thats all this exercise is about money from speed traps. In Truro a short piece of dual carriage was dropped to 30mph from 40 in the first month the council raked in several £1000's
I've just done a speed awareness course for doing 40 in a recently reduced to 30 section of road, the course was a total waste of everyone's time, two thirds were on their second time proving it doesn't really work and they were just saving points as was I also a bit of curiosity, just two old man trying to get laughs and be everyone's friend.
I've just done a speed awareness course for doing 40 in a recently reduced to 30 section of road, the course was a total waste of everyone's time, two thirds were on their second time proving it doesn't really work and they were just saving points as was I also a bit of curiosity, just two old man trying to get laughs and be everyone's friend.

My sister in law did a speed awareness course Kev. When she left the course she got booked for speeding within 2 minutes.
Speed cam on the main antrim rd just round the corner from me this morning, lucky i was doing 26mph in the 30 zone, saved me tossing a hand granade in the back window LOL.
Just a reminder for those who think 20mph in urban areas is slow. Have a look at AVERAGE speed for journeys in our cities.
That rather misses the point, IMO; slowing the traffic down on the more open stretches of road will merely extend the journey time further, and there remains the issue of extra tyre and brake emissions/pollution

That rather misses the point, IMO; slowing the traffic down on the more open stretches of road will merely extend the journey time further, and there remains the issue of extra tyre and brake emissions/pollution

Why would there be extra tyre and brake emissions.
I totally get the safety perspective, and at school entry/exit times (as one example) it makes perfect sense.

But - what about taxis taking people home from nightclubs at 2.00 am when the streets are quiet? Every trip will take half as long again as it would have.

Then, emissions. Vehicles are pumping out fumes 50% longer. I know I've read that emissions are reduced at lower speeds, but as I understand it, only when these speeds are static - not with junctions, stop, starts.
The vehicles in second gear will produce a lot more of everything, noise, exhaust and wear out faster. This idea is the stupidest one a government ever thought of with no benefits worthwhile
the Archbishop of Canterbury got done for 23mph in London and the fine was quite high for what I can walk slowly at over the limit, 3 mph and £150 plus costs seemed a bit over the top.

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