Right, so I've gone right back to the start of the thread and read all the way through.
I have now made a complete backtrack as I believe I've committed the cardinal sin of jumping into the middle of a thread without getting the full context - hardly surprising when so many other regular jokers on here are bantering away as usual - including me, guilty as charged!
Rolyan is spot on about some motorhomers (albeit a minority) shooting themselves (and the rest of us!) in the foot and why councils the length and breadth have been struggling to cope with the huge increase in motorhome/campervan traffic in nearly all of the scenic UK honeypots, and as a motorhomer who always tries to abide by the (mostly unwritten) rules and basic common decency I do understand exactly where he is coming from.
The world has changed immensely since the pandemic and this has thrown up a myriad of problems, one of which is the increased uptake of motorhoming/campervanning as a pastime amongst the general population and the ensuing increase in "staycations" (helped along nicely by a good dose of ****** and the new overseas travel restrictions).
This increase in congestion has naturally caused problems, mostly because it happened very quickly and without warning (pandemic) and the UK was never at the forefront in the provision of aires (understatement of the year!) to begin with - nor, I believe, will it ever be; at least in the short term.
The majority of the bad (selfish?) behaviour is probably down to newbies (educated guess?) acquiring campers and mohos for the very first time, together with an attendant increase in demand for Moho rentals from those who don't, or can't, go the whole hog and buy one. Put that alongside the myriad of specially made TV programs over the last 5 years, i.e. various odds and sods of celebrities etc. being invited to make self-indulgent campervan and motorhome trips around the UK, presenting this rosy, "lifestyle" image, and they have automatically publicised the "delights" of Moho ownership to a much wider audience, ergo more people wanting to take up the pastime. Then you've got social media on top, especially YouTube, with the various "van lifers", "van builders" blah, blah, ad infinitem, and the current situation with tourist hotspots being overrun with campers should come as no surprise to any of us.
And yes, we - or at least myself - dislike any kind of selfish behaviour (I don't just restrict my opinions on selfishness to motorhome park ups, btw!).
And yes, I also fully understand that councils have way bigger problems to address than a bunch of disgruntled motorhomers. I can see all sides of the argument, but there is little we can do about it other than to try and find workarounds in the face of ignorance (and never forget financial constraints!) on both sides of the fence.
It's a sad situation, but like so many other things in life it is so often the result of selfishness and ignorance, in this instance also aligned with a big dose of social and economic change right across the board.
OK, I've put me scarf round me gob now (are you there
@Nabsim?!). Relief all round!