
Missing off the list from QFour is Yellow Fever which covers large parts of the tropics and if you wish to travel to such an area you must have the certificate to be allowed in. We once had a cruise to the Amazon with some passengers being denied boarding at the UK airport and others at the port checkin as they did not have the certificate despite being told by the Cruise line and in all the documentation to get it done and they thus lost thousands of pounds.
Interestingly, my wife and I have had the certificate since 1969 when we went to live in Zambia and kept it up to date ever since with the 10 year interval but now the WHO has declared that the evidence is such that it is a lifetime protection and both of our certificates say "lifetime" thus saving the hassle of going to the clinics which give it.
Smallpox has been confined to the laboratory for some years now having been eradicated through medical science and sheer goodwill by countries where it was endemic to eradicate it in the human population.
Too many "idiots" in my view, who try to get round these restrictions and disbelieve in the good work of scientists in identifying how to beat the Covid 19 virus thus providing a vaccine which will allow a return to some sort of normality in the next few months, hopefully.
To my INCOMPLETE knowledege..
Thalidomide is the only drug that has caused widespread (and dreadful) harm.
If I had children they would have got the MMR vaccine.
Science is not infallible but I suggest that many many more lives will be saved by the various vaccines than will be harmed.
Yes my preference is for the Western vaccines rather than Russian or Chinese but that is an irrational view !
At least some scientists must have agreed with the new tactic of single vaccinations otherwise there would have been wholesale outrage at the change. I don't think the anger of a few GP surgeries makes this a Government outrage.

I suppose some people are so bored they need a good conspiracy to get them through the day. ;)

The issue was with mixing 1st and 2nd dose vaccines, Jim.

Turns out that the report about mixing & matching the jabs was apparently published in the New York Times. The editor of the British Medical Journal has asked them to stop publishing false info as there is no intention of giving the first jab with one type of vaccine and the second jabs with another type.
Here Marie my friend sue is £$%^ scared of the vaccine. She said even the thought of it is leaving her deflated.😜

The vaccine is not a new drug, it is a vaccine.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's quite a bit of a difference between the two, I think?:unsure:
Good question.

Is drug same/similar to medicine? Take it when ill to make you better or at least feel better.

A vaccine, I would have said is something that stops you getting something, virus, bacteria or whatever else?

In which case, seeing as these vaccines don't stop you getting covid, they just stop symptoms and we still don't know if they stop it spreading, are they really vaccines?

Sorry, I have absolutely zero idea if there's a difference between a drug and a vaccine.
They’re calling them vaccines, so unless they’ve suddenly changed the definition overnight they are not classified as ‘drugs’.
Yes , I've read about the people who believe Boris has a secret agenda and is using Covid19 as population control, these are the conspiracy hobbyists.
I've also read they are calling the lockdowns and mask wearing tyranny and the taking away our social rights .
They should think themselves lucky they live in a country free from tyranny, after all we all are allowed peaceful protest.

We must not forget there are a groups of people out there, not necessarily in this country (UK) who use misinformation to cause public conflict and divide opinion. There are gullible people who will believe the misinformation such as vaccines having micro chips in them to track our every move and 5G spreads the virus LOL !
In the coronavirus arena their aims are not medically motivated but politically motivated.
2 years ago this Feb at the age of 60 I developed a nasty cough like bronchitis which persisted for a few days - really odd for me as I'm very very rarely unwell. Wife (a community nurse) didn't like the sound of it so suggested seeing the doctor.

Doctor did various tests and asked many questions and then said 'you've got whooping cough'! He said he was seeing it more and more now in my age group as obviously the original vaccine we had at school is no longer effective. He prescribed me some antibiotics to clear the virus from my lungs but said nothing he could do about the cough which could last up to 6 weeks! He recommended I don't visit anyone for a week to ensure virus was clear and not passed on. Boy oh boy was that awful. The wife developed a cough but thankfully not whooping cough but was bad enough to be off work for a few days - me; I work from home and even so didn't work for 5 days!!!!!! Longest I had ever had off work before since I was 17 is literally 1 day! It was 2 weeks before I felt enough strength to walk the dog up the road 100yds - I felt absolutely sh**e for someone used to fell walking and long distance running!

The cough sounded like I was smoking 40 woodbines a day! Hope no one else ever gets it. I wasn't clear of a cough for 3 months!!!
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