student s hi jinks in london

What ever the cost may be and where ever the money comes from it should be the same costing system for everyone,its beyond me how they work it out and how is it that we are a united kingdom,load of b*ll*cks,shawbags.
as for the same costing system the way i see it is ,westminster decides how much the welsh assembly gets, and how much the scottish parliament gets a year then they are responsable how it is spent .if the scottish parliament decide students dont have to pay and the wesh assy only charge one third of what england charge then there is somthing amiss in england .someone aint doing there job right. i wonder who it is or are we being conned
We are all being stitched up like a kipper,god only knows how our grandchildren will get on.
We are all being stitched up like a kipper,god only knows how our grandchildren will get on.

probably a darn sight better than us ,as they have learned not to take everything as we do .when we were young we were told to shut up and accept what we had and be gratefull ,this generation are totaly different they know what they want and are willing to go and get it .good luck to them
I agree but unless they get a little extreme no one takes any notice,i would not condone violence but maybe if they did similar things as the french and blocked the ferry ports ( unless i'm waiting for a ferry that is) to slow the economy down a little people might sit up and think,shawbags.
it would never happen thats not the ENGLISH way we talk talk and talk then take it up the trumper ?they as in they? know we will not get upset by anything that does not affect us personally if they put a tax on silver cars no one except silver car owners would object! oh and a few anarchists,racists and trouble causers?
what % of people ever vote or go to the parish council meetings or any other meeting, unless that wind turbine is in their view?anywhere else it's ok THATS the ENGLISH way.
we as a collective we are to blame for our troubles.
p.s. did you know most tv licence dodgers are caught while watching Jeremy kyle or Tricia on day time tele not in an evening like it used to be ?? wonder why that is then
what i,m getting at is the fact that the whole world is being mixed up,e.g ,in america the borders will be coming down and canada,america and mexico will become one big country without the vote of the people so maybe giving people the reason to move up north to get there kids a free education is another move to mix us up,i did say maybe,i do apolagise if i have rattled you cage a little,Shawbags free man on the land :p.

Can't see why "mixing us up" would achieve anything (especially in this day and age, when people in New Zealand can instantly correspond with people in Canada etc). What they are more interested in is keeping us down, wherever we live. And Arthur has got it right - WE collectively are responsible for it all - we elected them. The Scots Parliament believes that free education is a high priority; the UK Parliament (that is effectively the English government) doesn't. Students have every right to feel aggrieved because the people they voted for had signed a pledge that they then broke. I don't condone violence but I can understand the frustration that led to it. And unless we all stand up and say its wrong (as we did against poll tax) then they will go on riding roughshod over all of us. We all need to support the students or nobody will support us when we need it. I am not advocating revolution (maybe I should) but the kind of mass resistance that brought the poll tax to an end is the way to go. Unfortunately, unless there are exceptional circumstances, the English don't do this - they just sit and moan.

Cage unrattled and I'm sorry to hear of your FMOTL affliction - I hope it gets better soon!
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There is a lot of truth in the last two comments,if it doesn't effect us directly with close our doors and put our feet up.In the past i personaly have always stood up for myself and in many cases other people too but when the the going gets a little tough you end up being the last man standing and then you are marked as a trouble maker,its time we all stood firm TOGETHER until we get results that are good for us and more importantly our children and granchildren.
As for why would they mix us up i would of thought that was obviouse,cheers Shawbags.
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As for why would they mix us up i would of thought that was obviouse,cheers Shawbags.

Sorry - still don't get it. But I think the conspiracy theory mentality of those "freemen" of yours might be taking over a bit here!
I think you do get it,as for being able to comunicate to people all over the world some governments are allready talking about puting restrictions on the internet (restricting freedom of speach) because through the internet people are becoming more aware of how wrongly they are being treated,e.g Truthjuice,TPUC,EDL,Wikileaks,ect ect ect,Oh sorry i must not forget Mr ickes,these are just a few examples and lets face it we can't believe anything the mainstream media tells us now can we.As for the FMOTL taking over a little,a lot of original posts can end in a discusion about entirely different subjects and that interests me a lot,I read,look,listen and discuss and make my own mind up on all subjects and can asure you never trail along like a lost sheep,cheers Shawbags.
I think you do get it,as for being able to comunicate to people all over the world some governments are allready talking about puting restrictions on the internet (restricting freedom of speach) because through the internet people are becoming more aware of how wrongly they are being treated,e.g Truthjuice,TPUC,EDL,Wikileaks,ect ect ect,Oh sorry i must not forget Mr ickes,these are just a few examples and lets face it we can't believe anything the mainstream media tells us now can we.As for the FMOTL taking over a little,a lot of original posts can end in a discusion about entirely different subjects and that interests me a lot,I read,look,listen and discuss and make my own mind up on all subjects and can asure you never trail along like a lost sheep,cheers Shawbags.

Yup, I was right, the conspiracy theory is alive and well, so let's feed it - at least one of the people posting here is a government spy and he knows where you live!!
Yup, I was right, the conspiracy theory is alive and well, so let's feed it - at least one of the people posting here is a government spy and he knows where you live!!

Its funny you say that because there has been a strange man walking his dog in our street recently and the dog always seems to be staring at my house and on a few occasions he has used my van as a p*ssing post giving him a better view into my living room,dam that mut!.On a brighter note my chicken coop underground hideout is nearly ready and there is no way they will find me then ;).
Its funny you say that because there has been a strange man walking his dog in our street recently and the dog always seems to be staring at my house and on a few occasions he has used my van as a p*ssing post giving him a better view into my living room,dam that mut!.On a brighter note my chicken coop underground hideout is nearly ready and there is no way they will find me then ;).

Take a closer look at that dog - he, he, he.............
yes keep an eye on the dog ....remember the one in men in black

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