Dear Stuart,
I have read your report on Motorhome parking & I am amazed by your shortsighted response to this perceived problem of Tourism. I understood your post was set up to encourage visitors rather than ban them! May I make a few relevant comments to help you think this through more logically rather than just having a knee-jerk response to complaints from people who do not appear to understand the bigger picture.
1/ Motorhomes are not cheap to buy or hire, consequently the people in them will not be without resources.
2/ They need to eat, so must buy fresh food daily and/ or eat at local restaurants & pubs, we do not only eat from tins!!!
3/ The vehicles use quite a lot of fuel including gas cylinders and these need to be replenished while travelling,
4/ People on holiday are there to enjoy themselves & will visit local atractions & spend money (that's what tourists do!)
5/ Vans are self-contained in terms of waste (including toilets) so should not be leaving litter or waste water - and there are existing bye-laws to deal with such issues anyway, should they arise.
6/ Your proposed price for parking (£10/night) is significantly higher than many small Certified sites which provide facilities like fresh water, toilet emptying & electric hook-ups, so why would anyone pay more for less?
7/ In what way do Motorhomes parked overnight in generally empty car parks consitute a nuisance or deny anyone else access?
8/ Currently, opinion on the Internet Motorhome forums I frequent is that we are not welcome in Scarborough & we will simply go elsewhere to spend our money. Hawick, for example actively encourage us to visit & offer free overnight parking, together with "Welcome" volunteers giving out tourist info packs. Guess where I would rather visit!!
9/ Banning people from certain roads means that they cannot even stay at the B&B's there and being unable to park off road in a carpark or near the beach means you will also lose MH based daytrippers as well as overnighters. We are very unlikely to even use the local camp site if we cannot drive into the beach areas for the day.
So, in short, you wish to ban Motorhomes from the more desirable parts of your town, but that will simply drive us away, along with all our spend in local shops, garages & attractions. You obviously have far more visitors than you need & a thriving economy, so will not miss us. That is sad, but I certainly will not go anywhere that my money is not welcome.
Yours very sincerely,
Steve Kean, a Motorhome owning pensioner.