Oops. Big bang. Bent suspension?

The label says 'Partially fermented grape must'.

Must what?
I think it's grape must watt, because the currant sparks the bubbles for the fermentation, raisin the alcohol level in the process ... But, at only 13.5% proof, the prosecution did a lousy job, and the jury was never going to find the wine guilty ... :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:

I only drink for pleasure not get blotto, I may only have half a glass once or twice a week.
Funnily enough, I find personally that the weaker beers are more enjoyable to drink than the stronger stuff.
Couple that with managing to have a single can last me around 4 hours usually and I am definitely a cheap date :D

(Having said that, I did manage to get 2 pints of Madri lager down yesterday in less than 5 hours!)
We were told recovery would be today Monday. Don't quote know why they couldn't recover us before as trucks break down 24/7.
Chased recovery 4 times before I got to someone in Technical with a brain. He said we should be recovered today. And that rather than go to Halo in Portsmouth for assessment, he would send it direct to the repairer. BP Rolls was his first choice. They said no, so he's hoping to send it to Greenfields in Camberley. Waiting to hear ....

We planned to move in with my long suffering Aged Ps. But I've just tested + Covid!!! So we booked a static caravan!!!
We were told recovery would be today Monday. Don't quote know why they couldn't recover us before as trucks break down 24/7.
Chased recovery 4 times before I got to someone in Technical with a brain. He said we should be recovered today. And that rather than go to Halo in Portsmouth for assessment, he would send it direct to the repairer. BP Rolls was his first choice. They said no, so he's hoping to send it to Greenfields in Camberley. Waiting to hear ....

We planned to move in with my long suffering Aged Ps. But I've just tested + Covid!!! So we booked a static caravan!!!

It never rains...

Best of luck with it all.

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