British scientists worked out the sequence for a vaccine that will not prevent you from getting the virus but it will under studies taken already prevent you from getting seriusly ill and needing hospital treatment hopefully by up to 90% this was done in Oxford, it actually gets produced in Germany & The Netherlands so which one you going to choose now ?? My suggestion would be any they offer you as none are made here in the UK

Oh decisions decisions which one to choose it must be very difficult for you as you quoted you only want British made rather than British discovered this limits you in theory to none not a wise choice in the situation we are in at present, I do hope you have a long talk with yourself in a dark corner and change your mind and just take the call and take the jab for you and those around you

Have a safe year whatever you choose to do , the rest of us I hope see the sensible route to any safety and get the jab as soon as it is offered no matter where it was made. By the way the actual DNA of the virus that helped all scientists around the globe came from Wuhan without which there would be no jab, I know now you have even more of a dilemma because even it was British made it like the virus came from Wuhan
