So EVEN in this cold spell i think that this is a definite ‘Pro’
I’ve got around 2 days work left here at this site, Then Leaving at Crows fart On 15th for Boxys MOT & MAJOR all Bells & Whistles Service for a day or so if I EVER get a price back from them. Then 3 days ish to meander My leisurely way to the next job, A day or Two of ‘Settling in, Then Working from 22-02-21 for around 3 weeks or so Recommissioning of Pool, Hot Tubs, Sauna, Tennis Courts, Green Houses, Clearing of Cattle Grids, Fencing & Repairs & other General Grounds Works / Maintenance on a private Small ‘Estate’ I worked on many times previously before returning BACK to Wales for another TWO month work here starting 29-03-21.
Sooo Will be working down my checklist-
All due Payments received in Bank——————
HMRC PAYE Paperwork to Next Job Site Office Copies Made————————————————
Email confirmation of next position, Payment Scale & Means, My Driving Licence, Bank Details & Start Date received ———————————————
Clothes & Bedding Washing up to date————
Boxy Safe, Roadworthy & Legal———-————
Boxy Full of Stores, Water, Gas, Fuel—————-
Boxy Empty of B,Gr,Ge Waste————-————
Boxy Engine, Lights & Tire Checks——————
Boxy Stowed, Gas off, Unplugged, Pitch Cleared, Goodbyes said & Ready for Travel——————-
I fill my typical year with around 6-9 of these kinda jobs depending on mood & length of individual Taylor made engagement working typically 6 days a week when engaged that takes me ALL over the place, But nowadays I limit myself to just the UK, & my Work Diary is active until February 2022 filling the gaps with plenty of Travel & Wilding in between.
I SIMPLY LOVE MY LIFESTYLE, My growing Client base, The Characters & People I’ve met, that has been built on Reputation, Reliability, Responsible Lifestyle Behaviour. You Reap what you Sow.