So angry! What a stupid video to post on YouTube!

I reckon I might set up a parody "Van Life" motorhome channel. How to break stuff, act like a yobbo to get the best spot on an Aire, smuggling way too much Leffe Rituel back to England etc.
Don't "smuggle" beer: "smuggle" people! Remember those films (before video ;)) of 20 blokes getting in a mini or a telephone box. It would then be interesting to know if some VanLifer got caught at the border :) or for being overloaded.
I reckon I might set up a parody "Van Life" motorhome channel. How to break stuff, act like a yobbo to get the best spot on an Aire, smuggling way too much Leffe Rituel back to England etc.
Parody? I thought that was your normal M.O.
We don't actually know for sure that they didn't ask for permission. After all, customers are often allowed to charge 'phones and laptops in these places.

They say they did ask so who are we to call them liars?
I think the point was that they deliberately were furtive in their actions to make it look like they were being sneaky. And later on revealed they had asked for permission and the initial bit was meant to be entertainment.

Not seen the video in question, but based my reply on the info given earlier in the thread. don't really need/want to watch the video in question as there are all too many like it with stupid content which is meant to entertain but rarely does.
Best option is on Youtube click the 3 dots and choose the option "Don't recommend channel" to avoid seeing at least that persons nonsense again. I did this in the last day on a channel revealing an "illegal hack" for their diesel heater which was neither a 'hack' or illegal.
Absolutely no point in reporting any of these videos to Youtube saying it gives a bad impression of Motorhoming or Vanlife.
We don't actually know for sure that they didn't ask for permission. After all, customers are often allowed to charge 'phones and laptops in these places.

They say they did ask so who are we to call them liars?
Hi Rob. Have you watched the video? It clearly shows a pair of reprobates sneaking a jackery unit into a bar and hiding the fact its plugged in. They relish in the fact the are stealing electricity and actually encourage theft of the electricity. Nowhere in the video did it state they had asked permission to charge a ?kW portable power station. Its only when they were challenged in the comments did they state they had asked for permission and the video was for "entertainment purposes" So, yes, I think he is a liar. Maybe I'm a skeptic, but he could have asked if he could charge his phone or laptop and was told that would be fine, but he omitted to mention that he was going to charge a ?kW portable power station.

But! I don't care if he stole electricity or if he paid £50 for the convenience, the video gives the viewer the idea that its OK, to go into a pub with ?kW portable power station and steal electricity. If the viewer does not read the comments...or indeed can't read...the video on its own shows, if nothing else, a very bad mannered approach to charging a power station. Personally, I wouldn't charge a phone in a public place without asking. Its basic manners.

Now, if the cretin had put up a video showing him going into a pub and asking if he could put a charge into his power station and be willing to pay to charge it, that would be, to me, the proper and correct procedure. He could be lucky and get told to go knock himself out and run a cable out to his van and his girlfriends van. But doing as they suggest in the video is plainly wrong.
I have known Mark for years so watch all his videos, some I agree with, some I don't. Would I take exception to the one in question here, certainly not. I think just about all the popular, (big following popular unlike Mark) have already done videos showing them charging their power banks in Costa, doing their work in Costa, (other outlets available). Maybe you just don't watch many van life videos, a lot of them should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Would be nice if folks got behind the videos where he tries to get councils to treat van folks, (motorhomes are mainly vans except those based on lorries) better.
Nope ....
never been accused of any of the above ...

I got a horrible look from a woman when she walked past my van whilst I had the cassette out on the ground. I was fixing a seal on the toilet. Not only that she looked back for about half a mile. I just stood and started at her becuase i had worked out what the dirty look was for. She thought i was fly tipping my amber nectar. I fixed the seal and jumped in the van to have a cuppa. About 10 minutes later a woman was chapping on the door quite irate asking if I had just dumped my toilet in the stream next to the van. My mouth was full of food...I jumped out of the van, pulled out my cassette and sloshed it about. Proved it was half full. She started to apologise, but as my mouth was still full, I held up my hand and opened the garage door. I pulled out my spare cassette which was also full. She again started apologising and told me that she owned a local hotel and the girl that gave me a dirty look was her cleaner, originally from Skye and the dumping of cassettes is rife there. She made the cleaner come back and apologise. I accepted the apology but did state that she shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush.
Frankly I can't remember ever having a bad interaction with a local when parked up ...
Even the odd initially potentially grumpy farmer has ended up being friendly when he's 'caught' us litter picking and shared a brew whilst chatting about his sheep ...

To be honest most don't even realise we've been there other than it's cleaner than when when we arrived when we leave ...

To be honest ....we more often these days use fave sites or CL/CS ...

As there tend to be less knob heads on them than there are when wild camping ...

Like you we clean up and try and leave no trace
The whole 'Vanlife' thing that facebook/tiktok has facilitated has led to a huge increase in bellends ...
And to be honest no amount of education/Aires etc etc is going the alter their entitled viewpoints and behavior .
Agreed...and here we have one of those exact types.

Why this video annoys me so much is its more ammo for the egits that hate motorhomes/campervans to use against the community. Cheers!
I don't watch a lot of this type of YT video, most are crap. Now and again you get an interesting one. On the other hand, thanks to YT I can now pick most types of lock, or break them if necessary. :ROFLMAO:
Yeh, thanks to YouTube I don't need leisure batteries anymore because I've made a perpetual free energy machine. I can also heat my house toasty warm over the winter with just 1 candle and an old baked bean tin. 😉
And why so abusive towards them? Fine if you disagree but no need for the names.
Can you point out which name offends you? Cretin? he is. Reprobate? he is. They started the abuse. I'll finish it. I watch quite a bit of YT and enjoy most of it. Can't condone a clown that suggest stealing power from a business. Do you?
I think just about all the popular, (big following popular unlike Mark) have already done videos showing them charging their power banks in Costa, doing their work in Costa, (other outlets available).
So hardly the need to use the word secret in "Sharing a secret vanlife hack! free charging FULLTIME vanlife" in the title.

Can you point out which name offends you? Cretin? he is. Reprobate? he is. They started the abuse. I'll finish it. I watch quite a bit of YT and enjoy most of it. Can't condone a clown that suggest stealing power from a business. Do you?
Well I like to keep things so I would say the same to someone's face as I type in forums. I don't know you but I doubt you would walk up to Mark and say what you are typing.
I better put the cover on the street light or im in trouble on here. 😂
street lamp.jpg
Well I like to keep things so I would say the same to someone's face as I type in forums. I don't know you but I doubt you would walk up to Mark and say what you are typing.
I would. I guarantee I would. Thanks
If you beleave everything you see on utube or get wound up then you require help, most of it is click bate & garbage.
Did i ever tell you how to heat your home with a candle & flower pot. 😂
I better put the cover on the street light or im in trouble on here. 😂 View attachment 139563
You joke ....BUT in a past life I used to empty the cashboxes,out of pay phones for BT ....

More than once I arrived at a kiosk to find an extension lead plugged into the engineers power socket behind the lower trim board running into a nearby house in Ashton on ribble in Preston .

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