No parking for us.

I think that these restrictions come about because a very small minority of motorhome and campervan users will abuse a parking area by setting up furniture, starting fires or running generators. Other users are less likely to do these things.
It is very unfortunate that the vast majority of motorhome and campervan users suffer inconvenience because of this small minority.

I do agree 2cv, but then I have seen others behaving poorly in carparks, and they are not discriminated against the way we are. Let’s face it we are an easy misunderstood target who show no resistance, some even accepting this. That’s what it all comes down to, plain and simple.
I live near the south downs and noticed changes to car parks over the years. I have been up to Jack and Jill a couple of times for a walk and a scenic cup of tea. There is a height barrier so I park in the horse box space, but I decided to query it.
This the answer:

"Following receipt of your on-line form, I asked the Parks and Open Spaces Team for their response to the query you raised. They told me that the sign does not include motor homes, as they are not allowed to park in the Jack and Jill Windmill Car Park."

That means cars are ok and great big horse boxes are too, but no one in a motor home, even during the day!!!
I have written to complain that it is discrimination and prevents me accessing the countryside. I am pretty sure the next car park at Ditchling beacon also has a height barrier.
England definitely doesn't welcome motor homes.

You could always ask "why". The answer will be interesting and could lead to you arguing, if yoiu had a mind to, against their reasoning.

It is almost impssible to have these bans overturned but the wonder is that sometimes it does happen.
I cannot agree more.
But unfortunately we are the authors of our own demise Gregg.
You will find that not everyone on here agrees with your comments.
Yes there are a small minority of idiots, and others who simply due to inexperience simply don’t know better. But to discriminate against all is not called for, and grossly unjust and unfair.

This is true. We are too ready to believe coucil hype that we deserve discimination because of the actions of a few. This is the sort of argument that says it's ok to hang ten if two are guilty and overturns our long held tradition adn belief that is is better that ten guilty go free than one innocent is punished.

It is the truth, and I know it's the truth because I've used the FoI to find out, that there is no public outrage avbout us; that there are vanishingly small numbers of complainst about us and yet we continue to feel guilty about our chosen way of holidaying.

Those who do campaign against individual discriminatory orders find a lack of support from motorhomers using all manner of excuses. " I've seen such things happen." "I know a resident who doesn't llike us." "I wouldn't be seen dead in (insert relevant place)" and so on.

We do not support those who try to help. As I said earlier, it is something of a wonder that sometimes arguments are successful.
Never yet once seen a motorhomer wind down his window & throw a bashful of McDonalds wrappings all over a carpark, yet we are always the ones who get banned. I always make a point of picking up any rubbish I see when I park up somewhere even tho it is never mine, yet the authorities dislike me, the young scroats(& sometimes not so young...) who throw it all over are welcomed with open arms. Like you say, if we don't kick against it we lose. "All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing...."😕
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This is true. We are too ready to believe coucil hype that we deserve discimination because of the actions of a few. This is the sort of argument that says it's ok to hang ten if two are guilty and overturns our long held tradition adn belief that is is better that ten guilty go free than one innocent is punished.

It is the truth, and I know it's the truth because I've used the FoI to find out, that there is no public outrage avbout us; that there are vanishingly small numbers of complainst about us and yet we continue to feel guilty about our chosen way of holidaying.

Those who do campaign against individual discriminatory orders find a lack of support from motorhomers using all manner of excuses. " I've seen such things happen." "I know a resident who doesn't llike us." "I wouldn't be seen dead in (insert relevant place)" and so on.

We do not support those who try to help. As I said earlier, it is something of a wonder that sometimes arguments are successful.

Well we are all entitled to our opinions on here, my views are no better than anyone else's.
Quite frankly give me a remote location with stunning views and nearby hills to ascend, or coastal walks anytime.
But I do also enjoy visiting small towns sometimes and thats were the problems lie.
Generally speaking things are ok up here in Scotland, but there are over zealous councils here also.
Yes I find it strange when some take the side of the councils, but if thats their opinion then so be it.
If I was 20 years younger I would consider trying to form a body to represent us.
Thats what we need, someone to speak for us, and represent our case.
But I am in the winter of my life now and don't wish such a burden.
Barriers and signage are not was is required, some joined up thinking from those in authority is so rarely found.
I prefer wilder locations too, but sometimes have the need to enter the concrete jungle,(supplies etc) & barriers etc don't just get closed at night. Many places can't even be accessed for an hours shopping etc now. Very annoying somerimes even when I don't wish to stay overnight. Not even allowed to park while I give the local economy my money, what other group of people would let that happen to them without a fight?...
I prefer wilder locations too, but sometimes have the need to enter the concrete jungle,(supplies etc) & barriers etc don't just get closed at night. Many places can't even be accessed for an hours shopping etc now. Very annoying somerimes even when I don't wish to stay overnight. Not even allowed to park while I give the local economy my money, what other group of people would let that happen to them without a fight?...

I cannot think of any of hand.
We contribute billions to our economy, and yet are treated so poorly.
Although I don't think all these height barriers are fair I would at least expect to see a warning about them before you get into a position that is dangerous to get out of.
I inadvertently got caught in a one way system which ended in a quayside car park. The only way out was under an arch plastered in height warning signs! My only other option was to go back against the one way traffic but a nearby shopkeeper assured me I would get under the arch - he'd seen me double checking my height with a tape measure! He kindly went in front and beckoned me through. Tight but I made it without a scratch.
Off course it’s discrimination, and it’s time that this was taken up.
But we have no one working on our behalf.
As from September 1 you have to pay £2135 in road tax then £460 a year for the next five years. The politicians are more than willing to take our money, then discriminate against us.

Dont then buy new motorhome simples!!!

all joking aside yes we need someone to club together and complain to all the councils who descriminate against us as we have paid in all our lives to enjoy our older years but in UK it seems the Motorhome owner is the scum of the country (thats how they make us feel)by stopping us using places where the young boy racer with the mcdonalds wrappers out the window is welcomed with open arms
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Dont then buy new motorhome simples!!!

all joking aside yes we need someone to club together and complain to all the councils who descriminate against us as we have paid in all our lives to enjoy our older years but in UK it seems the Motorhome owner is the scum of the country (thats how they make us feel)by stopping us using places where the young boy racer with the mcdonalds wrappers out the window is welcomed with open arms
With the full support of some motorhome users Micky. That’s what is really sad. We are quick to blame ourselves, yet what does that say about us. To me it shows that we are considerate of others, not as some would have you believe.
Thanks for all your views. I was outraged to be prevented from enjoying the countryside like every one else, and I wasn't even thinking of overnight.
I have written back to both the council and the South Downs authority. No response so far.
I agree it would be nice to have a body that speaks for us but otherwise it behooves all of us to write and point out these unfair practices whenever we can. The more complaints the better.
It is a surprising response considering the explosion of motor home purchases, and even if they want us to stay in proper camp places at night what about during the day?
If only we had the excellent allowance of the Spanish who let you park in any car park and sleep overnight if you want.
I live near the south downs and noticed changes to car parks over the years. I have been up to Jack and Jill a couple of times for a walk and a scenic cup of tea. There is a height barrier so I park in the horse box space, but I decided to query it.
This the answer:

"Following receipt of your on-line form, I asked the Parks and Open Spaces Team for their response to the query you raised. They told me that the sign does not include motor homes, as they are not allowed to park in the Jack and Jill Windmill Car Park."

That means cars are ok and great big horse boxes are too, but no one in a motor home, even during the day!!!
I have written to complain that it is discrimination and prevents me accessing the countryside. I am pretty sure the next car park at Ditchling beacon also has a height barrier.
England definitely doesn't welcome motor homes.
Ditchling beacon has a gate closed at night also no overnight sign
Thanks for all your views. I was outraged to be prevented from enjoying the countryside like every one else, and I wasn't even thinking of overnight.
I have written back to both the council and the South Downs authority. No response so far.
I agree it would be nice to have a body that speaks for us but otherwise it behooves all of us to write and point out these unfair practices whenever we can. The more complaints the better.
It is a surprising response considering the explosion of motor home purchases, and even if they want us to stay in proper camp places at night what about during the day?
If only we had the excellent allowance of the Spanish who let you park in any car park and sleep overnight if you want.

Yes writing to politicians and councils as I have done is useful.
But a body acting on our behalf, and who validates it’s members is what is required. If we don’t get organised things will only get worse for urban parking.
“motorhomes leave any site in nearly as bad a state as nearly every gypsy site they move away from”. And this stereotyping is exactly how it happens!!!!😳😡😢
Current thinking and action is to discourage not encourage use of private vehicles, and realistically
those used almost exclusively for leisure purposes are not likely to be given special
favourable consideration, quite the reverse is more likely. And lets face it, caravans and
motorhomes haven't the most sublime image in the eyes of joe public, many of which
would prefer us to disappear, and definitely wish us to clear out of public
spaces (particularly crowded carparks) even if paying for 2 spaces.

Sorry, but it appears to me that the truth is, that swannng around in vans will become an
activity of the past, and sooner rather than later.
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Although I find it frustrating that so many towns have a put up all sorts of obstacles to stop us parking I can see the point in some cases. Here in Portsmouth I have seen travellers move onto a car park because the height barrier had been left open to allow a bin lorry in early the next morning, and the Common is regularly taken over despite boulders and gates. On the other hand we were in the West Midlands earlier this year and wanted to see the Back to Backs in Birmingham and Coventry Cathedral. I emailed both Councils in advance explaining this and that we had a dog so couldn't leave it and use public transport. Both Councils quickly responded by giving us permission to use a truck and bus park close to the centre. The moral, I suppose, is that we shouldn't knock all Councils when only a few are sinners.
It goes beyond what you are all thinking here. There are two large groups (most of us are members of one or the other) who actively work to get us stopped from overnighting unless on a proper camp site. These groups represent us at all levels. The easy way to do this is restrict us from parking, it may add the cost of height restrictions but that it, one off. Gates or moveable barriers need someone to open and close them, that’s an ongoing cost which isn’t wanted (why do you think so many bins have been removed.)

If you read other forums and Facebook sites you will see that the majority of owners will never dream of stopping anywhere except a campsite. Once on the site they use a bus, cycle, walk, taxi, hire car, toad to visit places. They are horrified that some people would dream of cooking in their expensive toys never mind using the toilet. Okay the last bit is maybe the minority but they exist lol

I know one or two people here do strive to get things changed but the majority of us do not want to get involved, it’s the same in every sector. We want change but we want someone else to make it happen. I am not having a go at anyone here I put myself in that group.
Current thinking and action is to discourage not encourage use of private vehicles, and realistically
those used almost exclusively for leisure purposes are not likely to be given special
favourable consideration, quite the reverse is more likely. And lets face it, caravans and
motorhomes haven't the most sublime image in the eyes of joe public, many of which
would prefer us to disappear, and definitely wish us to clear out of public
spaces (particularly crowded carparks) even if paying for 2 spaces.

Sorry, but it appears to me that the truth is, that swannng around in vans will become an
activity of the past, and sooner rather than later.

I mostly agree with you - I've thought often that the golden age of our sort of motorhoming is over but not about the attitude, generally, of the public. Plenty of whingers but they're always with us and the only anecdotal evidence we have is of the - "I was talking to this guy down the pub last night, and he said ...". Useful, but ... well, it's one thing to whinge in the pub and quite another to find good reason for prejudice.

As a group, we are anxious to believe itis true that we are resented – but it isn't, we aren't. Or, at least, there is no hard evidence of it. Quite the opposite in fact; the only reliable judgement of public antagonism is the number of complaints authority receives about us. FoI requests show time after time that there are vanishingly small numbers of complaints about us.

And this is true even when councils say there have been large numbers of complaints. Pressed to show them (FoI) – there are none. Lincolnshire for example said there were over 200 about motorhome overnighting at Huttoft Car Terrace. There were none. There were about 25 parking complaintsd for Lincolnshire entire and none of those 25 were about motorhomes.

Councillor Louise (I forget her name and the name of her council, it'll come to me if I need it) for her council said 90% of motorhomes left “effluence” behind when they left and the public was outraged. There were no complaints and the public was solidly in favour of motorhomes judging by the comments in the newpaper article reporting it.

Keswick (in the Press) reported large numbers of complaints and the newspaper printed a photograph of the litter we left behind at Portinscale. There were no complaints and (at the request of one of our memebers here) the newspaper admitted that the picture was a fake; that it was taken from “stock” and was not of the area used by motorhomes.

And I could go on. A very few times councils have been persuaded to (continue to) permit overnight parking (Fleetwood most recently, Noth Devcon years ago - and a few more) so their lies can sometimes backfire but usually councils have made their decisions and then looked for reasons for them. Bye -laws in East Lothian and Aberdeen not approved by the Scottish Govt because of lack of evidence of their assertions of complaints from the pubnlic. Qute a few more examples which don't trip off my mind right now.

We do need an organisation to talk on our behalf and I might be able to shed a little light on this some other time. We did have a couple and both had some success.

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