Old Age After Full Timing

Work to live not live to work.....not attributable to Mark Twain afaik, but a good premise to live by. Why not try and follow your dreams if it is at all possible....🙂 Personally, I would be worried about my later life accomodation and the what ifs....but i am not you! And that is the point, try and cover as many what ifs as you can and if you are still feeling positive, go for it!
Nail on the head there, fitness imho relates to longevity so I exercise most days ,walk every day between 2 and 6 miles then it’s half hour on rower or spinning bike or light weights 3 or 4 days a week, the other advantage is of course if I’m wrong I’ll probably die a quick death which would be my preference. I hope I’ve had all my big repair jobs,quadruple bypass,open aneurism repair and at 75 they would probably just stick me in a side ward anyway but after both operations I was out of hospital in 4 days only because I was fit, it’s never too late to start slowly and get better, the other side of the coin is I’m a boring bastard.
Nail on the head there, fitness imho relates to longevity so I exercise most days ,walk every day between 2 and 6 miles then it’s half hour on rower or spinning bike or light weights 3 or 4 days a week, the other advantage is of course if I’m wrong I’ll probably die a quick death which would be my preference. I hope I’ve had all my big repair jobs,quadruple bypass,open aneurism repair and at 75 they would probably just stick me in a side ward anyway but after both operations I was out of hospital in 4 days only because I was fit, it’s never too late to start slowly and get better, the other side of the coin is I’m a boring bastard.
That's not boring! you have had a few major services and I hope they stamped your service record! You are right, keeping fit is the key. I am just creeping up on 73 (end of March) and only had an interim service, heart stent in 2005. I have had a couple of issues since, but nothing that I can't attribute to my earlier stupidity. It tends to come back painfully as I age! I was also diagnosed with Autism! Yes, I kid you not. At the age of 70, after some issues arose and I asked for a test. I am now comfortable with how I was back in my childhood and as I grew. I had the Abdominal Aortic aneurysm test and was cleared, just had a test for Prostate cancer, all clear.

I love your fitness regime. Mine consists of running. Three times a week for 40 minutes and weekly parkrun. I also spend time in my workshop, that keeps the brain working. You seem to have it sussed and long may it continue... (y) (y)
Yes, like the tax payer who has to foot your bill. Those whose house/accommodation you have taken because you become a priority case. But I agree that in every day life things go wrong, but as I see it, you are intentionally putting yourself at risk of being a burden when there is no need. Yes, family and friends may help out, but how? Would family let you move in and would you want to? How far will friends go to help? Money, accommodation?

Yes it is great to get out there and explore, especially if you have remote working capability, but the future becomes shaky in the event of illness, breakdowns and dare I say it, if someone hits your van and maybe writes it off. So many variables that can be avoided, Yours seems to be the voice of dreams, always better in your head. But it is your life, your risk and I guess you will do it. So best of luck, I hope it all works for you. (Voice of reason signing off. ) (y)

To be honest, yours sounds a bit like the voice of arrogance rather than reason.

I've paid into the tax system for the last 40+ years, and will continue to do so through my pension and therefore any work I might pick up. Did anybody ask me if was OK to have kids they couldn't afford to keep without state help? No. And they don't need, any more than I need to ask permission from anybody else. Me giving up the house when we no longer need it frees it up for another family, so I don't see the problem.
If the roaming life becomes too much then you may want to consider a static caravan. A friend of mine has bought one on a lovely site at a reasonable cost because they depreciate as they get older and the advantage is that because it's not a permanent structure the government can't take it to pay for care costs if needed. Maybe worth considering
If the roaming life becomes too much then you may want to consider a static caravan. A friend of mine has bought one on a lovely site at a reasonable cost because they depreciate as they get older and the advantage is that because it's not a permanent structure the government can't take it to pay for care costs if needed. Maybe worth considering

Good idea, but I believe some (most?) sites have a maximum caravan age, after which they force you to upgrade.
To be honest, yours sounds a bit like the voice of arrogance rather than reason.

I've paid into the tax system for the last 40+ years, and will continue to do so through my pension and therefore any work I might pick up. Did anybody ask me if was OK to have kids they couldn't afford to keep without state help? No. And they don't need, any more than I need to ask permission from anybody else. Me giving up the house when we no longer need it frees it up for another family, so I don't see the problem.
If you want to see arrogance, read your post! We pay into the system, not only for us, but for those less well off. You sound like you want to screw the system for anything you can get.

In my view, and I guess I am in the minority on this site, maybe externally too, we pay into the system for people who cannot help themselves for whatever reason. We have a duty to live our best lives, caring for those without. To to do something that is going to see you begging off of the state, is not right.

Yes people abuse the system, most do it deliberately. The majority of people don't like to see people shirking and claiming when they can do other things. Not a group I would like to join, but obviously you have no qualms about it.

I won't discuss further with you, we are not going to agree. So it is pointless.
If you want to see arrogance, read your post! We pay into the system, not only for us, but for those less well off. You sound like you want to screw the system for anything you can get.

In my view, and I guess I am in the minority on this site, maybe externally too, we pay into the system for people who cannot help themselves for whatever reason. We have a duty to live our best lives, caring for those without. To to do something that is going to see you begging off of the state, is not right.

Yes people abuse the system, most do it deliberately. The majority of people don't like to see people shirking and claiming when they can do other things. Not a group I would like to join, but obviously you have no qualms about it.

I won't discuss further with you, we are not going to agree. So it is pointless.

I've not (intentionally anyway) given any indication I want to screw the system, and I have no intention of doing so. I did mention pensioner accommodation early on as a blanket term, but have since clarified that I'd be happy with a cheap-and-cheerful bedsit - something I could probably afford out of my pension. But even if I can't that would fall under the "for whatever reason" in your response, unless that only covers reasons you agree with?

But you're correct, I'm never going to agree with your incorrectly-formed opinion about my values and intentions.

But thanks for the good wishes with my plans. It means so much.
I recall the difficulties caused by the children reaching school age. Until then, we were able to go away a lot.

I started working "from home" in the 1990s and although mobile connections were harder, slower and more expensive, we managed.

I recall being on a train from Newcastle to Leeds, watching the twin towers burn in real time using Orange gprs on a free 0800 number to BTInternet. Astonishing how well it worked. Was that 2001?

As far as I was (and still am) concerned, driving the motorhome to a client's site would have been, doing work 'from home' in the van was not using it for business.

Now I'm more retired than I used to be, it's now a matter of fitting stuff round grandchildren's schedules. Not much different.
Not all static sites are restrictive regarding age of caravan. You would need to find a "residential" rather than holiday site though as councils are getting tougher on people having a UK permanent address ( council tax bill) when buying on a holiday. But sure there are some out there you could watch out for while on your travels? You might even be able to rent one at a cheaper cost than a flat.
Good idea, but I believe some (most?) sites have a maximum caravan age, after which they force you to upgrade.
We lived by the sea for a while and never ventured to the beach

Know what you mean,

We are less than 100 yards from the sand dunes, and I think it over 40 years since we went on them.

It is under a mile to a vehicle access to the beach but the only time we go is when the Grandson comes to stay.
Even then it is cycle to the beach, get an ice cream, cycle home.

Aintree racecourse is a 30 minute drive, never been.

Only go on the Ferry 'Cross the Mersey when we have visitors. ( free on our Bus Pass).
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I've not (intentionally anyway) given any indication I want to screw the system, and I have no intention of doing so. I did mention pensioner accommodation early on as a blanket term, but have since clarified that I'd be happy with a cheap-and-cheerful bedsit - something I could probably afford out of my pension. But even if I can't that would fall under the "for whatever reason" in your response, unless that only covers reasons you agree with?

But you're correct, I'm never going to agree with your incorrectly-formed opinion about my values and intentions.

But thanks for the good wishes with my plans. It means so much.

Reading through the thread and catching up....

Rumour did say in an earlier post that he'd been diagnosed with autism?

We had a member on here, sadly no longer with us - Wintonian. There were always constant arguments and disagreements with him about his comments on various topics, and it was only after he died that everyone in here found out from his family that he was autistic - which explained a helluva lot! 🙂

Always remember this forum is "social meedja", albeit a distinctly more civilised form than the big suspects, and it has some longevity and a pretty decent reputation. But it's wise to never forget that non face-to-face electronic posts don't have any of the verbal nuances and other visual advantages that you get when actually conversing with someone in person.

Anyway, there's a load of you who have the concentration span of a gnat and jump in half way through threads without knowing what's previously been discussed and dropping random comments like confetti - I include myself in that statement! 😜:cool:;)

Think if someone came into the pub halfway through a group discussion and jumped in with an opinion without fully understanding what's already been talked about previously. FB, X/Twatter et al have millions - nay billions! - of perfect examples of such tedious nonsense. This post of mine is also a perfect example of tedious nonsense 😆😛

Communication is pretty important in life. It's often hard enough face-to-face; online it can be a damn nightmare!

Anyway, everyone has prejudices and likes/dislikes whoever we are and we constantly make all manner of judgements, decisions and conclusions every single day of our lives. 🤷‍♀️

Just sayin' 😉🙃
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Jeez. Aire, that was a load of tedious nonsense lol

Why not just say everyone has opinions and they don’t have to be the same 😂😂

🤣 🤣 🤣 (y) 😘🤗

Reading through the thread and catching up....

Rumour did say in an earlier post that he'd been diagnosed with autism?

Meaning what? That we should make allowances, and allow ourselves to be misquoted and misrepresented just so that someone doesn't get upset?

The end result of that - as in the real world - it that everybody ends up too scared to say anything for fear of reprisals.

I've not been formally diagnosed with autism, but I've been told by various people who have that I'm at least borderline with aspergers. Which looking back over the last 50yrs also explains a lot.

I never set out to offend anybody, but always own my words. I will defend myself and/or take any flack I get from them. I won't hide behind a label.
To be honest I don't see a problem here. The OP is looking to leave rented accommodation to live in a motorhome so if that doesn't work out through health problems the authorities will not see him homeless, otherwise you would see countless homeless immigrants on the streets!

An elderly chap who drinks in one of my locals moved out of rented accommodation and onto a boat. His health suffered badly last year and it was deemed that it was unsafe for him to do so anymore. His Doctor referred him to the powers that be and he is now in a flat in a warden supervised building (no not a prison!) along with other elderly, sick people. He pays rent out of his state pension.

If however the OP just wants accommodation because he didn't enjoy the lifestyle any longer then that's a different matter, but I think he has already stated that he will cross that bridge when he comes to it?

Let's face it, he's probably in no different a situation to quite a few full timers on this forum.

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