Old Age After Full Timing

I think the point is to make "enough and a bit more" rather than using up too much of the remaing time working to build up tens of thousands in the bank.

Exactly! It's finding that right balance. It took me about ten years. šŸ˜‚ No really.

What you want is high rate low hours and infrequent. Even better if you can get a retainer just for servicing something. Chances are you won't have to do anything for months. If you can do the work in your own time and not suddenly have to drop everything when your half way up and Alp or sat in the pub getting hammered even better. šŸ˜

Something you *might* need to think of ..... if you use your motorhome for business/work - and that could include working IN it - and it is >3.5t, things start to get 'interesting' in terms of Operator Licenses, official maintenance schedules, maybe a Tacho, and a whole load of nonsense like that. Is it a realistic threat you will encounter? probably not, but it IS an official requirement you could be challenged on.
(3.5t or less and you can ignore all the above ;) )

This is one reason why I don't generally travel to any customers in my >3.5t Motorhome to do any work. Too risk-averse :)

Damn it! Only just increased my van from 3300 to 3650. šŸ˜©

Who would police/administer the things you mentioned?
Nobody!!! Even if some busybody comes along and says "Are you working in that van?" (never going to happen), just take the laptop outside onto a deck chair and say "No!" :D
very likely the above is the case. But .... sods law!

I think the only way likely to get caught is if carrying goods to fit/sell.
A computer can be there for any reason. Everyman and his cat has a computer nowadays.
very likely the above is the case. But .... sods law!

I think the only way likely to get caught is if carrying goods to fit/sell.
A computer can be there for any reason. Everyman and his cat has a computer nowadays.

yeah I Reckon if your a builder or a sparky driving to jobs in your van its a different story with a load of bricks in the back and cables and parking on building sites etc. You could argue that a writer writing a book in a motorhome is working really I suppose.
yeah I Reckon if your a builder or a sparky driving to jobs in your van its a different story with a load of bricks in the back and cables and parking on building sites etc. You could argue that a writer writing a book in a motorhome is working really I suppose.
I guess in a way it is like with home insurance, where you have to state if you are running a business in the premises and have customers visiting, but they specifically ignore if doing clerical work - the typical "WFH - Working From Home" situation? Can't see doing that from a MH would be any different really?

I was a "remote worker" for nigh on 20 years and could have done my work anywhere. At that time sadly 1) data comms were not what they are now so was tied to a fixed line and 2) didn't have a motorhome anyway. But if I still had those jobs now I would not think twice about travelling around whether on holiday or 'at work'. I remember one of the guys used to phone in to the various conference calls from his holiday flat in Spain.
I guess in a way it is like with home insurance, where you have to state if you are running a business in the premises and have customers visiting, but they specifically ignore if doing clerical work - the typical "WFH - Working From Home" situation? Can't see doing that from a MH would be any different really?

I was a "remote worker" for nigh on 20 years and could have done my work anywhere. At that time sadly 1) data comms were not what they are now so was tied to a fixed line and 2) didn't have a motorhome anyway. But if I still had those jobs now I would not think twice about travelling around whether on holiday or 'at work'. I remember one of the guys used to phone in to the various conference calls from his holiday flat in Spain.

LoL! Blimey! its certainly got easier. I Can remember back in 2008/9 when we first started travelling trying to find internet Cafes etc just to check emails or do support. Then I got a Swiss military Repeat it USB Wifi antenna and can remember riding around France on the odd occasion on the scooter with a laptop trying to find a bloody SFR Fon internet connection outside peoples houses so I could get online and do some support if I couldnt get a signal from the van. :D
When I bought this van I asked the insurance company about possible business use and they said pretty much the same - it woukd be classed as working from home. I never got that in writing though, so will still ask them agaon when the time comes.
Others like who? Those paid for through years as a taxpayer? Proper friends and family would have no objection to helping out.

I agree not having any plan at all would be short sighted, but the plans of all sorts of people go wrong on a daily basis, and they all need help in different ways.
Yes, like the tax payer who has to foot your bill. Those whose house/accommodation you have taken because you become a priority case. But I agree that in every day life things go wrong, but as I see it, you are intentionally putting yourself at risk of being a burden when there is no need. Yes, family and friends may help out, but how? Would family let you move in and would you want to? How far will friends go to help? Money, accommodation?

Yes it is great to get out there and explore, especially if you have remote working capability, but the future becomes shaky in the event of illness, breakdowns and dare I say it, if someone hits your van and maybe writes it off. So many variables that can be avoided, Yours seems to be the voice of dreams, always better in your head. But it is your life, your risk and I guess you will do it. So best of luck, I hope it all works for you. (Voice of reason signing off. ) (y)
I'm so sorry that you seem to prepared to forego dreams and aspirations
Well, if you are going to post memes, maybe get ones that are real? Not something made up by Greg down the road and added to a picture unrelated to the words.

And who said I am prepared to forgo dreams and aspirations? Where did I type that? I just challenged fake news!
Well, if you are going to post memes, maybe get ones that are real? Not something made up by Greg down the road and added to a picture unrelated to the words.

And who said I am prepared to forgo dreams and aspirations? Where did I type that? I just challenged fake news!
fake news? do you mean 'alternative facts'? :D

(just to quote Sean Spicer. sorry, not bothered to look for a meme)
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream." Mark Twain

Well, if you are going to post memes, maybe get ones that are real? Not something made up by Greg down the road and added to a picture unrelated to the words.

Columbia University was my source for attributing the quote to Mark Twain.

Link to Columbia University web page https://www.columbia.edu/~ey2172/tw...nse: the ability to,away from the safe harbor.

What is your source for saying it should be attributed to "Greg down the road" ?
Yeah, great meme. BUT.. Firstly, Mark Twain never wrote it and second? It is not for the real world. All very well as a dream, but no place in reality, unless wealthy.

It doesn't matter who wrote it, its still a great quote. Dreams and aspirations are something I am sure most people have however ill bet that 99% of us have your outlook and don't ever go for it and realise them. I started off a bit sceptical at the OP's ideas but then I Remembered that it wasnt a million miles away from what we did way back in 2008 in our early 40s and what many people I know in the motorhome world have done and as far as I know none of them were super wealthy. Reminds my of my two friends Catherine and Chris (The world is our Lobster). They started motorhoming around the same time as we did and were about the same age. They ended up packing in good jobs and spent several years visiting every single country in Europe including Russia and Iceland. What an adventure and ours pale into insignificance in comparison.

Am I glad I got off the Hamster wheel at such a young age and enjoyed all those adventures when I was fit and healthy? You bet I am as Im fooked now! Imagine never doing all that because I felt it was too risky or just not what people do. I would go to my grave wondering what it would have been like and full of regret no doubt.
It doesn't matter who wrote it, its still a great quote. Dreams and aspirations are something I am sure most people have however ill bet that 99% of us have your outlook and don't ever go for it and realise them. I started off a bit sceptical at the OP's ideas but then I Remembered that it wasnt a million miles away from what we did way back in 2008 in our early 40s and what many people I know in the motorhome world have done and as far as I know none of them were super wealthy. Reminds my of my two friends Catherine and Chris (The world is our Lobster). They started motorhoming around the same time as we did and were about the same age. They ended up packing in good jobs and spent several years visiting every single country in Europe including Russia and Iceland. What an adventure and ours pale into insignificance in comparison.

Am I glad I got off the Hamster wheel at such a young age and enjoyed all those adventures when I was fit and healthy? You bet I am as Im fooked now! Imagine never doing all that because I felt it was too risky or just not what people do. I would go to my grave wondering what it would have been like and full of regret no doubt.
as 'they' say (and I have no idea who 'they' are or were) .... no one has on their gravestone "I wish I spent more time in the office"
Columbia University was my source for attributing the quote to Mark Twain.

Link to Columbia University web page https://www.columbia.edu/~ey2172/twain.html#:~:text=Common sense: the ability to,away from the safe harbor.

What is your source for saying it should be attributed to "Greg down the road" ?
The heart of the problem seems to be that people have a sedate and steady life (as that seems to most to be the way forward for some stability and earning a living). When they get to, or near retirement they get the urge to do something different. Well you cocked it up folks. You need to live your life when you are younger, get out there, do things that you want to do instead of wishing you had done them when you were young and fit. The problem is, you left it too late. :(
It doesn't matter who wrote it, its still a great quote. Dreams and aspirations are something I am sure most people have however ill bet that 99% of us have your outlook and don't ever go for it and realise them.
But my "make-up" won't allow me to pass by when something is quoted and is attributed to the wrong person. I do try and bite my tongue, but sometimes I have to type! Miss-quotes are put out to try and give more weight to an opinion. "Oh, if it was said by Mark Twain, it must be true".

As for being a great quote? Yep! It can stand alone, without the need for embellishments. As for me being one of the 99%? I guess you could be right, but I tend to be risk averse where I can be, again, part of my make-up. But I have forced myself out of that box at times and have started and run two companies and done some pretty (what I call) stupid things.

But where I can avoid things further down the line that may make things difficult, I avoid them. Full timing is one of those. After all, it is great to be able to go off in the van for extended periods, but the magic goes after four months and I can't wait to get home. Familiarity dulls the experience We lived by the sea for a while and never ventured to the beach, it was there! It was a constant, so it became much like an park. Now we moved away again, we love the trips to the beach. Go figure!

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