Old Age After Full Timing

Another councillor in our village owns most of the land around here and had plans for a development of several thousand houses. He was sacked from the council for not declaring this but then reinstated a couple of years later.

I believe that the development will be going ahead.
Reinstated or reelected?
North Shropshire, between Shrewsbury and Stoke.
Very interesting thread,
I too am 60 now and have an old converted (rust bucket) Transit. 2008, with everything in it.
I was thinking the same, but everyone keeps telling me what a stupid idea it is.., I want to do something before I cant do anything...
Have to got any further with this venture. Do you know of any meets/get togethers with other like minded that could offer advice or discuss further?
I am in the Hull area.
I am now 71 and have gradually spend longer and longer in the van each year. At the stage where I am at least 10 months in the van, would be completely full time but Mrs doesn’t want to do it so I keep going back to the house.
Don’t worry about what happens if just do it. Nobody knows if they will still be here tomorrow
I'd have to think deeply about full timing, the idea seems a bit romantic to me, and it's not for everyone, or just had a sample having 6 weeks in france which was great, I'd have stayed longer but Liz has kids and she still likes them so home we go until we can get away again.

But real full timing needs a big commitment, good health and a van big enough and good enough to last the duration, enough money to repair or replace when it goes bad on you, not many of us has all that so it becomes quite a compromise.

I like to travel, not sit around, I'd find that mind numbingly boring, so not a cheap option for me, I'd need to fill the tank at least twice a week at least.
I'd have to think deeply about full timing, the idea seems a bit romantic to me, and it's not for everyone, or just had a sample having 6 weeks in france which was great, I'd have stayed longer but Liz has kids and she still likes them so home we go until we can get away again.

But real full timing needs a big commitment, good health and a van big enough and good enough to last the duration, enough money to repair or replace when it goes bad on you, not many of us has all that so it becomes quite a compromise.

I like to travel, not sit around, I'd find that mind numbingly boring, so not a cheap option for me, I'd need to fill the tank at least twice a week at least.
Filling the tank twice a week, you must still think you are delivery driving. Time to chill 😂😂
Do you think Leeds to Dover then Hastings then up to Bradford in one day regularly with ar least two fill ups, two a week will bother me
We were ft when covid hit the uk....
That was very difficult with no one wanting us near them and all places closed...12 months wasn't good
It was awful that. I remember it well. Rozzers in Derbyshire I think clashing with full timers. People being literally run out of the Lake District in the middle of the night.
It was awful that. I remember it well. Rozzers in Derbyshire I think clashing with full timers. People being literally run out of the Lake District in the middle of the night.
Are you referring to the Mam Tor people Barry, if so that was grossly over stated.

I was in my van all that time in Derbyshire and I did get one visit from a policewoman passing in a car. She just checked I was ok then never stopped again. I am not a lover of some of our police actions at times either but as I say no problem where I was.
Are you referring to the Mam Tor people Barry, if so that was grossly over stated.

I was in my van all that time in Derbyshire and I did get one visit from a policewoman passing in a car. She just checked I was ok then never stopped again. I am not a lover of some of our police actions at times either but as I say no problem where I was.

Could be. I just remember seeing stuff on YouTube and in the press. I also did hear first hand from several people who were moved on in the lake District at all hours. I think the Lake District anti everything brigade were probably delighted as it's not been relaxed there since I don't think.
I am now 71 and have gradually spend longer and longer in the van each year. At the stage where I am at least 10 months in the van, would be completely full time but Mrs doesn’t want to do it so I keep going back to the house.
Don’t worry about what happens if just do it. Nobody knows if they will still be here tomorrow
Thanks for the reply, I am still thinking about it. I do have a house to sell which would give me enough for a few years. not worth renting it out as thats my funding.. I just had a week away in my van, 1200 miles with free stopovers..I know its only a week, but it was great. :)
Are you referring to the Mam Tor people Barry, if so that was grossly over stated.

I was in my van all that time in Derbyshire and I did get one visit from a policewoman passing in a car. She just checked I was ok then never stopped again. I am not a lover of some of our police actions at times either but as I say no problem where I was.

There were the 2 women who were fined for meeting up and taking their dogs for a walk I seem to remember?
The fines were squashed later on. It was all a total farce, imho. Lots of petty officialdom where power rapidly went to the brains of some folk and killed any sensible grey cells.

You could party 'til the cows came home at No 10 though, different rules apparently... 🥳🍾🍷🍸🥂😉 :cool:
Thanks for the reply, I am still thinking about it. I do have a house to sell which would give me enough for a few years. not worth renting it out as thats my funding.. I just had a week away in my van, 1200 miles with free stopovers..I know its only a week, but it was great. :)

1200 miles in a week! 😁 One thing you will save money on if you suddenly find yourself long terming or full timing is diesel. Last summer over a five month trip I think the van only did 1500 miles but we did way more than that on the scooter. Once you have an indefinite amount of time you (well we) tend to do way less moving about.
HI, what type of places do you stop at then? do you use registered sites /CL's? I think I was trying to cram a lot in and went up to Scotland and back..
biggest issue for me was waste disposal, especially using free sites.. I need to plan that better.
Just looked at how we are doing.


1200 miles in a week! 😁 One thing you will save money on if you suddenly find yourself long terming or full timing is diesel. Last summer over a five month trip I think the van only did 1500 miles but we did way more than that on the scooter. Once you have an indefinite amount of time you (well we) tend to do way less moving about.
You need to do a few weeks or months before committing I think at least.
Just looked at how we are doing.

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You need to do a few weeks or months before committing I think at least.
As I said up thread a decade or so I really wanted to do it and I guess that with us touring for most of the year including some winter trips we weren't far off doing it anyway. Now I don't regret not doing it. We pretty much did all we wanted to do for as long as we wanted over the past 16 years anyway. Glad I did it all when I was younger and fitter though. Now I like the idea of being at home for half the year at least.
Do you think Leeds to Dover then Hastings then up to Bradford in one day regularly with ar least two fill ups, two a week will bother me
Kev you go on holiday journeys, that’s different to living in the van instead of a house. Well it is unless you have lots of funding behind you. I do it on my state pension so definitely not 2 fills a week lol
As I said up thread a decade or so I really wanted to do it and I guess that with us touring for most of the year including some winter trips we weren't far off doing it anyway. Now I don't regret not doing it. We pretty much did all we wanted to do for as long as we wanted over the past 16 years anyway. Glad I did it all when I was younger and fitter though. Now I like the idea of being at home for half the year at least.
Winter away would suit me but not parked up, I hate being at home.

But France even down south we only got two really nice days the screen was misty almost every day.

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