Yes, like the tax payer who has to foot your bill. Those whose house/accommodation you have taken because you become a priority case. But I agree that in every day life things go wrong, but as I see it, you are intentionally putting yourself at risk of being a burden when there is no need. Yes, family and friends may help out, but how? Would family let you move in and would you want to? How far will friends go to help? Money, accommodation?
Yes it is great to get out there and explore, especially if you have remote working capability, but the future becomes shaky in the event of illness, breakdowns and dare I say it, if someone hits your van and maybe writes it off. So many variables that can be avoided, Yours seems to be the voice of dreams, always better in your head. But it is your life, your risk and I guess you will do it. So best of luck, I hope it all works for you. (Voice of reason signing off. )