So angry! What a stupid video to post on YouTube!

Good luck finding a working kiosk these days ....

Though if it's a k7/k8 or Modern KX series stainless

with a defrib in it there's a good chance the standard 13a 3 pin socket will still function below the lower panel ;-)
Many thanks for your info. Do you know if they`re on TEMU. :unsure: :ROFLMAO: Just had a thought if there`s a defib could it start the van if i have a flat battery. :ROFLMAO:
If you beleave everything you see on utube or get wound up then you require help, most of it is click bate & garbage.
Did i ever tell you how to heat your home with a candle & flower pot. 😂
So, you're suggesting I need help? Nice.

OK, so when stealing leccy is something thats being thrown at the community on top of toilet dumping...don't suggest at that point I help the community.
Hey guys,
Ok ok I’m confessing & will be happy to be judged.

I admit to plugging my Phone in to charge, on occasion even a phone booster, while visiting a Costa, Tesco, Starbucks, Morrisons or other Eateries while enjoying a beverage & a Full Breakfast.
(Also putting the knowingly unused Sugers, Sause sachets & Serviettes in my pocket rather than returning them back to the stand before leaving) so yep Guilty.🤷🏻‍♂️.

But I DO understand that making a coffee last & occupying a table for hrs on end while charging a BIG power pack AND ADVERTISING the fact to others as acceptable is maybe pushing it a bit & Bloody annoying 👍

I suppose the next stage would be to bring your lead in to your electric car 🤔.
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So, you're suggesting I need help? Nice.

OK, so when stealing leccy is something thats being thrown at the community on top of toilet dumping...don't suggest at that point I help the community.
Your having a bad day on here vintage, Trev was meaning well.
He stated not to believe all of what you see on YT.
Very good advice.
If I reacted to all the lies, stupidity, and naivety, I have seen on YT, I would be struggling to get enough sleep at night.
Ok these guys used the leccy, but that’s not on a par with dumping chemical waste then putting it on YT.
If I was you I would get a good nights kip, and start a new day tomorrow.
YT has its place, there is some good stuff on there, but there’s also a lot of people who are nothing but chancers. I have learned to spot them a mile away.
Sleep well, have a better day tomorrow. (y)
Must be a grey damp day in the middle of January front page news😜 Went and had a look the nosy basted that I am.😂 watched the video then read all the comments they have been well and truly slaughtered. Bet they wished they never done that video now. Come on but be honest we all have a wee scam or a means to a wee freebie in us but posting it on YouTube for the word to see that’s just stupid the biggest crime was making a video of it.
Your having a bad day on here vintage, Trev was meaning well.
He stated not to believe all of what you see on YT.

"If you beleave everything you see on utube or get wound up then you require help,"

Seems quite plain speak to me.
Very good advice.
If I reacted to all the lies, stupidity, and naivety, I have seen on YT, I would be struggling to get enough sleep at night.
I haven't reacted to anything on YT, bar this. I have no problem sleeping.
Ok these guys used the leccy, but that’s not on a par with dumping chemical waste then putting it on YT.
At no point did i state that. You didn't read what i have written or did not understand it. I said that this could be added to the cassette toilet dumping nonsense by the van haters if the content is seen by them.
If I was you I would get a good nights kip, and start a new day tomorrow.
Awe...are you trying to be a fisherman friend? I always sleep at night and don't need your advice on these matters.
YT has its place, there is some good stuff on there, but there’s also a lot of people who are nothing but chancers. I have learned to spot them a mile away.
And do you think you are the only one that can manage to take YT content with a pinch of salt? I normally do but I couldn't believe the stupidity of this video.
Sleep well, have a better day tomorrow. (y)
You joke ....BUT in a past life I used to empty the cashboxes,out of pay phones for BT ....

More than once I arrived at a kiosk to find an extension lead plugged into the engineers power socket behind the lower trim board running into a nearby house in Ashton on ribble in Preston .
Larches or Savick :unsure: I used to live on Larches back in the 70`s 😱
Must be a grey damp day in the middle of January front page news😜 Went and had a look the nosy basted that I am.😂 watched the video then read all the comments they have been well and truly slaughtered. Bet they wished they never done that video now. Come on but be honest we all have a wee scam or a means to a wee freebie in us but posting it on YouTube for the word to see that’s just stupid the biggest crime was making a video of it.
I agree Wully posting what they did was wrong, but my grandson runs a YT channel, and the more views and comments he receives the more money he makes.
This could be why they did this, being controversial can lead to more viewers and larger payments.

Wully if you read this would you post a link to the video I can’t find it. Cheers.
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Is there a link to the video, too much crap to wade through, it should have been in the OP
Hi Rob. Have you watched the video? It clearly shows a pair of reprobates sneaking a jackery unit into a bar and hiding the fact its plugged in. They relish in the fact the are stealing electricity and actually encourage theft of the electricity. Nowhere in the video did it state they had asked permission to charge a ?kW portable power station. Its only when they were challenged in the comments did they state they had asked for permission and the video was for "entertainment purposes" So, yes, I think he is a liar. Maybe I'm a skeptic, but he could have asked if he could charge his phone or laptop and was told that would be fine, but he omitted to mention that he was going to charge a ?kW portable power station.

But! I don't care if he stole electricity or if he paid £50 for the convenience, the video gives the viewer the idea that its OK, to go into a pub with ?kW portable power station and steal electricity. If the viewer does not read the comments...or indeed can't read...the video on its own shows, if nothing else, a very bad mannered approach to charging a power station. Personally, I wouldn't charge a phone in a public place without asking. Its basic manners.

Now, if the cretin had put up a video showing him going into a pub and asking if he could put a charge into his power station and be willing to pay to charge it, that would be, to me, the proper and correct procedure. He could be lucky and get told to go knock himself out and run a cable out to his van and his girlfriends van. But doing as they suggest in the video is plainly wrong.

Points taken. They should have made it clear in the video that they had asked permission rather than in the comments afterwards.
A problem with clarifying things in comments is they very often (usually?) don't get ready as sometimes people just don't bother and sometimes - especially as if you watch Youtube on a TV, you just don't get to access any comments (unless you try really hard. I have been known to watch a video on TV but t also have the same one on the PC/tablet/whatever just so I can see the comments).
A link to what it is all about! Yeah, baby, let's see what the fuss is all about :)

None the wiser. Lasted about 5 minutes in and sorry, but soooo boring I didn't even get to the charging a power station bit.

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