Old Age After Full Timing

I'll be 60 in April, and expect to give up our rented property to go full time in my mortorhome within the next year or two.

Hopefully I'll be able to physically and (just about) financially maintain that lifestyle for a good few years, but I'm wondering if there's a 'normal' path from mobile life back into bricks and mortar.

Other than hopefully being on state pension by then, my only asset at that point will likely be the motorhome, which will obviously have depreciated somewhat, probably to somewhere around £10-12k.

Are there any difficulties around applying for pensioner accommodation etc after full timing?
Nearly impossible to get accommodation as you are seeking now,so in a few years NO CHANCE Many folks have fallen into this trap , sold everything gone full time and lived to regret it never BURN YOUR BOATS is my advice , even those who sold their Homes and invested the money are finding that inflation and interest rates on mortgages have rocketed and can no longer afford to buy again .

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